
I'm thankful for…

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        The Native Americans who helped the pioneers get through their first winter in a new land. Wado. :yes:

        The human heart. <3

        Planet Earth.

        The night sky.

        The homeless, broken and bruised. They remind us of our frailty, and our obligation to the less fortunate.

        Artists and musicians.

        Our beloved furkids.

        My mom and dad, my fiancé, and every single one of my friends who stand by me, throughout the good times and bad. I love you all tremendously and hope you and your loved ones have a wonderful holiday!

        Happy Thanksgiving everyone. :yes:


        I’m thankful RIGHT NOW for my awesome boss and co-workers. Because of them, I get to spend Christmas Eve with my family for sure (and since it’s 5 hours away from here – it wasn’t a sure thing). I’m so grateful I’m actually crying a little bit. 🙂 I still have to work (of course) but they’re letting me leave at 2:30 if production is still running – so I can be with my family by 7:30 – 8. I may not make much, but I got the BEST FREAKING COWORKERS EVER!

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