
I was told not to post but I'm going to anyway

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    *Hugs and healthy thoughts*


      Blah so far they haven’t done anything for him. He has been there since 2pm and its now 9:30pm. They said they are waiting on a surgical consult which he doesn’t need. I wish I was there to yell at them and get the ball rolling. I’ve been trying to get Alyssa to bed since I have to get up at 4am so I can drop her off at my mother in laws so I can work tomorrow but she keeps waking up screaming. Blah!




          I hope everything comes out OK for him – prayers and good wishes on the way.


            Alyssa is probably picking up on your stress…mine were prone to doing that. If you can sleep…I’d go ahead and let her sleep with you for one night…the cuddle time may help. If not…I’d try offering a little more to eat…mine got hungry when they were stressed..and then try laying her down again..and let her wind herself down. 🙂

            hospitals can be infuriating places…I hope they take care of what they need to and get Necron back up and running quickly. 🙂


            Holy crap, I hope he’ll be okay! T.T


            *hugs and healthy thoughts* I hope that Necron feels better soon!


            I hope he feels better soon!


            I hope he feels better soon. Sending hugs for you, and Alyssa, and healing prayers and thoughts to Necron.


            Sending prayers and hugs for the three of you.


            He is not done fighting.

            Purpledoggy, may your strength continue to hold you
            through and is enough to help him rebound back again to himself.



              Lots of good thoughts for all of you! *hugs*


              He’s too ornery to do anything but pull through. 😉
              But sending prayers and healing thoughts your way anyway! 🙂


                I’m telling you John’s Hopkins is a joke of a hospital 😡 He sat in the er all night, they refused to call his transplant doctor or his cf doctor. They told him they were too busy and if he wanted them he had to call himself. He started puking all over the place because he was yelling for a basin but they ignored him so he ended up dropping his cell phone and puking on it so its fried. Then he was supposed to take his anti rejection meds at 9pm. Well they didn’t give them to him until 2am! He sat in the er all night and they didn’t do a thing for him. Once they finally admitted him and got him to the floor they took him down to radiology for some kind of super pooper cleaning and now he is feeling better. I am livid at the treatment he got in the er and have contacted the hospital administrator and both of his clinics. I want someones head for the treatment they gave him. I so wish I could have been there but I cant call out of work since we are sooo strapped for cash. I’ve been trying to work overtime and if I called out that would have gone down the drain. I had to get up at 4am to get Alyssa ready so his mother could watch her while I worked. At least Alyssa had a good time today playing with her cousins at grandmas house. Hopefully Danny will get to go home tomorrow. If not I need to find someone to watch Alyssa all night since I have to work night shift. Ugh what a freakin stressful start to the week!

                Oh yeah I told him I posted about his hospital trip and he said he hates me now, lol.


                *grabs an axe* I can get some heads rolling for you, if you want…. 😈

                Glad he’s feeling better, at least… even if the hospital wasn’t much help in that. 🙄

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