If you could have any job in the world, what would it be?

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    What low-kill/high-kill mean? With low-kill you save whatever can still hang onto life?


    Greater Basilisk wrote:

    What low-kill/high-kill mean? With low-kill you save whatever can still hang onto life?

    I think “low kill” is another term for “no kill”, which is used by a lot of shelters.

    The San Francisco SPCA is “no kill”, which means that “Animals are euthanized only if they are too sick to be rehabilitated, or too aggressive to be safely placed in a home.”

    By the way, the SF SPCA has an exceptional adoption center, thanks to a $7 million donation from the CEO of Peoplesoft.


      pipsxlch wrote:

      I always wanted to be an astronaut when I was a kid. oh well.

      My bf says he wants to be an astronaut. I think he is serious. He is trying to get into flight school cuz you gotta be a pilot. Maybe he is trying to get away from me… 😛


      What’s his job now, if I may ask? (Just wondering how much aof a change flight school would be for him…)


        Greater Basilisk wrote:

        What’s his job now, if I may ask? (Just wondering how much aof a change flight school would be for him…)

        He is a Blackhawk crewchief/flight platoon sergeant/Flight standardization instructor. He would just be flying in front instead of riding in the back. Nothing he cant handle. Right now he teaches others to crew in the back. He would just rather pilot. Cant say I blame him. The pay is alot better!




        I WANNA BE A MOM!!! really, I would be content to be a stay at home Mom, Kinda old fashioned, but there it is. I guess if we’re talking conventional jobs, I’d want to be a NICU Doctor, I’ve got the smarts, but not the money for medical school.


        You know, recently I wrote down a list of all the things I’d love to do day in and day out. I realized not a SINGLE ONE was a desk job and I think all of them were outside involved with nature- so first choice is “Wildlife Rehabilitator” and second is “Fisheries scientist” or “Park Ranger.”


        Ah, Cheryl, I understand that completely. I’ll be going into professional real estate in order to keep up the family business – and fortune – but I would so much rather be a wildlife ranger or gunsmith or something – anything where I can work with my hands and create something, or be outdoors, or both.

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