Home Forums Windstone Editions General Windstone "IMPOSSIBLE TO FIND PEACOCK DRAGON" – oh, ebay

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    emerald212 wrote:

    Other than a couple convaluted sentences, I don’t see anything wrong with this auction.

    Eh, just the tone of the auction in general made me giggle a little. I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with it, perse? just that it’s a more amusing listing than most.


      I bought the peacock Emperor and Empress about the same time as the emerald set and I think I paid $58 each for the four of them but I don’t remember exactly what year that was.


      The thing that gets me about a lot of eBay sales – including this one – is that the seller thinks (or at least claims)they have a signed and dated sculpture when what they are looking at is the copyright stamp. Aargh.


        Yeah. That bugs me too.


        Well I did call it a signature before I came here. We just need to educate people.


        Very impossible to find 🙄 I just sold one here. But, advertising is advertising so I suppose embellishing your description to make it seem more enticing isnt wrong. But I saw the same auction too and laughed since I had one myself- and just sold one- and seen them for sale elsewhere. So, the “impossible to find” part gave me a belly laugh. Rare and difficult to find, OK… but nothing is impossible! well, maybe my finding a black grand unicorn is truly impossible!


          I dissagree.. Most people do not join up with windstone groups to find out how truly rare or common their piece is. For the average windstone owner, finding out how rare their piece is simply consists of searching ebay and different online stores that sell windstones. If that is all you did, you could certainly be led to beleive that a peacock hatching emp is impossible to find. There are no online stores still selling it, and chances are you won’t see it on ebay unless you are a crazed windstone fan (like one of us) who checks ebay at least once every hour for the rest of their life.


            littleironhorse wrote:

            DarkLadyPhoenix wrote:

            I’m wondering what this means:


            here were newer versions(none that were an emporer dragon) that were half the size and not nearly as detailed or nice looking selling for a lot of money.

            What’s half the size of a baby dragon? ❓

            Hatching empeorors (and empresses and kinglets) are actually quite large, about the size of the fledgling, I’m guessing the seller means the hatching dragon.or some of the many knock offs around…


              Pam Thompson wrote:

              I dissagree.. Most people do not join up with windstone groups to find out how truly rare or common their piece is. For the average windstone owner, finding out how rare their piece is simply consists of searching ebay and different online stores that sell windstones. If that is all you did, you could certainly be led to beleive that a peacock hatching emp is impossible to find. There are no online stores still selling it, and chances are you won’t see it on ebay unless you are a crazed windstone fan (like one of us) who checks ebay at least once every hour for the rest of their life.

              I agree. I don’t see anything wrong with this listing. The average person who isn’t checking Ebay religiously probably isn’t going to find this piece for sale and it is no longer available from Windstone dealers. To them, the piece probably was “impossible” to find.

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