I started a unicorn today..Updated 6/6 w/ more photos

Home Forums Windstone Editions Paint-Your-Own Windstone I started a unicorn today..Updated 6/6 w/ more photos

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    and wow, are they different! They are alot more ‘3D’ than the other PYOs. lots more hard places to get to w/ the brush…..Plus it’s a crappy dayfor painting here, very humid and my paint is pulling.

    The sculpt is beautiful tho, full of emotion! I love Melody…. 😉



    What, no pics? 😛


    lol! no,not for half of the first coat of base white….maybe after I get a heater up here so my paint dries and doesnt pull… 😆


    Ah yeah, I see. 😆


      Can there be any harder to reach places than behind the tail on the dragon PYO?


        skigod377 wrote:

        Can there be any harder to reach places than behind the tail on the dragon PYO?

        There’s no harder to reach spots, but the problem I’m having is that both of the hard to reach bits have color dividing lines in them, like between the hind legs and the tail, or between the front hoof and the stomach, so even though I can get a brush in there easier than I can on the dragon, trying to keep the color line between black hooves and really pale body and very dark tail is giving me fits!


        Ok, here are some progress photos. They pretty much all look the same, so I will describe each one…

        First coat of Golden Brand titan white…

        Second coat of paint…

        Slight pinking in nostrils…

        Slight pinking in hoof rescess…

        First coat of white pastel…

        More to come…


        added some grey pastel here and there, just one coat so far. I’m not worrying to much about the white right now. I will have to go back after everything else is done and touch up with paint and then blend with pastel…


        Looking good!

        lol @ kirins in the background, trying to steal the unicorn’s thunder… xD


        Ok, done for today. More shading and darkening up the hooves, legs, mane, muzzle. Please note muzzle is in mid-correction, I messed up with dark grey pastel 😳 …

        I have to say, I’m pretty proud of myself! I’m just tickled pink I can actually do a good job with these… 😆


        She’s looking lovely already! 😀
        Thanks for posting photos.


        Thats really great to be able to watch an artist’s work in progress. So many I knew when I was in college (not an art school; just talking art majors) were so secretive and either super high strung or ultra mellow but none would show you their mid-work. And if they didnt like them at the end, we’d never get to see things. Nice to see here that people are confident and willing to share. Im sure she’ll turn out lovely.


          she is looking reeeaaly pretty. i love progress pics, this will be real interesting.


          how do you get the paint off the eyes?

          thank you for the progress images. it is good to see how one paints these.

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