I think I just suffered from severe eye strain.

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      Hey guys…I just had an episode. I’m not sure exactly what happened 😕
      I was staring at the computer and got up to take some Celebrex for my back and my leg since they are killing me and I want to be in working order for tomorrow.
      I then went to check on Michel in the bathroom and sat back down in front of the computer…..about 30 minutes after I had a small line smack in the middle of my vision, so I had to read the words by looking up or sideways abit. I thought I must have stared at a light for to long or something. I was feeling ok, not dizzy or anything.
      But then that line got bigger and started to move towards the left in both eyes! Then it changed into a half circle from the top of the eyes circleling the left to the bottom of the eyes. The only way I can describe it it’s like looking at a road when it’s real hot….you know it looks like a mirage. It shifts and shakes and full of colors…but yet you can’t see what’s on the otherside. It lasted a good 20 minutes! Meanwhile i was wondering what was happening to me and who was going to stay with Michel and who would drive me to the hospital. 🙄
      I’m going senile!
      It’s gone now but my eyes kind of hurt. :scratch:
      Did any of you ever suffer from that?



        I’ve had eye strain all right, but never like that. For me it usually crops up on the bus first because of all the jiggling motion, and it’s just too hard to focus on what I’m reading. I have to pinch the bridge of my nose or cover one eye, and I slow to a crawl with reading speed, the effort just isn’t worth the trouble.

        Honestly, that sounds a little more disturbing than just eyestrain, but maybe someone who’s had migrane or the like can chime in. 😕


          Adaneth wrote:

          I’ve had eye strain all right, but never like that. For me it usually crops up on the bus first because of all the jiggling motion, and it’s just too hard to focus on what I’m reading. I have to pinch the bridge of my nose or cover one eye, and I slow to a crawl with reading speed, the effort just isn’t worth the trouble.

          Honestly, that sounds a little more disturbing than just eyestrain, but maybe someone who’s had migrane or the like can chime in. 😕
          I was feeling fine though through it all. No headach or dizzyness…noting


            When I get a migraine, my left eye normally goes completely blurry starting with the left corner and then gradually moving into the whole of the eye. I can’t see out of it at all when this happens. Other people can experience tunnel vision, although I’m not too sure what this is myself as I don’t think I’ve had it. The eye blindness is my “warning signal” and I have a short amount of time to take some painkillers before I get the actual migraine pains. Perhaps because you took some painkillers, it stopped the migraine from forming?

            I don’t know anything about eye-strain though so perhaps it could be something else.


              Sounds like ocular migraine – at least, that’s what my optometrist called it when I had something similar. It may be triggered by fatigue.

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                dragonmedley wrote:

                Sounds like ocular migraine – at least, that’s what my optometrist called it when I had something similar. It may be triggered by fatigue.

                Ditto. When I get migraines, that’s what it pretty much feels like. Sometimes I get a headache, sometimes not. Google it and look for images. If you see something similar (I can’t find the one that I’ve seen that’s exactly like mine, but there are similar images), that’s probably what it is. Mine are triggered by eye strain and dehydration.


                  I was reading about my symptoms and alot of them has to do with “Retinal Detachment” 😮
                  I’m going to see someone tomorrow after work!


                  Blackdesertwind wrote:

                  I was reading about my symptoms and alot of them has to do with “Retinal Detachment” 😮
                  I’m going to see someone tomorrow after work!

                  Yes, do! 😮 Sure hope it’s just something like dragonmedley said and not retinal detachment. Praying for you!


                    I hope it’s not serious and I’m glad your getting it addressed. What you described is very worrying 🙁 . Hoping for the best for you! *hug*


                    I’m glad you’re getting it looked at, I hope it’s just eye strain, though (that’s the least worrysome!).


                      Like you need something else on your plate to worry about! I hope it isn’t the retinal detachment–you or anyone else, doesn’t need that! We’re all behind you and sending you very positive and healing thoughts.


                        I just came back from work and stopped at my optometrist on the way. From the symptoms she’s very worried. She insist that I go see her this afternoon at 2:15 PM not tomorrow or it might be too late. 😮 Ok she’s really scaring me! And she told me not to drive. So a friend of mine will drop me of and pick me back up once I’m done. Mom will stay with Michel. Wish me luck….I sure hope it’s not the retinal detachment! 🙄
                        I’ll let you know as soon as I can see properly again…..sorry I might have to put the ebay sales post on hold for tonight. 🙁


                        Fingers crossed…toes crossed…eyes crossed 😈 …sure hope it’s not as bad as she fears! I’m glad you got a ride and don’t have to wait long!


                          Let us know!! Hugs and healing thoughts!!

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