Iceland joining the game :)

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  • #603983

    Nicely done! I really love the color variations on both pieces – they’re unusual but go well go together.


      Very nice! 😀


      I wasn’t brave enough to antique my first (or second), but the trick is to do it now if you’re going to, because you’ll get used to the way they look not antiqued, and then you’ll freak a bit if you antique later (not that I know from experience 🙄 ).
      Either way, good job & keep having fun!


        Very nice! I like the feathers! If you want to antique one area, but not another (maybe I misread… it’s late and I should be in bed), one thing you could do is use the masking fluid to cover that area. You could pick the color to antique you like best. Antiquing could also be a lighter color, if you wanted that sort of effect (Arlla did a Kirin that had black scales, but white antiquing.. I’m sure there are others). I know I try to do a small area at a time and I use my fingers to rub off the antiquing. It works better than a sponge or papertowel to keep what you want removed of the antiquing while keeping it in the grooves. Some areas I don’t antique at all (depending on the effect – like white, if I want that angelic/pure look).


          I say F**K, I was antiquing my Muse and the dragon and some of the Muse’s Paint peeled off 😡 so now it has white dots 🙁 but now the dragon look fierce and fine 🙂


            One thing that will help is to go ahead and add a thin layer of clearcoat before antiquing. It will protect the fragile layers of paint underneath. THen when you finish antiquing go ahead and give it the final clearcoat. 😀 😀 I ruined a few myself!


            Sorry to hear the paint isn’t cooperating, BRoS.


              yeah 😕 so am I ( I’m a catepillar perfectionist, that means if something goes wrong I get mad as a devil and keep working untill either everything looks perfect or somebody has to slap me and say: calm down, then fix)

              But the dragon looks awesome, I think at least, I’ll put one final picture after clearcoating, the anticue looks like, well antique 😀


                That is one of my favorite muses yet! Good job! 😀


                  why thank you :mrgreen: I am sooo flattered, as soon as I saw the statue of the muse, I thought that it looked like Picasso painted a rooster so I went with the skoffín Idea of being like rooster, since the saga says that the “skoffín” comes from the egg of a dying rooster 😆 funny isn´t it

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