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      frozendragon wrote:

      WindstoneCollector wrote:

      😆 😆 😆 😆 😆
      Did you teach her to walk backwards too Frozen? 😉
      Maybe I should shave my cat’s butt…He leaves surprises behind once in a while. 😯

      no….she’s actually very modest….so if you come in a room….she sits down….so you can’t see her but….I don’t shave her bald…just short so poo doesn’t stick to her butt….
      My dog Broozer is the same way but if he is walking by some one and sees us looking at him he’ll kind of do a sit walk thing at the same time so we don’t see his butt.


        Ooh! Oooh! *Raises hand* I have poop stories! When my dogs first got off the plane in Germany, I took them out of their kennels so we could walk them to the car. They had been cooped up for 9 hours on the plane, but I wasn’t thinking of that. My male just squats and lays a huge pile in the middle of the floor at the airport. I was sooo embarrased. In Germany, all the dogs are well behaved. Germans love their dogs and take them everywhere. Restaurants, stores, everywhere! I took Moocah to the mall to buy a muzzle and she pooped right in the middle of the mall. I think it was revenge.


          One of my cats is a silver persian… We have to keep her in a lion cut, because she hates being brushed, and I can’t stand dingleberries! Ack!!

          I don’t think I have any good poop stories, but Ness used to get so excited when people came over, she’d tinkle… They’d come in the house, and I’d greet them with paper towels in hand, since I knew the minute they would reach down to pet her, there’d be pee everywhere! My dad is the only one that can still make her do that…


          ROFL 😆
          I have 4 cats, and fish. I like the fish, their poop is kept under control with syphon and water changes. But, I have learned that an irresponsible 12 yr old in the house makes for a good litter box cleaner!!! 😆 😆 😆
          I always have some “under processed” puke around here. But the worst part is being awake for the puking, my female hates to puke. She holds it back and makes these aweful noises that make you think she is dying. I need more hairball remedy! 😯


            I have a poop story…..

            My partner at work wanted me to watch his and his dads dogs while he went away. His dad’s dogs are really old and the one has long hair around his butt. Well I let them out of the house and this one dog squats to poo and remains in that position for a couple of minutes with nothing happening. I’m like ok whats wrong here and go to look. The poo had become tangled in the hair around his butt and it was stuck half in/half out. I’m like “oh great I have to leave and go to work what am I gonna do?” I run in his dads house to get some toilet paper to free the poo from the poor dogs butt and the dog runs in the house after me and goes right under the bed. Now I have this dog with poo in his but under the bed snapping at me because he doesn’t want me to touch him. I called my partner on his cell upset because I can’t get the dog, he has poop on his butt, and I’m gonna be late for work. All he did was laugh at me and told me it happens all the time and they were 10 minutes away so they would take care of him when they get home. Thats my poop story.


              I have three cats and my husband and I both have really long hair, and we all shed a lot. Sometimes our cats eat our stray hairs, so when they poop they have a nice long garland of poops still attached to their butts. This will freak them out, so they run around the house, bouncing it off the walls when they go around corners. We have to catch them and pull it off them or it goes on for hours and they’ll have a heart attack. It’s pretty funny though, so we are usually laughing while we go wipe the spots off the walls. 😆

              We get lots of puke too, but those aren’t as funny. 😯


              That’s so gross – I’m still laughing. 😆 😆


              my short poop story….

              My loverly co-workers let me walk around all day last week with parrot poop on my shoulderblade and did not tell me until right before we left for the day. My loverly Goffin POOPED on me before I left for work….and I did not notice or think to check.

              Revenge is so sweet…I WILL get them back.


                whippetluv wrote:

                my short poop story….

                My loverly co-workers let me walk around all day last week with parrot poop on my shoulderblade and did not tell me until right before we left for the day. My loverly Goffin POOPED on me before I left for work….and I did not notice or think to check.

                Revenge is so sweet…I WILL get them back.

                Hahah! At first I thought you were talking about revenge on the birds! I was thinking ‘whats she gonna do? Poop on them?’


                skigod377 wrote:

                Hahah! At first I thought you were talking about revenge on the birds! I was thinking ‘whats she gonna do? Poop on them?’

                I could get the bird back though… 😈 *evil giggles* with BIRD DIAPERS!


                  😆 That’s funny! Would they leave them on?


                  emerald212 wrote:

                  😆 That’s funny! Would they leave them on?

                  ha! No idea! My kooky parrot…probably not! That has “chew here” written allll over it.


                    OMG… I thought doggie diapers were bad… Nearly fell off my chair laughing at that one!!


                    If I end up with my mother’s African Grey…I want one of those diapers for him…I’ve seen what he makes, and its almost as bad as a goose’s… 😯 😆


                      nessiemom wrote:

                      One of my cats is a silver persian… We have to keep her in a lion cut, because she hates being brushed, and I can’t stand dingleberries! Ack!!

                      I don’t think I have any good poop stories, but Ness used to get so excited when people came over, she’d tinkle… They’d come in the house, and I’d greet them with paper towels in hand, since I knew the minute they would reach down to pet her, there’d be pee everywhere! My dad is the only one that can still make her do that…

                      OMG! My dog Ein is EXACTLY the same! If you ignore him until he calms down he’s fine, but if you start playing with him when he runs up to greet you his little bladder just can’t take the excitement! LOL!

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                      Emerald Tabby Male Griffin
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