
I know I'll get over it, but.WAH!

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    Thank you so much!! It really helps!! I got in my car to go home last night and I had a Bob Marley CD on(a famous reggae artist) and he was singing “No Woman No Cry” and the words “everything’s going to be alright” and the next song was “Lively Up Yourself(Don’t Be No Drag!)” Reggae music really speaks to me! Most of the music is so positive and it has such great rhythms. There is some I don’t like, but that’s true of the other music genres,too. Reggae just lights me up more than most of the other styles. I love Dixieland a close second and opera and disco and dowop and 60’s and Latin and new age and some African and some blues and some jazz and some country and some 70’s and I LOVE Dire Straits! But when I’m listening to something and I think “That is SO GOOD!” it is often reggae. I went to the world’s biggest traditional Dixieland music festival held in Old Sacramento every year for about 15 years. One year they had 105 bands from all over the world, including China. They still hold it over Memorial Day weekend, but 15 years was enough for me. Now I go to the reggae festivals.
    Anyway, thank you for listening to me. I’m still hurting a little about it, but not as much. You all (and Bob Marley!) helped a lot. Thanks! 🙂


    Aw, drgnlvr, I’m sorry! I can’t imagine just forgetting something like that – I hope yo get the see the artist this summer instead!


      my husband and I had tickets to a Valentine’s banquet at 50.00 a pop and the day of my hubby was under his mom’s house fixing the septic lines, we got home at about 7:00 and fixed supper and crashed while watching a movie about 10:00 we get a call from some friends wanting to know why we didn’t make it to the banquet….UGGGHHhhh!1 we totally forgot. We’ve been so busy since his father passed away in Nov. and thier house is falling apart. He’s been there almost every weekend working on it and Feb. just blew by.
      I feel your pain!

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