"I Just Bought A–" Celebration thread, v.2

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    Great pics of the Poad, PaperCut. Congrats, to mmloda too!


    omg those are some cute little brown babies! :)))

    love the wig on the poad :p

    yay for new babies and windstones! 😛


      Congrats, you two! 😀


        Wow, that brown is amazing! Congrats!


          what a beautiful poad!!! Congrats!!!!!!! 😀 😀 😀


          Look what just came! 😀 I’m so happy today was the first day of spring break that I didn’t have to work, or I wouldn’t have been here to sign for him.
          The first pic is a little blurry, but it shows his colors almost exactly. He’s not rusty at all in person–he reminds me of a Twix bar! I found him a fluffy feather to hold in his mouth, too <3 Think I'll just name him Fluffy…

          He’s so much bigger than I was expecting 😯 Here he is beside my little flappers and the frogs, for a size reference.

          I think I’m in love. Maybe this should be the sculpt I collect in every color 8) 😆


            He is too cute! Congrats!! 😀


              He’s adorable, congrats!


                Congrats on the rere find


                Thanks, all 😀

                I was *so* excited when the doorbell rang this morning. It was the whole “oh, I know this is it! will it be broken? is it here safe?” feeling. But he came in a wad of bubble wrap the size of a melon! 😆 So no worries.


                Wow, he is lovely. did he just eat a bird? 😀


                  My Graphite OW arrived on Monday. I was too sick to open him so my roommate had to help me. The Windstone pics just don’t even begin to cover his coloring. I’ll try and get pics for you all, but it’ll depend on how I’m feeling. I’ve been off work for 3 days. I NEVER miss work. For those of you considering getting the production version, I would strongly recommend it. This is one beautiful Dragon.

                  Looking for Blue Fawn Baby Kirin
                  Sanguine Oriental Test Paints, kinglet
                  Sun Dragon Koi #3


                    setsunawolf wrote:

                    My Graphite OW arrived on Monday. I was too sick to open him so my roommate had to help me. The Windstone pics just don’t even begin to cover his coloring. I’ll try and get pics for you all, but it’ll depend on how I’m feeling. I’ve been off work for 3 days. I NEVER miss work. For those of you considering getting the production version, I would strongly recommend it. This is one beautiful Dragon.

                    Congrats! I hope you feel better soon. *hug*


                    I just got my print today…I love it!
                    Congrats on the Graphite OW!!
                    And that kitteh makes me wanna just pinch his little cheeks!! Those cats were so cute!!! Wish Gramma would have found those…LOL 😆


                    gryphondreamer wrote:

                    did he just eat a bird? 😀

                    Um… maybe! 😆 There’s a little gap in his kitty lips for the stem of a feather to go.

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