"I Just Bought A–" Celebration thread, v.2

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    Your new beauties are, well, beautiful! I especially like the Keeper! The colors remind me of Autumn. The next pieces I went “ooh” and “aah” over are the griffin chicks! Can you say adorable? Oh, and kudos to frozendragon as well. Super-nice paint job!


      purpledragonclaw wrote:

      Your new beauties are, well, beautiful! I especially like the Keeper! The colors remind me of Autumn. The next pieces I went “ooh” and “aah” over are the griffin chicks! Can you say adorable? Oh, and kudos to frozendragon as well. Super-nice paint job!

      *grins* They’re all so fabulous. I can’t wait until construction is done so I can pull them out and admire them some more! And I’m pondering some rearranging of the living room, so I can get a corner cabinet to display all these…I really didn’t expect my collection to grow this fast! 😆


      I have a veritable herd of My Little Pony that are looking to be boxed up for my growing collection. 😛


        WE warned you all that we are inablers!!


          They are all beautiful, Stephanie! Lucky you! 😀


            Yay to all the new goodies. I love my griffin chicks, they’re so cute!!


              Congratulations they are beauties they would make any of us feel better


              I got a gold OW for my birthday yesterday. I love him! He’s one of my favorites now. :3~ It was really hard to get a good picture of him. He didn’t want to focus for some reason. o.o

              Got this little guy last week too~


                Nice, PaperCut! Happy birthday present!


                  Beautiful!  I guess you had a very happy birthday then! 😆


                    VERY NICE!!
                    HAPPY B-DAY BY THE WAY


                    travistie wrote:

                    Beautiful! I guess you had a very happy birthday then! 😆

                    lol aside from being stressed out from not having my computer for a week, it was pretty good. At least I didn’t get horribly sick at the mall like I usually do, and was even okay enough to go to Walmart after. XD!


                      Congrats everyone!!!


                        Alright, one more note and I’ll go hide for a while, I promise! 😉

                        I gave my keeper a stone tonight. It’s a sodalite stone, which supposedly is good for writers. So…he’ll hang onto my writing for a bit, until I can get back to it again. 🙂


                          PaperCut, did you happen to get that gold OW at the Cottonwood mall? My hubby was drooling over him in that store. 🙂

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