
I was told not to post but I'm going to anyway

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    Glad he is doing better. I need posts from him…He always makes me laugh, even when I am in a dark mood. πŸ˜›
    My uncle and Grandfather had Crohn’s…Does he suffer from it too? πŸ˜• If so, it is a nasty thing to deal with, but he’s lucky to have you to love him…(Besides I don’t think he can really hate you. πŸ˜‰ ) Tell him I said to, “Get better! N STOP hatin’!” πŸ˜† πŸ˜†

    P.S. That hospital SUCKS!!! 😑 πŸ˜›


      No he doesn’t have Chrons what he has is a blockage caused by his cystic fibrosis. Because his body creates too much mucous it builds up in places (like the small intestine) and can cause alot of problems. The only part of him that doesn’t have excess mucous is his lungs since they don’t have the defective gene. He has these obstructions every once in awhile but he can usually take care of them at home.


      I hate how that hospital is treating him! There has to be another hospital you two can go to for future situations. I hope he will be better very soon! *hugs*


      I hope so too! He will continue to be in my prayers!


      I can’t believe the hospital treated you guys like that! That’s ridiculous, all it woulda’ve taken was a phone call or two. Poor Danny, that’s just awful about the throwing up, that’s a terrible feeling even with a basin, I can’t imagine how bad it was for him. I hope that he recovers quickly though, despite the hospital’s shoddy treatment. How are you and Alyssa holding up?


        ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh poor him!!!! geez, i worried so much of the night when i first read that post- you both have been so through so much; you guys are not allowed to have anymore problems with his health, nope, sorry, not allowed no way. nope! πŸ™ >.<
        glad to hear he’s doing better now though, phew!! i hope that’s truly official.
        thats totally inexcusable the way he was treated- some professional institution!! i don’t know how someone can see someone is unwell and needing help and just not care!!! if not from your own sense of humanity, try the fact that its your job to help!!! freekin duh! grrr! anyhoo, at least he is feeling better, thats what counts, but still it doesn’t make being treated poorly and left to suffer any more excusable. thats hat we were worried about when i was down with my tooth anesthetic thing- we were worried about getting that same wonky “care” and paying extra for it. blah. you guys take it easy and keep feeling better! (hugs) πŸ™‚


        Thanks all , im home feeling good with no hint of being sick( cheer or Boo as desired πŸ˜› ) except for the 10 holes that i got poked in me by people who are supposed to be Phlibotimists , one kinda looks like cthe top of a golf ball on my Forearm.

        They treated me like a piece of crap in the ER i personally pissed off two docs to the point of them not wanting to treat me . The first was a intern who would do nothing but stand by the call box and listen for Tramas then run off to that department for 2 hours at a streach. I then vomited all over my self , i call out to the nurses station for an emises basion but they were too busy watch Hopkins 24/7 on YouTube .The second was a doc who came in with a bason after the wife of the guy in the next room ran to the nurses station grabbing some one up. He comes in after im done and asks “do you need one of these” in cocky tone rolling his eyes holding a bason , i replied ” i sure would have needed one five minutes ago fat a@*” , that was the end of him I puked so much that i submerged my phone in it , the phone then began to smoke so i had to remove the battery ..later i put it back in to have it heat up like crazy on me , so i figure its dead need a new one.

        The one thing they did do in the ER was put in an NG tube (a tube that goes up your nose and into your stomache) . They tried to put it in with no numbing and that didnt work ..i once again summoned the demons of vomit after them. The third time the nurse shoved it down my nose she tore a gash on the inside wall of my nostril so much so that i had a bloody nose for 3 hours and it went in my stomache making me puke up blood .

        Finally my CF doc got me up stairs ( since the ER wouldnt tell them i was there my mother got some phone rage) and i got some kinda wired enima thing . Its done under a live Xray so i could watch my colon Girate when the contrast fluid and salt water hit it .. i love watching my innards work. The procedure itself wasnt bad but the apperatus that well.. violated me looked like somthing that you would see at an adult party , fleash toned and all ..reminded me of a certain garden animal prodct that eats carrots if you get the drift.But hell it worked and in 20 minutes 2 days of pain vanished , my CF doc sums up the pain like this ” at first you fear the pain will kill you, then after a few minutes of the constriction you fear that you wont die”

        So im home my arms all bruised and my throat is sore like a really bad post nasal drip . With all that i did go to my CF Great Strides walk tonight ..and a pickle burned the back of my throat πŸ™„ .. but i did win an Orioles signed picture with a certificate of authentisity … shame i dont know who he is πŸ˜†


        I glad you feel better. πŸ˜€


        I’m sorry you had such a rough time of it, Necron99, but I’m glad you are home and feeling better!

        Where is Michael Moore when you need him? πŸ˜†


        ddvm wrote:

        I’m sorry you had such a rough time of it, Necron99, but I’m glad you are home and feeling better!

        Where is Michael Moore when you need him? πŸ˜†

        he is busy getting rich off of people getting sick so he can make documentries ..i oughta make one then , then i could buy and sell Hopkins 8)


        Necron99 wrote:

        ddvm wrote:

        I’m sorry you had such a rough time of it, Necron99, but I’m glad you are home and feeling better!

        Where is Michael Moore when you need him? πŸ˜†

        he is busy getting rich off of people getting sick so he can make documentries ..i oughta make one then , then i could buy and sell Hopkins 8)

        Too bad there isn’t instant karma. If there was then maybe the doctors and nurses who were so lousy to you would get your condition and go through the same thing. Could you imagine if the doctors vomited on themselves and no one came to help? *snickers* I bet policy would be changed by morning. If nothing else picturing the scene might make you smile. πŸ˜€


        ddvm wrote:

        Necron99 wrote:

        ddvm wrote:

        I’m sorry you had such a rough time of it, Necron99, but I’m glad you are home and feeling better!

        Where is Michael Moore when you need him? πŸ˜†

        he is busy getting rich off of people getting sick so he can make documentries ..i oughta make one then , then i could buy and sell Hopkins 8)

        Too bad there isn’t instant karma. If there was then maybe the doctors and nurses who were so lousy to you would get your condition and go through the same thing. Could you imagine if the doctors vomited on themselves and no one came to help? *snickers* I bet policy would be changed by morning. If nothing else picturing the scene might make you smile. πŸ˜€

        I still think taking an axe and going all psychopath on them would be better. *pouts*

        However, I’m sure the thought is entertaining, though it would never happen. If it did, then people wouldn’t be treated like that at hospitals.

        Last time I went to the hospital, they didn’t care that my blood sugar went from 2.8mmol/L – 23.5mmol/L in 10 mins so I suppose it’s not an entirely isolated incident.


        Even though your experience was bad, I am glad you will be ok! πŸ˜€


          I’m glad you are ok and I hope you never have to go through that again. 😯


          Glad you’re doing better πŸ˜€ though I’m beyond disgusted with the behavior of the ‘medical professionals.’ πŸ‘Ώ

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