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      Um, nope……..April Fools

      What was the best April Fools joke you ever saw or did?

      Silver Fox 77

        Ha! you got me fooled!

        Huh, I need to think of a good April fools joke. 😛


          Well, uncongratulations, then.

          Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
          I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


            My boss had me pretend to be a collector and call her husband (who was a COP) and pretend to be threatening to repossess his truck because the payment was two days late…


              lololol, Thank you dear. 😉

              Kiya- that was mean. 😉


              I met my “practice” husband on April Fools’ Day.

              In Death Valley.

              No, I’m not kidding.

              And yes, it ultimately turned out about how you’d expect from a beginning like that. Never ignore really, really blatant omens. LOL That was an expensive lesson to learn.

              Can’t think of any others at the moment because the memory of that one tends to override the rest, but I know I’ve been involved in a couple. Nothing like Kiya’s though, that’s hysterical!



                4 things I'm looking for:
                1. Mother Meerkat
                2. production color Sitting Young Oriental dragons to be made in more colors besides VF, Brimstone would be awesome!
                3. Female Griffin – Siamese with White
                4. September Raffle Prize 2022 AHD Male Griffin


                  We were horrible practical jokers at that job.

                  We redecorated a male co-worker’s cubicle in all pink on his day off AND turned EVERYTHING upside down.

                  My manager gave me the same co-worker’s password, I took a screen shot of his computer, set that as his wall paper, then hid all his icons so nothing he clicked on all day worked.

                  We pretended to be an awful customer from a couple of years ago calling back and demanding to talk to the guy who had taken care of her before (now a manager in a diff department).

                  We hid one guys keys every day for a week…

                  That’s all that immediately come to mind, but we were bad. 😀


                    Too bad it wasn’t true—we could use some good news here. We can dream can’t we.


                    My boss had me pretend to be a collector and call her husband (who was a COP) and pretend to be threatening to repossess his truck because the payment was two days late…

                    Ahhhhhhhhhhh that is to funny. I think it is hilarious that you guys have so much fun at your job playing jokes as long as you take em as well as you give em!!! To funny Kiya!!!

                    Me personally,

                    Totally mean joke as kids, poured ketchup all over my sister, stuck her under tires of the truck, MOM had small heart attack and chased us around the yard screaming ” That is not funny and you girls are gonna be the death of me!”! 🙂 We were young and I really had no idea what it meant. I have 3 older sisters and they set it all up with us just involved guinea pigs. I was 4 and my sister under truck was 6 and older sisters 7 and 10. I look back and think now as a mom……….I’d kill the little buggers for giving me a freaking heart attack.

                    Oh we also used fake blood and hung a buddy out of the trunk of the car (leg and arm)!!!! Drove around and OH MY GOD did people freak. We lived in the country and did this at a camp ground so not in the middle of a city or anything. It was all people we knew as it is a camp ground we stay at every year all our lives. I feel terrible for the one reaction that we got….I have an aunt that had an anurism years before…..she cannot talk…..she accidentally saw it and was freaking out but had no way to tell anyone. I felt like a heel and so did my sisters. We all apologized profusly and that was the last time we did something like that!! FELT TERRIBLE and realized that jokes like that are maybe NOT TO FUNNY for some people! We were just kids and never even thought of the reactions so I now know as an adult…..BAD JOKES!!!


                    My sister used to say that she wanted one of those Savannah cats as a pet. I always teased her about the logistics of having a “pet cougar” with chihuahuas.

                    One April Fools I sat up a craigslist ad advertising that she was selling Savannah Kittens. She had like 20 emails in one hour! She called me to tell me that someone was using her email to set up a false ad about selling the exotic kittens. It was hard not to laugh. I only let her fret about it for about another 1/2 hour. 🙂


                      I can’t think of any pranks I’ve done as I don’t usually play April’s fools pranks. However Mother Nature decided to play one on us today. Yesterday was a beautiful day with lots of brown out there. Today we got up and it was white. It had started snowing somewhat unexpectedly early this morning and continued most of the day. By suppertime you couldn’t even tell it had snowed. 😛


                        I think the weather this year has been a practical joke on everyone. We’ve had rain, snow, hail, wind storms, lighting, and beautiful, warm, sunny days in the same week out in Oregon…


                        This wasn’t me, but it was the best April Fools joke I’ve ever heard.

                        The wife of one of my co-workers is 8 months pregnant. She woke him up telling him the baby was coming, watched him stagger around the house half dressed trying to get everything together and waited until they were in the car to tell him “April Fools”
                        Then she served him breakfast.



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