I'm alive!

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      Hey everyone-sorry for dropping off the face of the earth for a while. I know there are a few people that have been looking for me and I appologise for not getting with you sooner. Please bear with me and give me a few days/week to get to your message and get you what you need.

      Since the beginning of October, I have been working 2 jobs, 64 hours a week…my “normal” job full time, as well as working at Texas Rennaissance Faire on the weekends! 😀 Some days its fun, some days I just want to go home 5 minutes after I get there. Renn Faire or TRF is about an hour’s drive away from me-the first few weekends I camped there, and since it is in the middle of the woods, I got no cell signal, so the weekends I was sort of off the grid with no computer and a patchy at best, cell phone signal.

      At my “mundane”/day/normal job, my supervisor has moved over to the new warehouse (thankfully-no one liked her) so her job has been split up between myself and my “new” co worker. Last week I literally had no time for lunch even-I’d have to SNEAK away to the kitchen for 2-3 minutes to grab a snack that I could eat at my desk. Staring off into space for a minute was a luxury lol Its nice to be more important and have more responsibility at work but in the previous months, Ive had a lot of down time at work and used that time to get on the forum, answer PMs/emails, and all that other stuff-so since that’s been gone lately, I haven’t been around-and for that I do apologise.

      So between responsibility at home, 2 jobs, trying to build a new relationship with a great new guy, and the rest of life, Ive been too busy to get online-and some days, even too busy to breathe lol I will get around to messages hopefully this week-I’m not *trying* to dissappear, I promise!


        Glad to see you are good and well. Congrats and good luck with the job and the new guy! 🙂


          Please make sure you get your lunch breaks if you are legally required to get them (if you work over x hours at that job in a day). My first job I was denied any breaks and lunches, and it impacted my health very negatively. Not to mention it’s illegal!

          I hope things calm down soon! TRF only goes for a few more week at least…

          Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
          My art: featherdust.com


            I’ve done the real job + ren faire thing. It does keep you busy. I hops it pays well. 🙂

            Glad to hear from you. Silence is a bad thing, it makes us paranoid. 😛 (and if you’re Doctor Who–it wants to kill you.)

            Looking for Blue Fawn Baby Kirin
            Sanguine Oriental Test Paints, kinglet
            Sun Dragon Koi #3


              Ah! I see…life happens!! That’s for sure…I had posted on another thread that I was looking for you, and after reading this message, I feel somewhat reassured that you will look after your side of things.

              And yes…labour laws are in place for a reason. Health and family first…

              I will keep on waiting the days or weeks you need, as long as I know my WS are coming. Drop me a line when you can. You know where to find me.


              Wanted: "Dragon Fruit" Male Dragon ~ "Fire Berry", "Paradise", "Dragon Fruit", "Tie Dye" ~ The brighter, the better!



              “We fled from the silence.”


                Good to hear from you!




                  Glad you’re back.

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