"I Just Bought A–" Celebration thread, v.2

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    Dragon Master wrote:

    I actually like the soft pastel look of the picture

    I like it too. Alot better than what they actually look like 🙂


      Here is my newest Poad(tm). This is the Purple Lace Poad(tm) I won off Ebay a few weeks ago. I finally got to take pics of her today. I love her markings. The COA sketch that came with her was posted in the “Show your COA sketch” thread.

      The second pic is just a little unclear.


        Oh, and my green and pink curlies are finally here!!!


        Nice haul! The poad especially is very pretty. Is that one of the newest batch of the pink curls?


        Beautiful Poad! Thanks for posting pictures. 😀


          Kachina wrote:

          Nice haul! The poad especially is very pretty. Is that one of the newest batch of the pink curls?

          The pink curlie did come from the latest batch. The person who painted this one forgot to add the little golden dots to the third set of scales on her neck.


            Oops, are you going to add them yourself?


              Nah, I’ll probably leave it alone.


                Beautiful, trav….I love that poad(tm)!


                  So pretty. The lace Poadsâ„¢ remind me of watercolors!

                  Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
                  My art: featherdust.com


                    Gasp!!! What a gorgeous Poad!!!!!!!! Ah, I want one of the lacy ones soooooooooo bad!!! 😀


                    Congrats on everybody’s new pretties! The Poad is too cute.


                      YOU AINT SEEN NOTHING YET!!!

                      Well now I HAVE to learn how to post pictures!! I did win the Pearl and Gold Poad yesterday at my charity event. No one seemed real interested in any of the Windstones I had there. I ended up buying them all. I had already purchased the Griffon from Traviste, so he is now mine. I made the donation for the bears and Won the Poad(tm) auction so I eneded up with 5 Windstones yesterday.

                      The really GREAT news is that my charity Fund raiser ended up raising a total of $1800 for 2 organizations in the Sacramento area.
                      I’m not home Tuesday night and I’m out of town Thursday thru Monday. I’m not sure if I can teach myself to post pics tonight. I have to used Wednesday night to pack for the weekend. I’m judging a BIG contest in San Francisco this coming weekend. I will be car shopping next Monday and do not think I will have any free time that day.
                      I NEED a Calgon vacation!!!!


                        That’s great!!! Cant wait to see pics!!! 😀


                          Congrats on all your wins! 😀 Guess I don’t need to worry about doing another griffin for you then! 😛 Which is good… cause I really don’t think I want to do another anyway. C’mon more Keepers! 😆

                          We definitely want to see pics of your stuff… especially the Poad(tm). Is the Poad(tm) you won a lacey one, or more along the lines of a tiger variation?

                        Viewing 15 posts - 751 through 765 (of 1,428 total)
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