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- This topic has 63 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 17 years, 5 months ago by Alyssa.
August 22, 2007 at 5:45 pm #610766
Take care! I hope it all goes smoothly for you! See you when you get back 😀
August 22, 2007 at 7:28 pm #610767Oh, man, moving is such a pain in the butt! 😡 Hope everything works out and you can return to Forum Land soon.
August 22, 2007 at 7:33 pm #610768I just hope that you come back to us safe and everything turns out well.
August 22, 2007 at 9:29 pm #610769Good luck with the move! We’ll be waiting for you to get back!! 😀
August 24, 2007 at 12:38 am #610770UPDATE:
Im only moving in with mom temporarily until the paper work goes through on the new place. Once moved from my current place (which has been moved up even further… I thought being out by Sept 1 was pushing it; mom has locked in the movers for this coming Tuesday 8/28 )! I’ll have access to the forums while at her house BUT, I will not have access to my AOL address that many of you have.Ive designated Boskydragon as my middle person. If there is any majjor reason that you feel you need to get in touch with me, or youre worried about something that you mailed not getting forwarded, contact Bosky for my temp address with mom. Cards and paper mail will be forwarded though Im supposed to give the post office 2 weeks prior notice to moving, for change of address. But how could I? I dont know how that will affect my mail. As for packages- they will NOT forward packages without a fee to me. So, if you have a package in transit right now, I dont know whats going to happen. If you have something that youre mailing me, please contact Boskydragon (or Nambroth but she is UBBER busy with her own move and, well, Windstones) and she will give you mom’s address where I will be for a bit.
I am PETRIFIED that the careful packing Ive done of my Guardian Windstones (and those left to sell) will somehow not make it through this move. I pray so hard that the black pieces Ive FINALLY acquired will not break in transit. I wont even put them in storage; they are going into the second bedroom’s closet at mom’s. Im scared that being packed for so long in this kind of heat (even tho we have AC), will damage them somehow and it has me in a constant state of worry.
If you absolutely must email me, use my Yahoo address which I can access from ANY computer (AOL forces me to access my mail from them from MY computer from MY landline which Im about to lose). So, use this address if you must:
tristans_mademoiselle@yahoo.comIf I cared about it getting hacked or spammed, I wouldnt have put it out there but I never, ever use it. It’s easy enough to delete once I am settled and back to my normal email address. That could be in Sept or October; not sure. If you have my AOL addresses, you either wont get an answer or youll get an automated email that says “Im temporarily away…” etc. Remember that when you send PMs, a notice goes to my email linked to this site so it might bounce back to this site and confuse it. I can try to temporarily change it to the Yahoo one in case anyone clicks my email link.
Last thing Im going to do before I sign off is PM the ppl that I have received payment for certain things and let them know NOT to send anything else through the mail until they hear from me again. If you MUST send me something through the postal mail, again, please contact Boskydragon and she can give you my mom’s address. I have to say this as a DISCLAIMER because of some nutty person Ive dealt with in my past, but, please do not write or call my mom and discuss my health. You may mean well, but she is ultra private and would feel very awkward. Trust me, if something were to happen, Nicole would come here and update you. Please do not involve my mom. I say that not because of you guys, but because of what someone else had done to me and my mom in the past.
Right now it’s back to packing; cant even tell how it’s going. I just know that Im throwing away a lot more stuff that Id be selling on eBay because I cant pack it or move it safely enough (or store it). You all know how harrowing moving can be… but on this time table, with my health AND personality (and Anthony away and Nicole SO busy herself), Im having a very hard time. I feel if I am not packing, Im not making progress… which sadly is interfering with every aspect of my life such as sleeping.
I’ll be back eventually and fill you in more but for now it’s off to PM a couple of ppl that have sent me payments and have merch in the mail. Hope everyone is well and thanks for your support (geez, I souond like Bartles and James)!
Love yas!
PTAugust 24, 2007 at 4:57 am #610771Good luuck and I hope everything survives the move. 🙂
August 24, 2007 at 4:51 pm #610772Oh, I do hope that your Windstones (well everything else as well)do make it. It would be sooo sad to see them break after you have waited so long.
August 31, 2007 at 7:41 am #610773Update:
OK, so Im moved out of my old place and everything I own is either stored in my mom’s garage (including tons o furniture to the rafters) and the pieces that needed climate control (windstone included) are stacked everywhere in closets and the house. Im just waiting out this month to close on the other house.Tonight is the first (well, second really) night that Im out of my old place and hanging at moms. Im exhausted and pulled just about every muscle in my body. Moving stinks and if you dont have to do it- dont. If you have the means, have someone do it for you (I mean pack stuff- not just moving truck ppl).
My largest stress really was getting my cats from one place to the other. Jester, my old B&W epileptic kitty did as I thought and had a seizure when he went into the carrying case but it was relatively short compared to the past. Both he and Phoenix howled to each other the whole 55 mile ride to moms… thank goodness she was driving. They entered her home (with her 2 male cats which are sweethearts) very weary and growling, hissing (odd for my cats even but yanno). Jester remembered after the first night that he had lived at this house for about a year back in 2002. So, he is walking around alright now BUT… he is not going to the bathroom properly.
Cliff notes version: he has a history of urinary blockages and if you know cats, esp. male cats, if this isnt caught quickly, your cat could easily die within 24 hrs. Now, based on ALL the other behavior he exhibits when it’s a true blockage, I can say those traits are missing. He is eating and roaming around with his tail high. Purring and snuggling, etc. His blocks usually consist of him sitting nose to the wall, growling to himself, constantly cleaning his “area”, vomiting and non-stop trips to the potty just to strain for no reason. He IS making frequent trips to the potty with improper results but no other block traits exist. So, for right now, Im going to let it go. In the past I have usually worried too quickly, brought him to the ER only to find out it was all for nothing (and all that money later which I never begrudge my animals). Right now he is holding his own and he was actually the one I thought Id have more trouble with.
Now… Phoenix (the blue cat that use to be in my signature that looked “Windstoned”)… he is having severe displacement issues. He’s never lived anywhere but my old place and he came to me having run away from a chaotic house hold with too many kids and animals. Granted, there are no kids here and my moms cats are placid, but Phoenix is kindnof beside himself. He has been here since Wednesday night. While he is going to the bathroom (though he is straining a bit too), he is absolutely refusing to eat or drink. I can handle him not eating; he can work off his fat stores. But this NO drinking is dangerous. All living things must have water to stay hydrated as we all know. We tried wetting his lips; tried taking a small syringe with water and gently oozing it into his mouth. He reacted like it was lemon juice or something. Like Jester, he is pretty uch just sleeping off his stress.
PHX made his rounds of moms house today and got more comfortable with his surroundings and her cats though he still feels threatened (why, only he knows as they are darlings adn simply want to befriend him but I understand kind of, why he is wanting to keep them at paws length). My biggest concern is the lack of hydration. I know how to check for dehydration and thus far, he is not dehydrated. BUT- if this goes on one more day (of course it HAS to be a weekend 🙄 ), we’ll probably call the vet tomorrow and ask her what we should do. Im hoping it can be something we can wait out or do at home and not have to bring him into this vet and have him put on an IV.
Me? I plan to hybernate for the next fews days- well, as best I can what with worrying about my cats as I do. Thought Id drop by though just to say hello and that I am officially out of my old place and hanging at moms until my new place is ready to occupy, likely late September. If energy allows, I’ll try to be back on here through mom’s computer like I am right now and get back into the swing of things. Right now, my imediate concern is the cats and also trying to regain some strength of my own health as I really pushed it too far and did too much and feel like crud; more so than usual. But dont worry ’bout me; I’ll bounce back. If youre into praying or sending positive energy, do so for my furry felines. They really need it.
Miss you guys and talk to you later! Love yas! Hope everyone is well!
PTAugust 31, 2007 at 10:03 am #610774I will send my good wishes for your pets and tell you what a wise vet told me a long time ago… when the cat is ready to drink, it will drink. Cats will not stop drinking or eating long enough to kill themselves unless there is something else wrong with him. I predict they will be fine. I am glad you got moved! The picture you painted of the cats howling in the car was hilarious! Anyone who has moved with cats will be able to relate 😉
August 31, 2007 at 3:41 pm #610775Yeah. I know that song the cats sing. I had to move mine 80 miles when I got married. 😯
August 31, 2007 at 4:19 pm #610776One of my co workers moved by herself from here to Cali and she said that she would never do that again. She said that she would get rid of a lot more stuff and then she would send the 3 cats on the airplane. She said they were making so much noise that she couldn’t sleep.
I am glad that you are moved to one place and it sounds like everything went well so far. I will send warm fuzzies for your cats and hope they calm down and get better. Definately get some rest.August 31, 2007 at 5:38 pm #610777I hope the kitties settle in all right–and you do too!
August 31, 2007 at 6:21 pm #610778I’m glad they just howled…I had to move one to a new home once, she was adopted and I delivered her. She peed or pooped or puked or caterwauled the whole way…She seemed to take turns on what she’d do next….it was exhausting but we eventually got there just fine and she never had to ride in another car since. I’m glad the move went well. Maybe your kitties are keying into your stress and they’re stressing too, relax and maybe they’ll take their cue from you! You never know, I’m just guessing but it may work…my cat stresses when I’m unhappy, she’s very observant. 🙂
September 1, 2007 at 5:30 am #610779Thanks all for your warm thoughts. Yes, my cats certainly key into my stress and respond accordingly. For the most part Im calmed down (though tired as all get out; and my “Aunt Rose” (if ya know what I mean) is visiting in the WORST way- as she does in April and August) but the cats actions are whats causing me stress now. It’s hard to put on a front but I can do it. However, like you all know, animals are keen observers and they undoubtly sense whatever stress (etc) hormone Im releasing.
We took PHX to the vet today. Save for his initial neuter and front declaw as a baby back in 2003, he has never had to go to the vet’s b/c I home care the cats b/c of Jester’s seizuring in the carrier. Vets say no reason for him to have an extra seizure (2 when traveling- in the car and out of the car) during the yr. So, he has predominantly been home cared for during his annual shots/exam. More than one cat, they all got lumped into the one visit, which included Phoenix. Luckily the vet is close to mom’s (and will be to my new home) and though I didnt see the vet I know, this was her associate and she was wonderful. I LOVE vets that are so obviously in it for the animals and not the money.
Pheeny came out of his carrier and immediately wanted to explore the exam room. She came in and he was fine with her. She gave him a thorough once over and as would be expected, though his bladder wasnt full, he protested a bit vocally when she squeezed his abdomen (hey, I dont like it either)! He was a very, VERY good boy (what aint ya telling me Phoenix?! 😯 ) while getting his temperature taken, which revealed a low grade fever. He was also a good boy when she stuck his booty for a “sample” she could do a fecal floatation. She admitted it did look mucousy but having not eaten anything at all in 2 days now (still not), that wasnt a surprise.
They brought him in the back and I thought he would howl up a storm. After all, when I first got him and he had stayed over in the vets office, they told me how he hadnt shut up for all those days! He was hoarse when I first brought him home in 2003! She did an ultra sound on him and said he was not only quiet, but very cooperative. Now, I know you should never swear for your children 😆 but he simply must have been tuckered out into compliance to even not vocally protest.
More over, when she carried him back into the exam room, his whole tummy was covered in rubbing alcohol and like a human baby, he was so cute laying his head down on hte vet’s shoulder as she carried him in! Never has he done that to anyone. This was definitely defeat and exhaustion from his visit but he was fine otherwise.
While we waited for the results of the floatation, youd figure after all that, PHX would want to scoot back into the carrying case away from prying and poking humans… nope! So, mom & I just let him walk around the exam room and he was into everything… including stepping on the computer keyboard and mouse! He pulled up some menu! Thank goodness he didnt earase any records!
Results came in and revealed a low grade inflammation of unknown origin. He didnt ingest anything so were assuming it’s from stress and having gone off his eating and drinking schedule. I knew from my own hydration tests that he wasnt yet dehydrated and she confirmed this. But I told her what a drinker he is so she decided to give him some subQ liquid. When he came back in the room, he looked like (sp?) Quazimoto, Hunchback of Notre Dame! Looked like a huge hematoma on his shoulder blade where she injected him with fluids- but it quickly dispersed through his body and he came home and had a nice pee.
As for the inflammation, he is on Clavamox (antibiotic) pills 2x a day. I asked for the liquid too cause PHX is NOT like Jester with pills. Jester, b/c of his epilepsy, has been used to getting a birth control size pill (Phenobarbitol) 2x a day and is SUCH an awesome boy, popping his mouth open like a little baby bird. You could give Jesse a pill with one hand, if need be. Pheey… not so much! I figured if we couldnt do the pill, at least we’d have liquid back up. Between me scruffing him and tilting his head back and mom prying his mouth open and expertly popping in his medication, we had a successful day of meds for Phoenix (and I can return the unopened liquid Clavamox). He seems to be perkier and is doing some of his flirtatious moves (rolling over and cooing, etc). We were able to get him to like a little bit of some hairball remedy goop which he usually likes. Small dose though it was, it was at least something to get in his mouth. However, he still hasnt drank or eaten. But, like Ski said and I also believe, self preservation will kick in and he should eat.
But cats mask illness more so than dogs. They wont readily eat or drink like an ill dog would, just to survive. His tummy and such was/is inflammed somewhat, so he doesnt want to put anything in it. Vet said he was likely nauseous too, so why would he want to take anything. Like us, who the heck wants to eat when they feel like hurling or have tummy cramps? Bottomline on PHX though, is his attitude has improved. Vet insisted that he be closed off in one wing of the house, with no contact with my moms cats. Thats only to reduce stress. Until he comes around and starts eating and eliminating normally, he will have our side of the house to himself. Jester, though becoming ever arthritic, can still vault over the stacked doggie gates that we have in a door jam to separate the cats (rather than closing doors; better ventilation and they can still see each other and Jester can come and go as he pleases. PHX doesnt seem interested in trying to jump straight up 3 lengths of doggie gates and over the other side. Jester can (which amazes me now since he is heavier and not as nimble as most cats due to his meds side effects) and we have to watch mom’s Siamese, Luca. He too is no credit to the feline nation in that he is a clutz. But he tries to make that leap to the top of the stacked gates… imagine him getting mostly there, just enough to hook his front paws over the top and then just hang there. Funny sight to see, let me tell ya!
As for Jester… he is eating and drinking fine. He is still a bossy boots and growling at the site of his house mates who ARE his friends- so we dont get why he isnt being as social as he was when he lived with them for a yr in 2002. Granted, were ALL older now. He will not attack though. He’s just vocal and seemingly grumpy around them. My concern is that he isnt using the potty properly; not enough. He is VERY prone to urinary tract blockages but like I said in my original update post above, he isnt yet doing the other behaviors he does when he is truly blocked. However, like Murphy’s Law, now that were going into a weekend and the ER vet is a drive away- THAT would be the time Jester would decide he is actually blocked. He better not! If it werea week day, at least it would be a short drive to the vet (tho he would still have a seizure anyway) for him to be catheterized and urine drained (oh, PHX had that done today just to check his urine and get out whatever was in his bladder; though not a lot, I was very pleased that he was such a good boy when catheterized. In case you dont know, that is not at all a pleasant procedure for a male cat in particular). Jester is usually a good boy with that because he is SO out of it from having a traveling seizure.
Anyway, before this gets way too much longer, I’ll end with this update. Me? Im just trying to rest and catch up on much lost sleep. Not easy due to my worrying about them and no offense to mom, but this pull out couch which had a top air mattress, is horrific for my back and is terrible to sleep on for more than a couple nights. I have to do it for a month but in the end, Im grateful I have an interim place to stay while my house is closing.
Bah! Sorry for such a long post. I hope youre all doing well. I miss you but once Im rested up enough, I’ll be back to jabber more elsewhere here. Hugs to you all and thanks for your support!
XXXSeptember 4, 2007 at 9:12 pm #610780*deleted since it seems to be creating too much controversy to share personal things going on in ones life*
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