
I Think I am Addicted

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    My sister hides my boxes in her closet for me, since she’s home during the day and my mom and I aren’t. Then I put them in my curio when I get home and I’m safe! Although my curio will no longer hold anymore pieces…and my mom doesn’t really come into my room much anymore, so she can’t even see the new ones I have. I think she’d notice if she ever looked in the curio, but she doesn’t, so I’m safe! ^^


    tasgrs wrote:

    lamortefille wrote:

    tasgrs wrote:

    lamortefille wrote:

    Well, that didn’t take long, Griffinlover! 😆

    Once you reach a certain number, it’s easier to sneak them in, purpleturtle. 8)

    Any idea of what that number might be? Because I have a couple coming that have been on order for a while so to speak, and they will likely arrive later this week. I’m hoping that I can get to the boxes before my husband does. It’s gonna be tough since he’s on vacation this week. Hopefully he’ll either be fishing or out doing yard work. 🙂
    I’ve been rearranging the existing dragons hoping to confound the eye as much as possible. 😆

    I think anything over 10 confounds the male eye. 😉 Good idea rearranging them, though…that helps. Anywhere you can stash the boxes until he goes out? 😆

    I have 11 at the moment. 9 of them are Peacock, 2 are Em Pea and one Special Red Fire OW. He sits in the middle of my dining room table alone, but the rest of them are on top of the entertainment unit. 8 of the Peacocks are on one side, and 1 Peacock and the 2 Em Peas are on the other side. I’ve got a Peacock OW, Fledgie, and Riser, and Em Pea Male and Mother coming. These guys have been kinda/sorta on order for the last few weeks, and they are on their way here, with a target arrival date of Friday. I’ve been moving things around for the last week or so, hoping it’ll make things less obvious, but I have a feeling that with these being bigger pieces I might be kinda out of luck. Unless I can resist the urge to put them all up upon arrival (HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!…….**wiping eyes** yeah right! 😆 ) There would’ve been 2 Peacock Hatching Royalty, too if I hadn’t had to have my windshield replaced on my car. 😕
    I can stash the boxes in different places for a bit, but I know the call in my mind to get them up so I can drool over them is gonna be hard to resist. The hubby may be a lot of things, but he sure ain’t blind. 😉 And that much color is gonna be hard to miss, I think.

    I would go with what you’ve been doing and maybe do some rearranging this week so that by Friday he doesn’t remember what they looked like last week. It also depends I think on if you have others in that mold- such as he might notice the cute little fledgling if he’s never seen one like that before but then again he might not. But I would say with a few more pieces if you’re only getting one now and again he probably won’t notice if he’s like most of the male so’s around lol 🙂 Maybe put some on your bedroom dresser or something… put the peacocks on top of the entertainment center and then the others in the bedroom and change their groupings around as in who’s sitting next to who… good luck! 😀


    I just cleared a few things away, and rearranged them again. I like the idea of putting a couple in different places, and I think since I spend alot of time on our sunporch this time of year, I might put a few out there where I can explain them away…if I have to. 😉 I was really hoping to spread out their arrival better, but the Fates laugh once again. 🙂


    Hmm speaking of sun- I have some on top of my cabinet tv under the window in the bedroom.. my dad was saying I really should look into the fact that they will probably get really faded 😯 😯 which would be really bad! I wonder if anyone knows if they should be kept out of direct sunlight…


      Luckily, I work from home so I can intercept the packages. But I’m seriously running out of room for anything…and I am expecting 3 boxes from the factory probably some time next week.


        tatt2dcowgrl wrote:

        I wonder if anyone knows if they should be kept out of direct sunlight…

        It’s been adressed before. I wish I could remember all of it, but I do believe that it is strongly recommended to keep at least the Ruby dragons out of direct sunlight. Not too sure about the other colors though.


        Hmm these are emeralds and black golds mainly, and 2 pyo’s…


        I’m not planning on *keeping* the newcomers on the sunporch; just keeping them there until they are….acclimated, shall we say. 😉 😉 I don’t think that will be long enough to fade. I figure I can add a piece every couple of days or so to the collection in the living room.


          tasgrs wrote:

          I’m not planning on *keeping* the newcomers on the sunporch; just keeping them there until they are….acclimated, shall we say. 😉 😉 I don’t think that will be long enough to fade. I figure I can add a piece every couple of days or so to the collection in the living room.

          “acclimated”….cute! 😉 😆


          tasgrs wrote:

          I’m not planning on *keeping* the newcomers on the sunporch; just keeping them there until they are….acclimated, shall we say. 😉 😉 I don’t think that will be long enough to fade. I figure I can add a piece every couple of days or so to the collection in the living room.

          Hehe good idea 🙂 But I’m still wondering if I should move my guys away from the bedroom window… really, every available flat space is either covered in dragons or horses I don’t know where I’d move them to lol


          Actually, there is a cure. Once you have ’em all, you won’t buy any more. 😉


            HELLO MY NAME IS BOB

            I’m 41 year old and have been collecting Windstones for 20 years this July. I have almost 100 in my collection and a number of very rare ones and a LARGE number that cost me a mint

            Welcome to the adiction
            DM’s eggs and hatchers!!


            Greater Basilisk wrote:

            Actually, there is a cure. Once you have ’em all, you won’t buy any more. 😉

            Does “having them all” include all the different versions? like the stripy tan male versus non stripy and the dark pink curl versus the light pink and both VF curlies and the “golden” version of the white emperor versus the whiter version and so on and so forth? 😀 There’s never going to be an end lol


            Well, I think I will have to go into Windstone withdrawl for awhile, I just bought 2 (though admittedly, one was a ball-shaped tabby cat for my roomies birthday, the other was a young peacock for myself, YAY), and that’s not counting the two PYO’s that I bought…

            By the way, I don’t even have a job, so this really killed my bank account (damn $21 shipping fee).

            But the new stuff should hold me off for awhile! 😛


              Until they put something new into the store. Then it’s every man/woman for themselves. Be careful, these guys are rabid, get between them and a Windstone, you’ll lose more than just a finger. 😈 And we wouldn’t have it any other way.

              Welcome by the way if we haven’t already welcomed you.

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