It can be damaged, but it needs to be cheap, I don’t have much money for him, but apparently the one I repaired & shipped for someone never got to her. I would like to replace it, but I just don’t have $180 to throw at it.
If someone has one they are willing to part with for about $100 or even trade for repairs or something, please let me know.
:steve: OOO! Another hunt. I like these!!! I am at your sevice and will report back to you of my findings. I’m a frequent Ebayer and will keep watch for one. I haven’t had this to do since JellyFish was hunting the baby Kirin and I like it. :steve:
*** Always looking for Brindles..*** AWD Pieces **** Lavender Coiled Mother with Globe**** if you have one you would like to sell or trade please contact me ?
Okay, so I found a replacement wizard, then just like what always happens when you give up looking for something that was lost & get a new one, I found the original “lost” one! Argh!
Anyone be interested in a refurbished Blue/Red Wizard? He is still being shipped here, but once he arrives, I plan to fix him up & I’d be happy to sell or trade him.