I thought of a game to play…movie lines…

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    Jasmine wrote:

    Necron99 wrote:

    Man1..What the hell are in those bags?

    Man2..Rabid weasels.

    Man1..What? What the hell are you doing with a bunch of rabid weasels?

    Man2..That’s what I was trying to explain to you here, ***** ; they came in as part of a shipment. Of course, they weren’t supposed to be rabid.

    Man1.. What do you want me to do with a bunch of rabid weasels.

    Man2.. Well you have a crematory here right ?

    Man1.. your sick im not gonna burn them alive rabid or not

    Return of the Living Dead…

    didnt think any one would get that one 🙂


      Hey, it’s a classic 😆


      Jasmine wrote:

      Man 1: How are you?
      Man 2: [shrugging] I’m fine.
      Man 1: Fine? You know what “fine” stands for, don’t you?
      Man 2: Unfortnately, yeah.
      Man 1: Freaked out…
      Man 2: Insecure…
      Man 1: Neurotic…
      Man 2: And Emotional.

      Italian Job with Ed Norton , Mark Walberg and many more


        Jasmine wrote:

        pegasi1978 wrote:

        I guess it’s my turn to give a quote now. 😈

        “It’s a very rare person who is taken for what he truly is.”

        The Last Unicorn.
        Good for you! Do you know the character that said it?


          Man, I have to watch this again…



          Max -Fritz! Fritz, get up for God’s sake! Get up! They’ve killed Fritz! They’ve killed Fritz! Those lousy stinking yellow fairies! Those horrible atrocity-filled vermin! Those despicable animal warmongers! They’ve killed Fritz! Take that! Take this! Take that, you green slime! You black hearted, short, bow-legged…

          Fritz: Max! Max, I’m okay! I’m okay max. Just a scratch. Look I’m all right.

          Max: Oh. Oh, damn. There you go again, stepping on my lines, raining on my parade, costing me medals. Oh, damn.



          You’ll have to give me a bit to think of a new one.



          Dan will probably get this in a nanosecond but here goes.

          “Hangings too good for him, burning is too good for him, he needs to be torn to itty bitty pieces and buried alive!”

          Bonus if not only you name the movie, but who the character is talking about.



          Ralph Bashki’s Heavy Metal , i believe its Tarrna about the Necromancer ..its been a long time


          Necron99 wrote:

          Ralph Bashki’s Heavy Metal , i believe its Tarrna about the Necromancer ..its been a long time

          You got the movie right, but it was the scene with the little guy who got huge with rage regarding Stern.

          Your turn.



          Character 1: I vote we run like hell.
          Character 2: I second the motion.


            eaglefeather831 wrote:

            Character 1: I vote we run like hell.
            Character 2: I second the motion.

            Me and any one of my co-workers anytime of day!!!


              Dragon Master wrote:

              eaglefeather831 wrote:

              Character 1: I vote we run like hell.
              Character 2: I second the motion.

              Me and my any one of my co-workers anytime of day!!!

              Snort! I burst out laughing at that one.

              Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
              I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


              eaglefeather831 wrote:

              Character 1: I vote we run like hell.
              Character 2: I second the motion.

              Apparently this is from Xanadu, but I can’t remember anyone saying these lines for the life of me.

              Next movie line:

              “Get Spike on the phone, he’s a sharp agent, we’ll appoint him!”

              Necron is probably the only person who has a chance with this one, but if no one gets it, then I’ll tell you the answer.



              Kyrin wrote:

              eaglefeather831 wrote:

              Character 1: I vote we run like hell.
              Character 2: I second the motion.

              Apparently this is from Xanadu, but I can’t remember anyone saying these lines for the life of me.

              Next movie line:

              “Get Spike on the phone, he’s a sharp agent, we’ll appoint him!”

              Necron is probably the only person who has a chance with this one, but if no one gets it, then I’ll tell you the answer.


              sounds familliar but cant place it 🙁

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