I need help finding strange animal sounds

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    Last night for the second time, I heard an animal call/cry/somthing. It sounds aweful and scary and I have NO idea what it is. I thought maybe some of you ‘animaly’ people might know of a website where I can find recordings of animal sounds.

    It’s not cats fighting, it’s not coyotes, it’s not pigs and it’s not a bird. I do have a fair amount of animal type knowledge and have spent many years around farms and household animals….but THIS is nothing like I have ever heard before. Whatever it was came around same time of night maybe a week and a half ago. last night it was around for 10 minutes or so, calling off and on. My cats were in a tizzy and the calls actually WOKE UP MY DOG(which never happens, even with a bear on the porch). Ofcourse my hubby wasn’t home last night and I forgot to find the night vision thingy he has. I’ll have it ready tonight just incase!



      Animals in rut make the eeriest sounds. Even a cat call almost doesn’t sound like a cat.

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      Well, this probably won’t help…


      dragonmedley wrote:

      Animals in rut make the eeriest sounds. Even a cat call almost doesn’t sound like a cat.

      It’s def not a house cat. It *could* be a bobcat or a lynx I suppose, but it really doesnt sound feline.

      My hunch is a fisher, but i cannot find any audio….


        😯 OMG… your taking a chance asking this with Snap around.
        I’m sure he could help you. 😆



            Just teasing Snap! 😆


              Could it be a red fox?. Did it have a weird bark-like quality to it. I work nights and the building I’m in is right next to some woods. The first time I heard them it scared the crap right out of me 😯 . It sounds kinda like a bark, but not a hight pitch as a dog…it’s hard to explain. It almost sounded like a persone making the sound, but then I actually saw the fox making the noise. In fact I just heard them the other night. Maybe its mating season for foxes?


                Here is a sight that has some fox sounds. The third one down is what I hear all the time… http://www.angelfire.com/ar2/thefoxden/sounds.html


                purpleturtle wrote:

                Here is a sight that has some fox sounds. The third one down is what I hear all the time… http://www.angelfire.com/ar2/thefoxden/sounds.html

                Close, but not quite. This sound is more varied per call and more menacing sounding….Maybe it’s bigfoot 😆


                  😆 BIGFOOT!

                  Is there a way you could keep a recorder or if you have a video or camera that can record something, near you so when it does happen again you can record some of it and then load it on a site so we can hear and maybe identify it?


                    😯 😯 😯 I hope not!



                    lol! This spring when the snow started melting, I had my 6 year old thinking that a melted daddy boot track was a bigfoot print….Poor kid, prolly told all his friends at school too 😆

                    So far the closest sound is a bobcat, but even thats not quite right. Tonight I’m gonna keep my camera(for recording the sound) and hubby’s night vision monocular thingy right by the front window. Then if I hear again tonight, I’ll be prepared!


                      It’s just the loons down South towards Prospect. The sound carries. It’s funny.

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