Iceland joining the game :)

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      Hi guys, I am an innocent little girl from Iceland, (don’t beleieve a word I just said) been watching the windstone dragons for a year and a half on ebay, allways loving it, and then I found this store on google, ordered three statues (one curl, ant two PYO) and I sit here and rot while waiting for them to arrive, (STUCK IN CUSTOMS FOR CRYING OUT LOUD) in the meantime I find out that in my home town, witch witholds 12.500 inhabitans and is in the sixth place for most populationed places in iceland, has two stores witch sell acrilic paint, and what, NO retarders whatsoever, the only medium I found, was to make paint stick on candles, so what do I do, my “supplier” tells me to use water to dilute the paint, but I read here that that was unadwisable, so what do I do??



        “Was to make paint stick on candles”? I’m not even sure what to do with that statement 😆
        I am so not the person to answer, but… as for using water to thin, you can, kinda. (Vague enough?) I use water –I spray it on my palette and kinda mix in enough to have a slightly thinner paint, but not so much that I have paint peeling issues. Retarder doesn’t thin the paint so much as slow drying time, but even with retarder, my paint dries pretty fast.


          acrilic paint peels of candles pretty easily, that’s what the medium is for 😆 to make it stick on


            Yes, you can add water, but try not to add more than 1 part water to 4 parts paint, otherwise there is a potential that the paint will peel or otherwise not work real well. Basically, adding too much water breaks down the polymers that hold the acrylic binder in suspension… makes the paint more brittle and likely to flake or not stick well.

            But, a little water is okay for blending or slowing your drying time! 🙂

            Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
            My art:


              thanx, I really appreciate that, so if I blend a colour I would have to store it in a little jar or something like that and take it in little doses to keep the colour similar
              yeah yeah…. I think too much dont I


              I would say that if you mix it and you don’t know how to get that color again, then you could store it in a jar with a lid. I know some people have gotten those watercolor paint holders (pods?) and then just dumped out the paint or used up the color. Don’t forget to post pics when you are done.


                well I have allmost finished my first PYO´s, my muse, wich I call “Skoffín” after an Icelandic mythological figure, truth be told no-one knows if it is the offspring of a cat and a fox, a cat and a rooster or a fox and a rooster, ( it should come out of the roosters egg) but the first is the likeliest,

                How ever do I put a picture in????[/img]


                  BRoS wrote:

                  well I have allmost finished my first PYO´s, my muse, wich I call “Skoffín” after an Icelandic mythological figure, truth be told no-one knows if it is the offspring of a cat and a fox, a cat and a rooster or a fox and a rooster, ( it should come out of the roosters egg) but the first is the likeliest,

                  How ever do I put a picture in????[/img]You have to set up an on line picture album. Go to or and set up an account. You load the pics there and then share with the URLs or the IMGs that they provide. 🙂


                    I use water only…some times using more water then if the acrylic was water color. I almost never use any retarder or any other medium.

                    if you can’t get retarder/decide to go with water..the key is to use some rubber gloves, or the plastic bag your windstone came in to hold it and touch it while you paint. it works just fine for me.


                      thank you guys, now my pictures are coming

                      and my pride my pride, the offspring of the dragons Desert Storm and Aurora Borealis (which should explain the colours) I bring you the Desert Star




                          I agree pretty indeed.


                          Very nice. I like how you have the feathers. It reminds me of a animal print.


                            actually they are like the feathers of a snow owl, and the other colours mostly come from an Icelandic hen breed 🙂 I am wondering if I should antique theese
                            or if that would ruin them, I want them to look more alive

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