Im Moving To Hawaii.

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      Have a safe trip to you and all the pets. I haven’t been to Hawaii for a few years but last time I was there it was gorgeous as always. You’ll love it.


        Have a safe and uneventful trip! I hope everything goes smoothly. πŸ˜€


        Wow! Well, while I can sympathise with you on the moving, it’s hard to feel too bad. Lovely beaches, nice weather….congrats!!


          Have a safe and uneventful flight! Hope you can walk your dogs in Chicago.


            Oh wow! We are packing up to move right now, and I can’t imagine moving to another state or all the way to another country. Good luck Ski! Be sure to post pictures of the flora when you arrive!


              I’ll be sitting here waiting for the latest news!!! πŸ˜€


                Have a safe trip! Hmmm…. I may have to make a trip to Hawaii at some point *ponders* πŸ˜†


                  That’s so cool!
                  I’m sure you’ll love it. What island are you going to be living on?

                  I’m surprised they let you take the rabbit. I’ve hear Hawaii doesn’t like people bringing animals with them. Snakes are a big no-no. I thought rodents of all kinds were off limits as well.

                  Anyway, enjoy Hawaii! Lucky duck!


                    Please go carefully and congrats on the move. Does this get you closer to hubby?

                    twindragonsmum πŸ˜€



                    Have a safe trip! I hope everything goes smoothly.


                      Thanks all!! Well, I am in the hotel and have internet access again. Boy, when they say they will turn off the internet on the first, they sure do mean it. πŸ˜† It was off when I got up this morning. I have been cleaning all day and I am tired. I did get a pick me up… Star snagged me a beagle griffin. I have been waiting for those since I saw the pic in the gallery.

                      Well, the hotel sucks, for those who were interested. I told them I had three people and they gave me one bed. Justin has a little fold out mattress. They assumed it was for a husband and wife when I said three people. I supposed that its natural for someone to assume that, but for someone who is not used to their husband even being around, I didnt even think to stress that I would need two beds. I just assumed they would give them to me. Oh well.

                      Phoenix wrote:

                      That’s so cool!
                      I’m sure you’ll love it. What island are you going to be living on?

                      I’m surprised they let you take the rabbit. I’ve hear Hawaii doesn’t like people bringing animals with them. Snakes are a big no-no. I thought rodents of all kinds were off limits as well.

                      Anyway, enjoy Hawaii! Lucky duck!I will be living on Oahu. They have no problems with folks bringing animals as long as you pay. πŸ™„ Its all a money thing to them over there. Their system is outdated, but if you follow it, you can bring quite a few different animals over there. Rabbits dont even require the import request form like the other livestock. Them, the dogs, and the cats are the only animals exempt.


                      I am sooo jealous – I love Oahu. I have friends who live there – he’s in the navy and on his second tour at Pearl – and I’ve visited them several times. You definitely have to check out Hanauma Bay. It’s my favorite spot on Earth – great snorkling. If you are a strong swimmer definitely go out to the middle of the bay where there are a ton of turtles. Just don’t go all the way to the mouth – there is a strong current called the Molokai Express cause that is where you end up!

                      And you have to get Justin a shave ice – they are so much better than snowcones. If you get ice cream in the bottom they are even better.

                      And carry your local ID everywhere – they have the kamiana rates (not even close on the spelling) which means locals pay less than the tourists.



                        Thanks DDVM πŸ™‚ I have heard about the shave ice. My mother knows the best place to go. I actually have family there (through marriage) so hopefully the locals will like me. πŸ˜† I also heard about the sticker that gets put on the ID. You are the second person to mention that to me so I will have to look into it. I have been snorkling at the bay and fed peas to the fish. I will def be going back!! I am sooooo excited! If only this internet connection could be as excited as me. Its sloooow…

                        Oh, and I guess I will be slightly closer to my hubby but still an ocean away. πŸ˜† He is still in Alabama. He is probably getting starved and beat up as we speak. πŸ˜† Poor guy…


                        They don’t let you feed the fish anymore – turned out the big bully fish were moving in and chasing out the smaller fish. πŸ˜₯ But the good news is that the diversity is MUCH better than it was – lots of pretty fish to swim with! πŸ˜†

                        Glad your mom knows the good places for shave ice – some aren’t as good as others.

                        If you get lonely out there and need visitors…. πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜†


                          Big party in Hawaii at Ski’s place!!!! πŸ˜†

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