I was wondering… Zebra Unicorns

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  • #851424

      Bumping this to thank Jennifer for painting the Zebra male uni. I won him! I’m very excited to receive him soon! I hope that over 900$ is ‘selling well’ because I’d really like to see what the mother and baby will look like!

      Edit: This is also my first Jennifer piece I think? I dont recall any of my other Ebay pieces being from you, Jen.

      I’m so happy you liked him! I’m honored you want to have him in your home. I will be painting the others as I am able! I have a mother and a young that will end up zebras. I don’t have any baby unicorn casts at the moment.

      Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
      My art: featherdust.com

      Wampus Dragon

        YAY! I really love these exotic looking unicorns. I’m glad you took the challenge to paint one!

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