I was wondering… Zebra Unicorns

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  • #845391

      Wonderful! (I think I like him better without his horn).


        I will get him shipped to the Factory soon! They will give him eyes, a horn, and much better photos.

        Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
        My art: featherdust.com


        Wonderful job on those stripes! Looking forward to seeing him on eBay. 🙂

        Wampus Dragon

          Are the mother and baby going to be painted to match him or will he be the only zebra?


            Are the mother and baby going to be painted to match him or will he be the only zebra?

            If he does well enough that he doesn’t cost me money to paint (in the red) then I’d be happy to paint the young and a mother with a zebra pattern. I am thinking of painting the Young like a Grévy’s Zebra, which is endangered, and the mother like a Selous’ Zebra which is critically endangered. The idea being the male with his proud, rearing pose is a more common zebra, where the young is slightly more subdued (endangered) and the mother in her proud yet demure pose would be the species that is almost gone. Maybe it’s a silly idea but I like using art to promote awareness if I have the opportunity to do so.

            Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
            My art: featherdust.com


              I think that’s an awesome idea, Jennifer! 🙂


                How about one of these (with light blue eyes):



                  How about one of these (with light blue eyes):

                  I’d love to do a light one like that! But I only have three unicorns to paint on. Maybe in the future!

                  Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
                  My art: featherdust.com


                    He looks absolutely WONDERFUL! I think he will sell well Nam, it has a nice carousel horse look, which is really appealing. It might be the pose/sculpt with the zebra look that is giving me that impression. The stripes are really nice, I can see some of the dark brown in the blacker stripes, especially on the belly. How was it for you painting the black on white stripes? I came up with a method I think will have a nice affect for natural looking stripes, when I did striped themes for Syn and Wampus, I’ll be trying it out on a Tiger PYO uni I have planned.




                        Are the mother and baby going to be painted to match him or will he be the only zebra?

                        If he does well enough that he doesn’t cost me money to paint (in the red) then I’d be happy to paint the young and a mother with a zebra pattern. I am thinking of painting the Young like a Grévy’s Zebra, which is endangered, and the mother like a Selous’ Zebra which is critically endangered. The idea being the male with his proud, rearing pose is a more common zebra, where the young is slightly more subdued (endangered) and the mother in her proud yet demure pose would be the species that is almost gone. Maybe it’s a silly idea but I like using art to promote awareness if I have the opportunity to do so.

                        Not that it is any of my business but I have been wondering … when you or another “outside” artist paints a piece for Windstone that is sold on ebay, how much of the purchase price goes to you? I hope this is not a politically touchy question – you can ignore it if necessary.


                          Not that it is any of my business but I have been wondering … when you or another “outside” artist paints a piece for Windstone that is sold on ebay, how much of the purchase price goes to you? I hope this is not a politically touchy question – you can ignore it if necessary.

                          I don’t think I’m allowed to discuss that! I can say it’s shared. 🙂

                          Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
                          My art: featherdust.com


                            WOW wow wow! He is goooorgeous, Jenn! I love the way you did his stripes. I love your idea of which species to put on which sculpt too. If they sell REALLY well, and you paint another one, Windstone could donate a portion of the sale to a charity that works to protect those lovely zebras. You could also try the pattern on a PYO unicorn since you only have 3 unis to paint on.


                              WOW wow wow! He is goooorgeous, Jenn! I love the way you did his stripes. I love your idea of which species to put on which sculpt too. If they sell REALLY well, and you paint another one, Windstone could donate a portion of the sale to a charity that works to protect those lovely zebras. You could also try the pattern on a PYO unicorn since you only have 3 unis to paint on.

                              If they sell really well, I’d be happy to donate some of my portion! 🙂 It’s my crazy hippie idea anyhow. I just don’t want to advertise that I will donate some of it because it matters how well it does if I can afford to or not.

                              Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
                              My art: featherdust.com

                              Wampus Dragon

                                Bumping this to thank Jennifer for painting the Zebra male uni. I won him! I’m very excited to receive him soon! I hope that over 900$ is ‘selling well’ because I’d really like to see what the mother and baby will look like!

                                Edit: This is also my first Jennifer piece I think? I dont recall any of my other Ebay pieces being from you, Jen.

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