
I wish I never knew my "father" (pg 3 for updates)

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      Yup, one step at a time. 😀


      Well, my step-mom (Anita) had a scare today. Anita’s mom came over to their house, and she lectured my dad for something (I’m not sure what), and after she left, my dad stuck his face in Anita’s and threatened her by saying “If your mom ever talks to me like that again, then you and her will get it” (or something to that effect). When he said this he supposedly had “the Hulk” look (as my mom has deemed it) to where the veigns in his neck stick out, he grits his teeth, and his eyes pop out. Later on that day, Anita felt my dad come up behind her and he put his arm around her chest and stuck his hand in the middle of her back as if he were holding a weapon. I’m not sure what was said, but it freaked Anita out enough for her to call her lawyer and get an emergency removal filed, so tomorrow the police will present him with papers and he will be kicked out of the house legally. Anita and my youngest sister, Steph plan on not being in the house when it happens for fear as to how he will react. Tonight, however, Steph and Anita will remain in the house and pretend like nothing is wrong, but at the same time they are having a friend spend the night. I wanted to spend the night too, but since dad has pretty much banned me from the house, I am sure it would have made him upset to see me there.
      Steph called up my mom bawling, which I think is wonderful that she called her up considering that Steph normally never talks to my mom anymore, so I think it might mean that Steph will get re-aquainted with my mom now (my dad used lies and exaggerations to hurt their relationship previously). I told Steph and Anita that I will basically be on-call for them if they need me. Even though I live a half-hour away, I said I’d be there in a heartbeat!

      I am really scared as to what my dad is capable of. The papers will be presented between 1-2pm tomorrow, and so I am nervously waiting to see what will happen. Keep us all in your thoughts and prayers. This man is scary.

      Edited to add that Stephanie has always been a daddy’s girl, but when she talked to mom she said she didn’t think she loved him anymore. She is finally seeing his true nature.


        *hugs tight*! I’ll be thinking of everyone!


          *Big Hugs* I’m glad your sister is finally starting to see your father’s true nature, but sorry it’s happening the way it is. I pray everything goes well for your stepmom and sister.


          ~More Hugs~ I’m sorry that things have been so rough for you all. I will be praying that all goes well for your Step Mom and sister. And for healing in the relationships with your sister, Mom and you.


            I’ll keep my fingers crossed that all goes well. It’s hard to get someone else to move out. It’s easier to leave and hide. Hopefully, he’ll stay away once he’s out.


            As Pegasi said, I’m glad your sister is seeing the truth about your father, but sorry this is the incident that caused it to happen. I’ll be praying for your stepmom and sister’s safety, and for you as well. Be strong. Thank you for the update.


            Sending more *Hugs*. Keep us updated.


              Sending lots of good thoughts your/their way. *hugs*


                GOOD LUCK


                🙁 I hope everything goes well, and your sister can handle the truth.


                I’ll keep my fingers crossed that things go OK and that the rotten bugger realizes that he’s brought all of this on himself. I agree that it’s a good idea that Anita and Stephanie not be present when the papers are served: I wouldn’t trust that dude either. He really is a fool and there’s no telling what he might decide to try next. Is there any way to establish a police guard on the house for a while?


                Barrdwing wrote:

                I’ll keep my fingers crossed that things go OK and that the rotten bugger realizes that he’s brought all of this on himself. I agree that it’s a good idea that Anita and Stephanie not be present when the papers are served: I wouldn’t trust that dude either. He really is a fool and there’s no telling what he might decide to try next. Is there any way to establish a police guard on the house for a while?

                I don’t know, I haven’t thought of that. It’s too late tonight, but I will ask about it.
                The papers were served today, and Stephanie and Anita went over to Anita’s mom’s house. Dad called Steph and asked her what was going on, but Steph didn’t tell him because she didn’t know if she was allowed. He said the deputy claimed it was okay to tell him, but she kept her mouth shut. Then he said that the deputy said it was okay for Steph to bring him his mail. That is all I was told, but I told Steph that we don’t know if he was telling the truth about what the deputy said, and to be on the safe side, I told her that if he wants his mail, she should find someone, like a police officer, to take it to him. From that story I’m assuming that he doesn’t know what is going on exactly. Steph is spending the night at my house tomorrow, and I’ll be glad to have her over! 😀


                If he’s at the house…why would your sister have his mail??

                Glad things are going well so far. I’ll keep my fingers crossed that they continue that way.


                Jasmine wrote:

                If he’s at the house…why would your sister have his mail??

                Glad things are going well so far. I’ll keep my fingers crossed that they continue that way.

                He is kicked out of the house and he’s staying at my oldest sister’s house (I found that out today). My oldest sister (Carrie) still believes his lies.

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