I Think I am Addicted

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    Dragon87 wrote:

    By the way, I don’t even have a job, so this really killed my bank account (damn $21 shipping fee).

    Hah! Count your blessings, Dragon87. I bought a single winged wolf PYO. Cost of shipping? $23.70. At least for this box I won’t get charged any customs fees.


    Leigha wrote:

    Greater Basilisk wrote:

    Actually, there is a cure. Once you have ’em all, you won’t buy any more. πŸ˜‰

    Does “having them all” include all the different versions? like the stripy tan male versus non stripy and the dark pink curl versus the light pink and both VF curlies and the “golden” version of the white emperor versus the whiter version and so on and so forth? πŸ˜€ There’s never going to be an end lol

    Mais oui, naturellement! πŸ˜† Simply because if you had every sculpt in every color, you’d find an excuse to buy a variation of it. You can’t quit buying Windstones.
    And you know what even if you had every variation, you’d keep buying the PYOs, or at least commissioning them. It’s hopeless. You might as well give in.


      Just come to grips that it’s a never ending vicious cycle and get awhat you can. I wish I had ONLY done Windstones and not Franklin Mint then I would have almost EVERY one in EVERY color


        Griffinlover wrote:

        Oh my I think I have a windstone addiction 😯

        My first windstone was a few years ago. It was the griffin candle lamp. I also was given the black male griffin and my bf at the time bought me the Brown male off ebay. I had no idea until I went to Gatlinburg a few weeks ago that there were so much more! The guy at the store told me about the site and I saw the white griffins and bought them off ebay(Thank you Frozendragon) and now I have gone crazy about windstone! I even bought my first Dragon the other day!
        Is there a cure? lol

        Griffinlover, did you not know that this is a ‘Windstoneholic forum’ and it’s supposed to help only it seems to be doing the opposite…it pulls you more into your addiction! πŸ˜† πŸ˜‰


        Oh, does it *ever* pull us more into the addiction! Until I came here, I hadn’t heard about the SK’s OR the OW’s. Or the hatching Royals. When I got here, I had 4 pieces: The Peacock Male, young, lap and scratcher. Since I joined up, I’ve added the Peacock mother, hatching, sitting spectral, emperor, an Em Pea hatching and fledgie, and a special painted Red Fire OW…..
        And am currently waiting on a Peacock OW and fledge (due in any day now) a Peacock Riser, and an Em Pea male and mother. (also due in any day) 😯 πŸ™„ Oh yeah…..there’s no cure. As long as there are special paint jobs and pieces you don’t have, the bank account is in serious danger. Resistance is futile….muwahahahahahahahaha……And just an update; the OW and fledge *just* arrived……


          Pics, we need pics of your collection. I love to see where people put things…


            Greater Basilisk wrote:

            Dragon87 wrote:

            By the way, I don’t even have a job, so this really killed my bank account (damn $21 shipping fee).

            Hah! Count your blessings, Dragon87. I bought a single winged wolf PYO. Cost of shipping? $23.70. At least for this box I won’t get charged any customs fees.

            eeekk!! Was that mine??? 😳


              Ahhh, the benefits of being single.

              …though I don’t know what my parents will say when they come visit in September. My flock/pride/gaggle of gryphons has grown quite a bit. XD

              Windstone collector in remission. πŸ˜‰


                Tyrrlin wrote:

                Ahhh, the benefits of being single.

                …though I don’t know what my parents will say when they come visit in September. My flock/pride/gaggle of gryphons has grown quite a bit. XD

                It all depends whether or not they support your addiction. πŸ˜‰


                  Blackdesertwind wrote:

                  Tyrrlin wrote:

                  Ahhh, the benefits of being single.

                  …though I don’t know what my parents will say when they come visit in September. My flock/pride/gaggle of gryphons has grown quite a bit. XD

                  It all depends whether or not they support your addiction. πŸ˜‰

                  *chuckles* Well, I guess they do since they gryphon-sat for me before I moved out here. It’s my place, so I can decorate it with as many gryphons as I want. πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜€

                  Windstone collector in remission. πŸ˜‰


                  starbreeze wrote:

                  Greater Basilisk wrote:

                  Dragon87 wrote:

                  By the way, I don’t even have a job, so this really killed my bank account (damn $21 shipping fee).

                  Hah! Count your blessings, Dragon87. I bought a single winged wolf PYO. Cost of shipping? $23.70. At least for this box I won’t get charged any customs fees.

                  eeekk!! Was that mine??? 😳

                  Yeah. But that’s all included in the price, so don’t worry… πŸ˜‰


                  I’m getting into this late, but here’s my two cents worth.

                  To beat a Windstone addiction, there is no medical cure, no magical pill you can take to rid yourself of the desire to buy more. Just think of these things:

                  1. Keep away from this forum!!!!!! These people (me included) are a bad influence!!!!

                  2. Money. If you don’t have it, you can’t buy more Windstones. And don’t buy if you don’t know how you’re going to pay for it.

                  3. Try not to see them in a store. Then you’ll realize just how stunning they are and want to buy one.

                  These are just suggestions. They haven’t worked for me! πŸ˜€ But I haven’t tried to kick my addiction!! πŸ˜†


                  purpledragonclaw wrote:

                  I’m getting into this late, but here’s my two cents worth.

                  To beat a Windstone addiction, there is no medical cure, no magical pill you can take to rid yourself of the desire to buy more. Just think of these things:

                  1. Keep away from this forum!!!!!! These people (me included) are a bad influence!!!!

                  2. Money. If you don’t have it, you can’t buy more Windstones. And don’t buy if you don’t know how you’re going to pay for it.

                  3. Try not to see them in a store. Then you’ll realize just how stunning they are and want to buy one.

                  These are just suggestions. They haven’t worked for me! πŸ˜€ But I haven’t tried to kick my addiction!! πŸ˜†

                  Yes, you people are a bad influence. I’m just happy to say I’ve only bought 4 in the last month. Even though I’ve got 3 on layaway, and one of the ones I bought was to replace a broken one…. and so on. Anything I can do to rationalise it. And if the SKs came out in Black Gold I’d probably have bought one of those as well. Forget how I’d pay for it. Especially once it got accross the border…


                  purpledragonclaw wrote:

                  I’m getting into this late, but here’s my two cents worth.

                  To beat a Windstone addiction, there is no medical cure, no magical pill you can take to rid yourself of the desire to buy more. Just think of these things:

                  1. Keep away from this forum!!!!!! These people (me included) are a bad influence!!!!

                  2. Money. If you don’t have it, you can’t buy more Windstones. And don’t buy if you don’t know how you’re going to pay for it.

                  3. Try not to see them in a store. Then you’ll realize just how stunning they are and want to buy one.

                  These are just suggestions. They haven’t worked for me! πŸ˜€ But I haven’t tried to kick my addiction!! πŸ˜†

                  Oooooor……figure it’s a lost cause, give up smoking and drinking instead, and spend the money you saved on more WIndstones! πŸ˜† Giving up those addictions is probably easier. 😯 (and a whole lot healthier…)
                  Since admitting to my hubby that there are 3 more pieces coming saved me a whole lot of grief, I’m promising to not buy anything else….For the time being. 😈 And I don’t have to haunt my front porch, waiting on the mailman. I’m lucky in the fact that since he collects a lot of different things like model trains, coins and musical instruments–we’re both in a band–but at least if I start talking about limited editions, test runs, etc. his eyes don’t glaze over, and he does at least understand the concept even if the object of my desire escapes him. πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜€ But at least I got to order my first Griffins before swearing off. πŸ˜‰

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