I want to collect all of the fledglings, young's, and curled dragons! Please help me broaden my collection! Can Pay NOW!!!

Home Forums Administration Flea Market I want to collect all of the fledglings, young's, and curled dragons! Please help me broaden my collection! Can Pay NOW!!!

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    I’m new to website and I would love to keep my collection going. the main pieces I would love to buy are red fire, violet flame, and rainbow fledgling dragons!!!! Your dragons would be going to a great home! Depending on the prices I can pay now

    ruby red fledgling dragon

    rainbow fledgling dragon

    any curled dragon (except pearly pink, serpentine, sand, and toasted pearl)

    young ruby red dragon- can pay now

    violet flame fledgling dragon

    brown young dragon

    young old green gragon

    emerald green dragon

    young copper pantina dragon


    Just PM me if you would like to sell your dragon to me!


    I am adding a young gold and a gold fledgling to my list above!


    I managed to get a few of the pieces from a couple of great members! The pieces I am still looking for are…

    Ruby Young

    Any Curled Dragons

    Gold Young and Gold Fledgling

    Red Fire young and Red Fire Fledgling

    Violet Flame Fledgling

    Brown Fledgling

    Rainbow Fledgling

    Young Copper Patina Dragon


      at the top of the forum there is a “want to buy” topic. It might help your chances of finding these pieces if you add your list there to :D.


      Ok, thanks I will right now!


      I am going to add a emerald peacock and amethyst mother coiled dragon to my list!


      Bump 🙂


        Bump 🙂

        Hi! Please review our forum rules for bumping topics here: http://www.windstoneeditions.com/forum/please-read-guidelines-using-flea-market#comment-763776

        To be fair to everyone, we ask that you wait at least 10 days since your last update before bumping. Thanks! 🙂

        Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
        My art: featherdust.com


        Ok, sorry about that! Won’t happen again 🙂

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