I Think I am Addicted

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    Oh my I think I have a windstone addiction 😯

    My first windstone was a few years ago. It was the griffin candle lamp. I also was given the black male griffin and my bf at the time bought me the Brown male off ebay. I had no idea until I went to Gatlinburg a few weeks ago that there were so much more! The guy at the store told me about the site and I saw the white griffins and bought them off ebay(Thank you Frozendragon) and now I have gone crazy about windstone! I even bought my first Dragon the other day!
    Is there a cure? lol



      Sorry, there’s no cure. Treatment is to buy yourself a new Windstone as often as financially feasible. πŸ˜€


        NOPE !!! ur stuck and there aint no way out ! πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜†


        Welcome to the dark side! Mwahaha 😈 πŸ˜†


          The question you want ask yourself is: do you reaaaaally want a cure?

          Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
          I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


            Sorry, there is no 12 step program for Windstone addiction. Unfortunately it can drive you crazy (which is why they pad the walls here… πŸ˜† )

            twindragonsmum πŸ˜€



              Welcome to our world


                I know all about it Griffinlover, I only started collecting Windstones this last Dec. They were a PYO griffin and a PYO dragon. I was HOOKED! Now in a span of only 5 months I have 9 factory painted peices and 9 PYOs. Not bad for being addicted for 5 months. I would have more, but my husband, thankfuly, is often my voice reason. Besides, I haven’t figured a way to sneak new dragons into the house… yet πŸ˜†


                  Well, that didn’t take long, Griffinlover! πŸ˜†

                  Once you reach a certain number, it’s easier to sneak them in, purpleturtle. 8)


                  lamortefille wrote:

                  Well, that didn’t take long, Griffinlover! πŸ˜†

                  Once you reach a certain number, it’s easier to sneak them in, purpleturtle. 8)

                  Any idea of what that number might be? Because I have a couple coming that have been on order for a while so to speak, and they will likely arrive later this week. I’m hoping that I can get to the boxes before my husband does. It’s gonna be tough since he’s on vacation this week. Hopefully he’ll either be fishing or out doing yard work. πŸ™‚
                  I’ve been rearranging the existing dragons hoping to confound the eye as much as possible. πŸ˜†


                    tasgrs wrote:

                    lamortefille wrote:

                    Well, that didn’t take long, Griffinlover! πŸ˜†

                    Once you reach a certain number, it’s easier to sneak them in, purpleturtle. 8)

                    Any idea of what that number might be? Because I have a couple coming that have been on order for a while so to speak, and they will likely arrive later this week. I’m hoping that I can get to the boxes before my husband does. It’s gonna be tough since he’s on vacation this week. Hopefully he’ll either be fishing or out doing yard work. πŸ™‚
                    I’ve been rearranging the existing dragons hoping to confound the eye as much as possible. πŸ˜†

                    I think anything over 10 confounds the male eye. πŸ˜‰ Good idea rearranging them, though…that helps. Anywhere you can stash the boxes until he goes out? πŸ˜†


                      It also helps if the Windstones are grouped together. Though I did get away with a single Windstone (in a cluster of three) for a while until my husband really looked at the set from a different angle than he normally saw them. πŸ˜†


                        It’s hard for me to sneak my new Windstones into the place, without my husband noticing. He works from home, so rarely misses what I bring in. I get lucky once in a while though, when he’s in the bathroom or stuck on a call.


                        lamortefille wrote:

                        tasgrs wrote:

                        lamortefille wrote:

                        Well, that didn’t take long, Griffinlover! πŸ˜†

                        Once you reach a certain number, it’s easier to sneak them in, purpleturtle. 8)

                        Any idea of what that number might be? Because I have a couple coming that have been on order for a while so to speak, and they will likely arrive later this week. I’m hoping that I can get to the boxes before my husband does. It’s gonna be tough since he’s on vacation this week. Hopefully he’ll either be fishing or out doing yard work. πŸ™‚
                        I’ve been rearranging the existing dragons hoping to confound the eye as much as possible. πŸ˜†

                        I think anything over 10 confounds the male eye. πŸ˜‰ Good idea rearranging them, though…that helps. Anywhere you can stash the boxes until he goes out? πŸ˜†

                        I have 11 at the moment. 9 of them are Peacock, 2 are Em Pea and one Special Red Fire OW. He sits in the middle of my dining room table alone, but the rest of them are on top of the entertainment unit. 8 of the Peacocks are on one side, and 1 Peacock and the 2 Em Peas are on the other side. I’ve got a Peacock OW, Fledgie, and Riser, and Em Pea Male and Mother coming. These guys have been kinda/sorta on order for the last few weeks, and they are on their way here, with a target arrival date of Friday. I’ve been moving things around for the last week or so, hoping it’ll make things less obvious, but I have a feeling that with these being bigger pieces I might be kinda out of luck. Unless I can resist the urge to put them all up upon arrival (HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!…….**wiping eyes** yeah right! πŸ˜† ) There would’ve been 2 Peacock Hatching Royalty, too if I hadn’t had to have my windshield replaced on my car. πŸ˜•
                        I can stash the boxes in different places for a bit, but I know the call in my mind to get them up so I can drool over them is gonna be hard to resist. The hubby may be a lot of things, but he sure ain’t blind. πŸ˜‰ And that much color is gonna be hard to miss, I think.

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