
If you had the opportuinity to do one thing…

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    You took the words out of my mouth. But I do wonder if I’ll be that lucky. 😕


      Well, since I’d rather my son and your youngest brother not see it either, let’s hope we’ll all be lucky. Hope is always there. 😉


        Greater Basilisk wrote:

        Mm, I disagree. Change is complicated, but it happens a lot, and faster and faster, and usually for the worse. Cycle by historical cycle.

        Ah but you forget that a couple hundred years ago you would have been forced to wear a dress, marry when you’re fifteen to a 30 year old, be completely subservient to men…it goes on and on…are you sure everything has changed for the worse? Plus long ago there were no sig automatics.

        I would help but I am just to tired to get out of bed today~
        Engaged to a Weasel


          Greater Basilisk wrote:

          Only one thing? 😆
          That’s a tough one. World peace, in my mind, is an impossibility, even for wishful thinking. I suppose I’d like to go back to the 1860s and give the South the means to defeat the Northerners. That way the States would have stayed away from centralization and this ensuing imperial hegemony. But maybe that would just have prolonged the rise and made for a harder fall.

          So does that also mean that Slavery would still be legal?? It was the south that wanted the Slaves and the North that did not.

          I would wish to find cures for all these horrible diseases, like Cancer and AIDS and to have back all the friends and family they have taken from me.
          Affordable health care would be a very strong 2nd followed by resepcting and taking care of our elders instead of tossing them away when they get to old


          BiPolarBear wrote:

          Greater Basilisk wrote:

          Mm, I disagree. Change is complicated, but it happens a lot, and faster and faster, and usually for the worse. Cycle by historical cycle.

          Ah but you forget that a couple hundred years ago you would have been forced to wear a dress, marry when you’re fifteen to a 30 year old, be completely subservient to men…it goes on and on…are you sure everything has changed for the worse? Plus long ago there were no sig automatics.

          Things go from extreme to extreme. It used to be women acted like women – now there’s feminism, which is the biggest joke men ever played on females. It used to be marriages were arranged. Now it’s acceptable to change partners like bedsheets. There used to be no SIG automatics? Sure. There also used to be no total warfare like we know it now.
          So in the big picture, no, I think things have hardly gotten better. What we have now is what we’re used to, and I’m comfortable with it. But I wouldn’t call it an improvement. It’s just another extreme. Humans have a knack for making the wrong choices 99% of the time.
          And DM, honestly – the War of Northern Aggression was fought over slavery like the issue in Iraq now is democracy. That’s the cover story, and has nothing to do with the real issue.


            In GB’s defense, Lincoln didn’t bring the issue of slavery into the Civil War until later. It was originally a fight over states rights versus national government’s rights.


            You know-I have always wanted the love of money to go away. It’s not possible but I think about it quite often. A lot of bad things happen because of money and it is sickening.


            eaglefeather831 wrote:

            You know-I have always wanted the love of money to go away. It’s not possible but I think about it quite often. A lot of bad things happen because of money and it is sickening.

            I think replicators would go a long way towards solving that problem. 🙂

            Actually, my wish would be to have replicator technology. At least everyone’s eseential needs would be taken care of…and Starbreeze’s wish would be granted…

            For any non-Trekkies: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Replicator_(Star_Trek) (you need to copy and paste the whole link into the browser, including the (Star_Trek) portion which isn’t highlighted)


              Yay!!! Replicators!!! 😀


              Of course, it would be great to have transporters too! 😀


              Thank you, star. Eaglefeather has a good point. And I realized I didn’t finish one of my sentences, which I will remedy now. Sorry about that. It was late and I was leaving early next morning. Sort of rushed. 😳


                Eliminate child abuse. Where I grew up in a family where children were considered possesions I’ve never found anything that offends me more. 😡


                eaglefeather831 wrote:

                You know-I have always wanted the love of money to go away. It’s not possible but I think about it quite often. A lot of bad things happen because of money and it is sickening.

                I agree with you on that. I hate money for that very reason. I would like things to be traded and that is one of the reasons why I like the Flea Market.



                mimitrek Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 8:16 pm Post subject:

                I think replicators would go a long way towards solving that problem.
                When I first saw this I thought you meant stargate SG-1 replicators and I was thinking, “no….bad…” 😆


                boskydragon wrote:


                mimitrek Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 8:16 pm Post subject:

                I think replicators would go a long way towards solving that problem.
                When I first saw this I thought you meant stargate SG-1 replicators and I was thinking, “no….bad…” 😆
                Hmm…yes…I definitely like the Star Trek replicators better… 😆

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