I just won an older large wizard

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    The blue one, not peacock, and I notice he has 2 globes, yet none of the others I have seen have 2. Is he supposed to have 2 or was one added on after?


    Congrats, ruff. Got a link?


      Yes, pics please!


      LOL I’m retarded, I had the link copied already even *shakes head in shame*



      I don’t know much about the wizards, but those globes look unusual. I’m quite sure melody only uses perfectly rounds ones. 😕


        Normally I would say it was added after market (on the staff), but it looks really well done. It also matches the faceted cyrstal the wizard is holding which I belive is factory original. Since it’s an older piece, it could have been manufactured that way. I’ll be anxious to see what Melody has to say about it.


          The photo I have of the current Peacock Large Wizard is holding one faceted crystal ball. I don’t know about the older versions of this guy, but the one on the staff does look like it belongs there. I always thought the staff looked like it needed a crystal ball on it.


            well….I looked at it….and it looks added on…

            it looks a little lopsided…and with all the beads added in here and there….I think they did it themselves….

            as for the crystals matching…..almost every crystal I’ve seen is faceted the same way for extra sparkle…

            just my two cents….but to me doesn’t look like it’s meant to be there…


            I don’t remember my Emerald one having another crystal on the staff.


              ruffian wrote:

              The blue one, not peacock, and I notice he has 2 globes, yet none of the others I have seen have 2. Is he supposed to have 2 or was one added on after?

              The wizard should only have one faceted globe in his hand. Looks as if somebody stuck another one on there.

              Some stores regularly glued extra crystals and stuff on their pieces during the era when these faceted crystal globes were very popular.

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