Identifying an OOAK Sea Jewel

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  • #503576
    Wampus Dragon

      A few months ago I purchased a Sea Jewel second hand on Ebay. She is signed by you and has ‘Test Paint’ on the bottom. I believe she is OOAK, but I dont know what she was ‘named’ originally. Can you identify her? I didnt get the COA from the seller and my efforts of getting it have produced nothing since the seller wont reply to messages. However, the signature and writing is definitely yours Melody, so I’m not concerned with it being fake or anything…

      She is in this pic on the bottom right hand corner. Copper blonde hair, metallic flesh colored body, pink tail.

      Do you still have the auction photos for this one?


        We might be able to find the info…they are filed by date of sale, do you know the date she was purchased?

        Wampus Dragon

          I have no clue. I’ve even dug back in Windstone Ebay feedback to see if I could find the auction, but couldnt find it. Not to say that I couldnt have missed it, since after about 40 pages, the lines start to blur as I try to read them >.<.

          This was the auction I won back in May.

          Went through their feedback and couldn't find the original purchase. Though they could have used a different name. They sold four sea jewels in May. A normal one, a moonlight, a pearl tea and this OOAK.


            Have you checked with Pegasil? I think she’s the keeper of Ravenheart’s database and may have the info. I didn’t see this one on the database, but she may have just not have posted it yet.
            Good luck!


              I will check when I go into work tonight. I have pics an info filed away for every ebay thing we have ever sold.

              Wampus Dragon

                Thanks Pam. Let me know what you find. I know ebay pieces seem to be sold in ‘batches’ as one thing is cast at a time. If thats the case, then the other sea jewels in the ravynheart database were all sold between july 09 and november 09. That might give you a time frame to check, if by chance this one was sold around the same time…


                  Well, I take that back about having info on everything… There are no pictures on file for this mermaid, and no letter of authenticity saved either! My collection of letters goes all the way back to 2005 when we first started selling ebay items. We have printed copies of every auction also, but I could not find the printed copies of the 2005 and 2006 auctions. My best guess is that she was sold in 2005 or 2006, and a COA was either not made or accidentally deleted from the computer. Another possibility is that she was a gift from Melody to someone, and not one of our official ebay things.

                  Wampus Dragon

                    Does Melody remember ever painting a pink mermaid? O.o I know I slogged through Ebay feedback all the way down to 2007 when the auction titles started being listed for the first time. Didnt find a thing. Maybe it was a gift?

                    Does anyone know who lancexenos is?

                    Wampus Dragon

                      If you can find an email address, that would be optimal. Please PM it to me if you do.


                        It could easily have been a gift. I do remember that there were a lot of test paints done of the mermaid while her color was being worked out (I saw a bunch of the left-overs while we were packing in California). Melody could have given one to a friend or to one of the people who worked for us.


                          This has turned into a very interesting mystery!

                          Wampus Dragon

                            Her box just says ‘Sea Jewel OOAK Test Paint’ written in sharpie. So I could see it being one of those test paints you mentioned. I emailed the seller since the Ebay message system doesnt seem to be working. I’ll see what he says.


                              I believe I know who the seller is. >.> *PMs it to you*


                                I remember this one! It definitely was painted by Melody. If my memory serves me, I don’t think this one was an ebay piece, but one that was given to Frozendragon. If I have time tomorrow after work, I’ll see if I can dig around in the old forum entries for it. If it was one just given, it may not have had an official name (and hence, no COA). I remember Frozen also had one whose boobs were painte… ahem… slightly lopsided. *lol* I think that may have been a different one though. I remember he posted a picture about that one next to another one he had (he had more than one).

                                Wampus Dragon

                                  Hmm, I think the mystery is sorta solved. I dont know for sure that Lance is FD. But that is definitely the Sea Jewel that shows up in frozendragon’s photobucket gallery… like in this pic…

                                  So it used to be frozendragons?

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