In need of a little help, patient eyes

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    I tried to type this up this morning, when the feeling moved me so… but due to work activities and various interruptions, all my hard work was lost after an internet time-out. I, feeling rather embarrassed, assumed it was for the best and simply pushed it away. But it is gnawing at my insides like corrosive material used in suicides. At the suggestion for gumption from eaglefeathers, here it goes:
    First a disclaimer then on to the main point, I am not trying to be whiney or a crybaby or attention-seeker. I am simply someone in an emotional mess who would like the advice from folks who have been in my shoes, or just a different perspective from any walk of life. Maybe something will come about that will help… That’s all I’m hoping for.
    My life is “good,” better than most, not as good as others. Got a great job, got a functional car, and a supportive family. But a key part of my life, the most important in my opinion, is falling apart and leaving me broken. My marriage is a disaster. It’s a two-person show and we’ve both failed each other. In more ways than I can count. The emotional and tangible have been damaged both physically and metaphorically. It has been ripped to shreds too many times to repair; the trust is gone, the faith is gone, the love is gone. Our arguments escalate quickly, and violently, and end up with one of us penalized beyond the extent of the crime.
    We have bills as we all do, but things keep happening to make these bills worse. Things that would not have occurred had had either of us kept control. I.E. I threw my diamond ring into the LCD TV monitor, putting a pixel-sized chip in it. He acts more physically and puts knuckles through doors. Never have I actually felt my life threatened, I know in my heart he is not capable of it… plus, it’s always my fault that we have these arguments. And so, by having these arguments we break, damage, ruin things that cost money to repair…
    I’m considering many extreme and permanent options to alleviate my quandary. Lowering my standard for quality of life and selling all of my excessive accessory baubles and things would certainly pull me up from the bottom of debt. $10,000 in “shiny things.” Another consideration is divorce, which would put me further into debt but would eventually keep me safe and sane. I’d like to believe I am capable of recovering from the failure of a two-year marriage. But in reality, I’m afraid it would ruin me completely. Which is the last permanent option that I mildly entertain now, but may feel overly pulled towards later… suicide. It’s a horrible, irrational though brought on by routine depression and uncontrollable fits of anguish.
    I have since come to terms with an undiagnosed version of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder brought on by the unexpected and shocking death of my mother. Though it was two years ago, my pain has not lessened. Not that I expected it to, but it has created an aspect of my emotions leading to angry outbursts and uncontrollable crying. Certain things trigger my explosions and very few things diminish it. When they happen, my husband has a terrible way of going completely into oblivious mode. When I cry, he simply holds me until it “goes way” but when I’m angry… he provokes more fire with his defensive attitude. I can forgive him for not knowing how to help me, but I cannot understand why he has no desire to. There was a short time between fits when it was brought up and we talked about it, determined what was happening, and things calmed down. Life was better, we were happy… but then I made a foolish mistake of good intentions. I am currently in the middle of a project with thousands of my family’s old photographs. Once can imagine how well this went over. Memories after memories flooding back bringing waves of pain and loss. I thought I was handling it well, and even finished organizing piles… but … considering the situation I’m in now, I’m going to have to say it has gotten it’s hold on me.
    The terrible thing about finding a counselor is that by the time you need one, you can’t get in for an appointment; and when you can get in the crisis has passed. Life is back to normal and you feel you don’t need to interrupt your pacified life for something that costs so much money. And so it was with me. Here I again need desperately guidance and psychotherapy and it’s just too late. Things have been broken- the damage has been done. And I just don’t know what to do. I am afraid of the future. I am afraid to go home. I am afraid to be alone and what I might do to myself if I am.
    Here I Am
    I leave these pages of failure and disarray in your eyes because I have no one else. I’m sorry for leaning on you guys and I hope many of you can understand … I don’t intend to gain sympathy, just answers. If there are no answers, then at least I have this pain out of my stomach so I may heal.
    Thank you,



    MY first thoughts are, it is never too late as long as you are willing to try.

    Second, regardless of whether you think you need it still or not, you need to see a counselor or therapist, together and separately.

    Your emotional problems aren’t going to go away by changing your partner, environment, or financial situation. They will still be there, and since those are the heart of a good portion of the issues at hand, I think you need to work towards finding a therapist you trust who can help you deal with them.

    Your husband is at a loss, he doesn’t know what to do to help you, so he vacilitates. Which just makes you feel more isolated and alone, but the thing is, he isn’t a therapist. He can love and support you, but he can’t help you figure out the whys behind what is going on with you emotionally, a good therapist can, and will also help you learn how to cope.

    I know there are several very good therapists where you are, I would talk to a suicide line and get the numbers of the ones most recommended by those folks, after talking to them a bit about how you are feeling right now. They should be able to help you find a way to cope with things long enough to get to professional help.

    If you must sell your baubles, sell them for a good cause, to fund your therapy so you can be a happier healthier you. But if you can avoid it, save that as a last resort, because they are a therapy all their own.

    I’m sorry to hear you are going through a rough patch, I hope you can find a way to work through it, either together as a couple, or separately, whichever is the best thing for you. You can rebuild your relationship, but it wil take time, there is no overnight fix, but if the two of you really want it, then it is possible, so don’t give up on it just yet.

    In closing, I just want to let you know you can write me privately, or even call me on the phone if you need to, I will send you my # in a PM. You’re not alone, and you will get through this, even if it doesn’t seem like it now. *hugs*



    Safyre, alot of us have been through tough times, some worse than others. I have been very close to where you are, if not there proper. Still am at times. If you need anything, PM me. I do have a friendly ear. 🙂
    We are here for you though. Don’t sell anything yet… 😯
    My Windstones always bring a smile to my face. Some have good memories attatched to them, and some sad. But they are marks of time on the script of my life. 😀

    **Sends warm fuzzy hugs your way**


    Jamie, you’re not the only one that feels like this. There was a time in my life that I had no self-worth and saw no reason to be alive. Several years later, I’m still here. 🙂 And last year I discovered a father I didn’t know I had and found two sisters that I never thought I’d ever find (we’d been separated for nearly 30 years). So, there are things in the future that you can’t miss. You just have to take it one step at a time.

    Kyrin has lots of good advice. The only thing I might add is to check with your doctor/gynecologist to check your hormone levels. Most of my worst crying times were hormone related.

    As for your guy, I’m sure he wishes he could help. Most guys don’t think emotionally like we do, so he’s probably at a loss as how to help. Like Kryin said, find a professional to talk to, even if by the time you get to see them, you ‘feel fine’. You need an outside perspective to help you see what the problems might be and help you find solutions.



    Kyrin wrote:

    MY first thoughts are, it is never too late as long as you are willing to try.

    Second, regardless of whether you think you need it still or not, you need to see a counselor or therapist, together and separately.

    Your emotional problems aren’t going to go away by changing your partner, environment, or financial situation. They will still be there, and since those are the heart of a good portion of the issues at hand, I think you need to work towards finding a therapist you trust who can help you deal with them.

    Your husband is at a loss, he doesn’t know what to do to help you, so he vacilitates. Which just makes you feel more isolated and alone, but the thing is, he isn’t a therapist. He can love and support you, but he can’t help you figure out the whys behind what is going on with you emotionally, a good therapist can, and will also help you learn how to cope.

    I know there are several very good therapists where you are, I would talk to a suicide line and get the numbers of the ones most recommended by those folks, after talking to them a bit about how you are feeling right now. They should be able to help you find a way to cope with things long enough to get to professional help.

    If you must sell your baubles, sell them for a good cause, to fund your therapy so you can be a happier healthier you. But if you can avoid it, save that as a last resort, because they are a therapy all their own.

    I’m sorry to hear you are going through a rough patch, I hope you can find a way to work through it, either together as a couple, or separately, whichever is the best thing for you. You can rebuild your relationship, but it wil take time, there is no overnight fix, but if the two of you really want it, then it is possible, so don’t give up on it just yet.

    In closing, I just want to let you know you can write me privately, or even call me on the phone if you need to, I will send you my # in a PM. You’re not alone, and you will get through this, even if it doesn’t seem like it now. *hugs*


    She said it, exactly what I was thinking!!!! Great Advice!!!!


      HAND IN THERE! In time things will work out. No matter HOW you feel at the moment, find help. Your life is wonderful, loving, and one of a kind…

      Kyrin brings up several good points.

      YOU CAN MAKE IT THROUGH THIS! If you have made it this far you CAN go futher! I have faith.

      My life wasn’t perfect…
      When I was 4 months pregenet my husband cheated on me with a so called friend… I didn’t want to accept it even though all the signs were there…

      6 weeks before the due date he tells me that we are getting a divorce… *HOLY CRAP! I am about to be a single mother of two, one a new born and I haven’t worked in a FEW years, WHAT AM I GOING TO DO?*

      I call that so called friend up and she comes over while I talk to the soon to be ex husband… after “being there” she leaves, when she left I ask her when she comes back to please bring me a gallon of Milk… I give her the money for it… LATER her husband comes over with the milk stateing that she is in the bath tub crying saying that SHE can’t deal with it… guilt maybe?

      I had our second daughter and he is happy go lucky… I pull everything out of him a week after her birth. Outside he says loudly *Loud enough the neighbors go inside* “AND YES, I do NOT love you any more!” 🙁 ( I wrote a poem about that moment in my life, I might post it someday)….

      That next night I go into the hospital with high blood pressure 221/170 *YES I am still here to talk about it* I had high blood pressure for at least 3 months after that.

      We divoeced 2 years after that… I lived on my own with my girls for 4 years, working a crappy job with crappy pay… but I made it.

      My mother passed away this year… 🙁 I watched her fade away in so many ways before she passed. 🙁 That in itself is hard, but I deal with it and keep going.

      Head up! Chin up! 🙂



        Hang in there. I’ve been through hell in the last few years and there is a bright light at the end of it.

        1 – Call a suicide line, keep the number handy to the phone. Hopefully they can help you get in to see the counsellor you need ASAP.
        2 – At least get on the list for the counsellor. You’ll never get in and get the help that you need if you don’t get on the list. Let the people at the counsellors know that this is an emergency. Even if you don’t think you need it by the time you can get in, still go. I know from experiance that these feelings and problems don’t go away on their own
        3 – Find something to make YOU happy everyday, it doesn’t have to be big, infact the best happy moments are small. This is for you, to help YOU get through things.
        4 – Go to the doctor. The moodiness and crying spells sound almost exactly like the ones I had. Ask him/her about depresssion. I wouldn’t be surprised if you’re sufering through that too.

        Kyrin has some good advice too

        Finally, I’ve been there. Attempted suicide and all. You CAN survive with help. Even if it’s just a friend online, that’s how I got through alot. And never think that you don’t deserve the help, you do. Please, Please, Please feel free to PM me if you want to talk, I’d never ignore you
        *Sending lots of warm hugs*


          I agree, counseling is a good idea. Also, a failed marriage can make anyone feel like a failure and nothing we tell you will make that feeling go away. I have been thru a divorce after a 2 year marriage, so I know. All I can say is that if you are not happy, its time to move on. Maybe then you can concentrate on the feelings for your mother. The holidays make things even harder. I hope you have someone there who you can talk to… if not, call the hotline as stated above. They are trained to listen. We are all here to help.. if you want to talk or want advice, feel free to ask.


            Everyone gave you really good advice.

            My relationship is sound, and has been for the past 16 years. The thing that makes it work is openness, honesty and communication. Never let things simmer, come out with them as soon as they come up. I don’t know if you can start doing this… it might help a little.

            Oh, and saying that your fights are your fault all the time? Are you sure? It takes two. Don’t lay all the blame on yourself.

            In the meantime, big, big hugs!

            Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
            I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


              Good point dragonmelody,

              it does take two. It kinda sounds like you are wanting to carry all the weight on your shoulders and you can’t. Believe me I tried… it doesn’t work.

              Ski brings up another good point… the Hoildays do make things harder… I use to love the Holidays then the divorce… *gotta share the girls with my ex* and now my mother isn’t “around” anymore. 🙁 It stinks… BUT it won’t last forever.

              Again, hang in there! You can do this! 🙂



                Everyone has given great advice. Please do see a doctor about depression. I have seasonal depression and winter is always the hardest, but I do have help for it when I can’t handle it on my own. My hubby and I had a really bad patch two years ago. We went to counseling together and seperately and were lucky and blessed enough to be able to work things out. We are still rebuilding. Some days it seems like we’ll never be back to what we had; others it’s great. It’s just a slow proccess but we haven’t given up. That said, it does take two; two to fight and two to work on any problems. You can’t do it by yourself. If the marriage is irretrievably broken then do move on. If there is any hope, even the slightest chance it can be fixed, try for that. Do find something every day that makes you happy and write it down so that on the really bad days you can look at your notes and see that it really isn’t as dark as it seems. Above all, HANG IN THERE. We are here for you. Your life is a bright spot in mine and I would miss you terribly if anything were to happen. Feel free to PM me if you need anything! I’ll PM you with my phone number and PLEASE call if you need to talk. *Sending bear hugs, good thoughts and prayers your way*




                Oh wow….I think you have a lot of good advice from everyone here. I was thinking the same thing, that you should go to a counselor even after the wait of seeing one, and regardless of the money, because this might be the thing that turns your life around. You might find some help that might save your life. God knows how much I don’t want you to give up on life. I wish I had some similar experiences to tell you about, but I don’t. Don’t give up yet! You’re only my age, and there are so many good things that are left for you to experience! I really hope you can find some help which will be very beneficial to you.
                Oh, and don’t give up on your husband either, because I have experienced a little bit of what is going on between you. We haven’t physically fought or anything, but when I get mad, or cry, my husband will just clam up and to me his actions are telling me that he doesn’t care. That isn’t the case though because we have talked about it. I tell him when I am sad or about ready to break, and then I tell him that I need him to hold me. Even when I am mad, I tell him that and the rage seems to go away long enough for me to tell him what is making me mad(and I try to be neutral when I say this because if I’m not he takes it offensively, and then he gets hurt feelings and then arguing.)
                If there is anything I can do for you, let me know!


                  I wish I had something more to add, but I think everyone here has given very good advice. My husband and I went through something very similar, but we ended up separated for around a month…at which point we realized what a poor decision we had made and we got back together. We fought with each other for over 2 years before separating, during which several fists got put through walls. We both screwed up in alot of ways and we’d even started the process of filing for divorce. Going through that miserable time actually made our relationship alot stronger and we’re happier now than we ever were. It can be fixed if you both want it. I hope this works out for you, let us know.


                  Thanks guys… I love you all
                  You all have helped me make it through another night.

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