Ideas for new color name

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      I hope I summed it up correctly, but I was limited with the number of options. I selfishly added Turquoise.

      Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
      I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


        Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
        I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


          Hmmmm…I will have to think about this one. Im not diggin any of those.


          Well, I go for Viridian. Of course.


            My choice isn’t on the list so I can’t vote. 😉

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              I’m not super excited about any particular name but aquamarine is kind of nice. Maybe a name will grow on me.

              Missing is Aurora and there was mention of Empphire.


              Dude, we are so agreeing, aren’t we. 😀


                Nambroth wrote:

                My choice isn’t on the list so I can’t vote. 😉

                Neither is mine


                  I had put in everything, but the thingy told me I had too many options! My poll sucks. I think we’re going to need to narrow it down more, then poll again.

                  Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
                  I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


                  If I might; and I’m not trying to be offensive or nasty here– The problem with names like Viridian, or Aurora (I’m using a few that I’ve read in recent threads– it is NOT picking on them and them alone) is that while a fan might LIKE the names like that, the average person shopping for a dragon or whatever for a family member is not going to take a leap and order a “viridian” whatever, unless the shopowner has that in stock and out there so the person can point and go “OOO, they’ll love that really neat blue-green rainbowish one”.

                  It’s not a need to dumb anything down, it’s a need to make a name a shopkeeper can offer as descriptive of the item if they don’t have one in stock and have the customer SEE it in their mind and want to order it.

                  Heck, I’ve worked with setting up ads and photoshop and the like and if my better half came in asking if I’d like an “ocean” dragon I’d think either pale seafoam, or a deep green and say no. If she came in and asked if I’d like a viridian anything, I’d prolly say no as well, as I’m not sure the color this pops into my mind is one I’d want to look at on a 200 + dollar luxury item. However, if she came in and said it was dark turquoise (spelled wrong, I’m sure; being lazt and dyslexic means speeling eeerors -g-) or any of the non fantastic names (fantastic being ones like aurora, ocean, water, etc) I’d see the color without thinking about it.

                  Since Windstone wants to sell not only to the few who frequent this forum, but to the folks in malls, and shops, and to the internet which doesn’t post EVERY color, sometimes just posting the color NAME, having a simple to mentally identify name seems kinda to make sense.

                  Just my two cents.


                    well one of my ideas was there. I did not see it the first time.
                    I’m really starting ot favor Torquoise. I had thought of it the day I was at the factory but for some reason at the time is did not seem right but it’s growing on me. I have always liked Aqua Marine also though.
                    Oh Melody why did you have to ask US to try to name it?? You know we will never all agree!!


                      dragonmedley wrote:

                      I had put in everything, but the thingy told me I had too many options! My poll sucks. I think we’re going to need to narrow it down more, then poll again.

                      Your poll is just fine. 😀 We are just never gonna agree on this until someone has an ephiphany and comes up with a super special name that is customer friendly and catchy.


                        skigod377 wrote:

                        dragonmedley wrote:

                        I had put in everything, but the thingy told me I had too many options! My poll sucks. I think we’re going to need to narrow it down more, then poll again.

                        Your poll is just fine. 😀 We are just never gonna agree on this until someone has an ephiphany and comes up with a super special name that is customer friendly and catchy.
                        This is very true


                          Viridian sounds very elegant and definitely Windstone-like.

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