I think that I was tricked… Now I KNOW I was tricked!!!

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      jackid55 wrote:

      I don’t think the box even says it. I will go look. If it does I will swap you boxes, if you want? 😕

      It is not important the box is no big deal. But this is–you have 90 days to dispute a transaction, call ebay allot of there policies have changed . I could send you a picture of the one that was supposed to be in that box. I will get back to you tomorrow. I really got to get to bed. I have a ten hour shift in the morning. I am sorry, I had to leave here to buy a Sun from frozendragon and paypal the needed money. But I am happy about that. 😀 😀 Sorry about your situation though. 😥 😥



      You may only have 90 days with Ebay, but maybe you have longer with Paypal to file a claim, especially since you now know of some different usernames she is using. And it would help more, since Windstonefan can send you proof that she knowingly defrauded you, because she sold her the real one earlier. And even if it has been more than 90 days, I think Ebay should investigate, because maybe she is using the different accounts because her original account is suspended or something. :spank:


        Okay I don’t even remember when I bought him from that person. I can tell you this it was a private sale. I was sent pictures and bought him! Paid thru paypal. That was over a year ago. If it took place on ebay that would be different. But as I said –just like the Special paint set of Griffins, I bought from her to hold on to with the promise of giving them back if she refunded. After almost a year she dropped the money in my account and emailed me to check my account. 😮 Sure enough it was there, after many months of promises to get the money to buy them back. 🙂 This was a private sale. She wanted the Special paint Spectral back. 🙄 But I made no deal with her to give him back if she payed me back for him. So no way. :negative: I can show you the picture of what he should look like but have no prof –the money was a gift. I think. Gee been a long time for this short memory. So no prof here. :shout: The prof is that he was sold as something he is not. :negative: Even Windstone has pictures of what a Spectral special paint looks like. Get a picture of what they sold as one. There’s no better prof than a picture of the sellers Spectral that made them! Or the Auction for one. Check into that. All I have is the Special paint Spectral and the box he came in upstairs under the mounds of other boxes! But it’s there somewhere. 😕 😕



          I want to enter this discussion because a) I was the person trying to buy this item from Jacki, and b) I have bought two special Red Fires from Taneea. First, regarding Jacki: she could not find the COA, I did not want to buy without it, she did not want to sell without it, she kept looking at my request, we finally decided on a refund, and she refunded to my credit card so that I did not have to pay PayPal charges for an item I did not receive. How’s that for a long sentence!

          Regarding Taneea: I bought the OOAK Blue Eyes Red Fire Mother from her some months ago through eBay. It arrived in perfect condition, with tag, signed, in its box, but without the COA. I contacted her, she replied that she thought she had included it, found it, and immediately mailed it to me in a specially padded envelope. A few months later I bought a Special Paint Red Fire Fledgling directly from her. It was in perfect condition, signed, with tag, with COA, and in the proper box. I was 100% happy (make that thrilled) with both transactions and would not hesitate to buy from her again.

          I know Taneea has medical problems and lots of bills resulting from them. I think she has sold off the majority of her Windstones, perhaps all of them, to help pay those bills. I have contacted her every so often to say hello and see how she was doing; she always replied within a few days at the most. The last time I contacted her was the middle of May, and this time I have not heard back from her.

          I saw that she had withdrawn from eBay. I assumed she had nothing more to sell, did not want to look at what she could not buy, and decided to avoid the temptation that eBay offers.

          Based on my dealings with her, I do not think she would deliberately misrepresent an item. However I can easily picture someone under continual medical and/or financial stress getting things mixed up, forgetting, or sending the wrong item to a person. This does not help you, Jacki, and filing a complaint with eBay or PayPal probably will not either; I would assume everything is going toward medical expenses.

          I still want a Red Fire Spectral, and I can live with it being a regular production piece and not a special paint. Do you want to try and work out a deal a second time and on the same piece?


            OMG! How have I MISSED THIS THREAD! 😮 I couldn’t get online yeaterday really so that must be why! Geeze jackid! How horrible!

            Oh man! I’m one of the few people who have seemed to have had a good repore with dragonslaitreasures. I have “heard” she has pulled some things with other members, but she never has done anything malicious to me personally and everything else I heard were basically “rumors”. When she first joined she had a rough start because of some PYOs she was painting that looked like Windstone paint schemes and were being auctioned as such. Many people didn’t like her off the bat. I bought a Special Paint Red Fire Old Warrior from her a few months ago and he is breathtaking and is most assuredly NOT a regular production Red Fire! However, just as syn stated, he doesn’t have his COA. She thought she included it, but she wasn’t able to find it and I don’t think she was lying about it in the least. She told me if she ever did find it she would mail it to me. I also got my Sunset Lap (with the COA) & my black Male Griffin from her and she also has 2 PYOs from me too she commissioned directly when she was an active member here.

            I’m sorry jackid! I know she is very desperate right now (or at least she was when I talked to her last) but she DOES KNOW the difference. That’s no excuse of course and I hope you can get it all resolved! Hopefully it was an honest mistake and she has 2 of them or something and got them mixed up. It sounds doubtful though, but she is a space cadet sometimes so you never know. :shrug: For a while she was doing well and buying ALOT of ebay auction pieces so it’s possible she had a regular production & a Special one and got them mixed up.

            I know she had a bad fall out ( I’m not quite sure which forum member it was ) because she was sent 3 or 4 dragons and then claimed she never received them. There was no delivery confirmation so there was no way to prove it though, but it was really suspicious. Then she dissappeared from the forum. I’m not really positive if that was the reason why. I don;t kow if she was guilty, or felt like everyone hated her at that point. I know she was also really ill for a while too and suffered a bad car wreck on top of that so she was quite depressed. I also know she was selling off her collection to pay for medical bills for a while. It’s possible she has recovered enough to not have to deal with ebay at the moment, or she may be in poor health condition. I don’t think she would intentionally ignore you and I don’t think she would have done it on purpose. I hope not anyway.

            As far as the Buyer Beware list… after doing to routing around the “black list” WAS removed from the forum. SPark now has it and there is a link to it SOMEWHERE on this forum, I just haven’t found it yet. I should probably just PM Spark and ask her directly.

            Got a busted Windstone?
            *OPEN for repairs*

            *SEEKING GRAILS*
            Arc-en-ciel Emperor
            Siphlophis Male Dragon
            Calypso Hatching Empress
            Ivory Moss Sitting Baby Kirin
            Tattoo Mother Kirin
            Emerald Tabby Male Griffin
            Tie Dye + Orion Hatching Royalty
            Indigo Rockfish + Flame Tabby Little Rock Dragons
            Dragon Quail + Obsidian Frost Old Warriors
            Betta Sun Dragon + Male Dragon
            Dreamscape, Orion, Poison Dart, Fireberry, Spangler + Tigerberry Dragons


              Actually drag0n on the dragons not received was delivery confirmation as the package was sent via FedEx. Here’s the thread about it.

              The unofficial Buyer Beware List


                *Edited what I originally typed. Anyways, 😆

                I had a good rapport with DragonsCavern when she was on the forum, but after the disgruntled posts started over a year ago, I’ve become more than a little wary. I hope it’s all sorted out and is just an honest mistake, Jackid.

                *Edit: Pegasi posted while I was typing.


                  pegasi1978 wrote:

                  Actually drag0n on the dragons not received was delivery confirmation as the package was sent via FedEx. Here’s the thread about it.

                  The unofficial Buyer Beware List

                  Oooh. I never really knew the whole story on that incdent, but hay look! YOU FIND SPARK’S SITE!

                  Got a busted Windstone?
                  *OPEN for repairs*

                  *SEEKING GRAILS*
                  Arc-en-ciel Emperor
                  Siphlophis Male Dragon
                  Calypso Hatching Empress
                  Ivory Moss Sitting Baby Kirin
                  Tattoo Mother Kirin
                  Emerald Tabby Male Griffin
                  Tie Dye + Orion Hatching Royalty
                  Indigo Rockfish + Flame Tabby Little Rock Dragons
                  Dragon Quail + Obsidian Frost Old Warriors
                  Betta Sun Dragon + Male Dragon
                  Dreamscape, Orion, Poison Dart, Fireberry, Spangler + Tigerberry Dragons


                  Wow, Jackid, that sounds terribly annoying and frustrating 🙁 I bought a PYO unicorn on eBay from dragonscavern this spring and had no trouble. I had no idea others were having issues with her.


                    49ER wrote:

                    Jacki, I don’t think windstonefan saw your offer to trade boxes, that was very nice of you. I just sent an email to let her know. She kind of hits and runs on the forum XD XD XD

                    OOPPSS time to RUN now!!!


                    I can’t believe I missed this either!! I think I had logged off already!

                    Jacki, I’m sorry you’re going through this with DragonsCavern. It’s been so long since I’ve heard anything about her that I thought she had mended her ways. She seems to be touch and go with people; someone has a really good positive experience with her, and other people say she lied. I hope you can resolve this. Following up on feedback is a good idea (I didn’t know you could do that), and filing a claim with Paypal is a good idea too (if it’s not too late). Please let us know what happens.


                      I hope you get it resolved, too. I remember the dragon shipping incident. That one was really sad. A forum member out about $500 with no proof that the dragons went to the right person. Maybe one of her friends on here can contact her on your behalf?


                        Delivery confirmation is not proof you received an item. It is proof it was delivered somewhere. I recently checked UPS tracking and saw my item had been delivered…the previous day. I called the toll-free UPS number, was told to call the company, and the company initiated a claim with UPS. Later that night, 30+ hours after it was supposedly delivered, it appeared on my porch. I don’t know who got it originally, but I was thankful they brought it by…eventually. This has happened to me twice now with UPS; USPS and FedEx seem to be able to read my large black house numbers with no problem.

                        When I called the company to report I now had the package, I requested that they did not just drop the matter with UPS; I wanted to be sure UPS was made aware of their delivery problems. After all, if the unknown recipient(s) had kept my packages, I would have been out my items, and I would have been out the money I paid for them. The company would say we sent your items, and UPS would say that’s right; we delivered them to you.


                        yes, but a lot of things in that thread are familiar to me…

                        I have edited this post now, KoishiiKitty’s post next makes sense, and my transaction with this person did not actually go through, so I should just leave my communications with her to myself.


                          Okay she was I thought my friend once. But would sell me something because she needed the money. ( I never wanted the Griffins)She said she was ill. I know all about hard times when you are ill. But after me buying something–she would be back to bidding on another artists piece. Go figure. I would not hear from her for months. Then get a email telling me she was going to buy the Griffins back. Not here from her again and then a month later the same–buying them back. It took a year for her to finally buy them back–and she just put the money in my paypal account. Then emailed me!( I grew to love them) She got them back–I promised. Never go back on my word. Everything I ever bought that was supposed to have a C.O.A. with it all came. Except that one box. But I figured no big deal. Could she be on allot of medication and not remember? 😕 I don’t know? 😕 Only thing I really know is she never ripped me off. I did have to wait a while for a traded piece. But I did finally get it. Not in the best shape but okay. One other thing–I know she’s been ill for sometime. :shrug: She can’t work. An hope everything here is just a terrible unintentional mistake. But I don’t think we will ever really know. As she just tends to disappear. I really hope everything works out for you. But I don’t know how it can. I hope you do get the Special Paint someday. He is pretty. Sorry 🙁 🙁


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