
I wish I never knew my "father" (pg 3 for updates)

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    My dad is the worst person in the world! I didn’t know he could be so terrible! Here are a few things he has done to my mom and us during their divorce, and recently with him calling DHS on my sister (which most of his reports are flat out lies!) *Just for the record, he isn’t my biological father, rather my biological one is scum too because he stole my mom’s money and left when I was a year old.*

    *He lied to my mom’s family and said she does drugs (lie) and they all turned against her for a period of time
    *He obtained illegal custody of my sisters and I by claiming my mom was going to flee with us (lie)
    *When he gets “custody” he drops my sisters and I off at different baby sitters, and we didn’t see him for about a month except for when we get dropped off somewhere else
    *He convinced my sisters and I that our mom was going to hell because of the divorce (he claimed she cheated on him, but even if she did-he had no right to do that)
    *He also said so many lies to us about her that it caused us to also turn against her for quite a while.
    *He went to my grandma while she was in the hospital after having a stroke, that if he gets custody of us girls, then he will sign over custody to her (meaning that he wanted custody of us to hurt my mom, but he didn’t want to care for us so he wants to hand us over to our grandma)
    *Tried to tape record our mom, and tried to get her to say she didn’t love us (suffice to say that never worked because the record light shined through his shirt while he was attempting this)
    *Lied to our church that he had cancer so people would give him money

    *Called DHS on my sister for “neglecting her baby” What happened-her baby was sick and taking meds after going to the doctor, and one morning, my sis had to go to work so she asked my dad to give the meds instead and to wipe off her face because of a crusty nose. He claimed he did when she called to check up on the baby, but in truth he gave the baby the meds hours later after he called DHS and after they investigated so that the baby would have a crusty nose and look horrible.
    *He had my sis sign paperwork to give him “temporary custody ” of the baby, and she didn’t realize what she did until after she signed. By some sheer luck, my sis found out she could recommend who she wants to have custody of the baby, so she recommended our mom. My dad was hoping she wouldn’t know of this, and in fact tried to keep as much of the DHS case a secret from her.
    *Also claimed that my sis was a flee hazard.
    *Anywho-custody went back to my sis, but my dad decided to write a letter to the baby’s father (who is in prison!) to tell him about my sis’s new boyfriend, and that she is moving to Oregon with him (lie), and he gave the baby’s father her new address. We don’t know his motive for this yet, but we speculate he might try to make my sis look bad somehow? We have no idea, but she has been staying far away from the baby’s daddy anyway, and the he even says that in his letter to her. In fact, the baby’s daddy didn’t know where my sis lived until he got her address from my dad! So much for staying away from him, because he knows where she lives now!
    *Today my dad writes me an email stating “Had a nice message from your mother on my cellphone tonight stating that my ADOPTED daughters will never let me see their children again because I’m such a low life (not her words, but that is what she meant). So be it. Do not call me. Do not email me. Do not come to my house when you are in town. Do not write me. Have a nice life!!!”

    I will not email him back, and in fact, I don’t think he knows that I know all of this stuff about him. The problem is is that my youngest sister lives with him and my step-mom, and she is so naive that she has no idea what kind of a person he really is. I still love and talk to my little sis all the time, but I don’t know what will happen now to our relationship. Knowing my dad, he will lie to her and say some mean stuff about me that isn’t true. I hope she doesn’t fall for it.

    It’s funny too because one of the last things my dad said to my mom is that he will make her life a “living hell” as long as she lives, and by doing these things, he sure has succeeded. We are also afraid because he has anger problems, and he owns a gun. We are not assuming the worst, but it has come across our minds. I wish he didn’t know where I lived. My mom is planning on moving in September when her lease is up so that he can’t find her. Kc and I want to move, but we aren’t sure how well our house will sell for because of the market the way it is.

    Mind you, these things are only a small portion of what he has done…there are many others!

    I just needed to vent ever since I got that email. Ugh! Chloe will be better off not knowing he exists!



      Oh ugh! Try to talk to your younger sister and explain to her what kind of a person he is. And your daughter will definately be better off not knowing him.


        Yikes. Hang in there! *hug*


          That’s horrible!
          Just give your mother the support you can and ride it through.
          Be strong!


          I’ve never heard of anyone like that. How horrible. Good that you’re doing all you can to keep him away from your daughter. I hope your younger sister learns the truth about him. I hope you can keep your relationship with her too. I’m sorry about all this. What a thing to deal with!


          Its very sad that there are people out there, who’s only desire is to hurt other people. 🙁


          Bladerunner03 wrote:

          Its very sad that there are people out there, who’s only desire is to hurt other people. 🙁

          I agree. I just can’t understand that someone can derive pleasure in making other people miserable.

          I’m like Kirin: next time I’ll see both my parents, I’ll hug them tight!

          Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
          I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


          dragonmedley wrote:

          Bladerunner03 wrote:

          Its very sad that there are people out there, who’s only desire is to hurt other people. 🙁

          I agree. I just can’t understand that someone can derive pleasure in making other people miserable.

          I’m like Kirin: next time I’ll see both my parents, I’ll hug them tight!

          At least I still have my mom! 🙂 But yes, I do wish that I had a caring and loving father, but I think my father-in-law makes up for it, however, he lives in another state. Yes-hug both parents tightly! 😀


          it seems as though a lot of people became parrents that had no right to be , obviously the generation before forgot how to parrent and it has degenerated to what we have today..parents that get off on hurting thier kids. My father too is a worthless walking stack of crap


          I have no idea what to say. Your dad is a crackpot. Sorry. 😕


          Look at it this way guys, the bad parents we know of, teach us what NOT to do with our own children. As long as we pay attention, cause sometimes when stressed I have observed my roommate backsliding to verbal abuse with the kids, and I have to “remind” him that he is not his mother. And he stops dead.

          We tend to use what we were taught unless we make a conscious effort not to, even when it is something we know was a bad method.

          How many of the parents who have been abusive, manipulative and just plain mean and nasty are perpetuating a tradition without even realizing it?

          It takes work and attention to not repeat the mistakes of the past, the saying that “those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it” is very very true.



          What a terrible person, indeed. One of the few people I’d very much like to define as a monster… I just hope all this will turn out good for your whole family, somehow, and that you’d get rid of such a maggot of a father.
          Strenght to you and your family. Even though the scars he has left in your souls will never heal completely and disappear… May the future grant you fortune eternal.


            Sorry for the off topic post.

            Hey Maripikka what does your signature mean? And is that Arabic?

            إياك وأن يضرب لسانك عنقك


              He sounds like a horrible lowlife and it is probably best to stay away from him if possible, get your younger sis away from him and keep all the grandkids from ever knowing him. Also give your mother what help you kids can to keep him away from her.

              Don’t you ever wonder what could have made him the way he is?

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