"I Just Bought A–" Celebration thread, v.2

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    You’re right, it does look like monkey wallpaper. 😆 It’s actually a jungle mural that covers the entire wall, very pretty with all sorts of animals on it.

    I’d like to see some different colored eyes, myself. The darker blue eyes in the silver curl are much prettier (to me anyways) than the pale blue. I think orange or that yellow/orange would look pretty hot with the silvers, too.


    Maebnus3 wrote:

    Khat, those are some great photos. I love the hatching Emperor… so cute.

    Thanks. I had to work fast to avoid the Dragons getting too hot. Didn’t want to melt the paint! 😆


    Greater Basilisk wrote:

    Congrats again on your new treasures, khat. 😀

    Thanks GB I have way too many pictures of these on Myspace. Trying to get all my Windstones posted so the rest of my family can see what the big deal is. 😉


      Beautiful new goodies, everyone! 😀


        Maebnus3 wrote:

        Setsuna, it was $450. So I’m glad it ended when it did! (cuz either I’d be out another 50 bucks or she’d belong to someone else)

        You’re right. My next bid would have been $500. Cause I wouldn’t have been sure where in the $400s you might have stopped. 😆

        Looking for Blue Fawn Baby Kirin
        Sanguine Oriental Test Paints, kinglet
        Sun Dragon Koi #3


          $500.00 for a Poad(tm)! 😯 Even I have limits when it comes to those little buggers. 😆


            travistie wrote:

            $500.00 for a Poad(tm)! 😯 Even I have limits when it comes to those little buggers. 😆

            I only want one special one. Have all the Golden Tiger Poads hit ebay yet?? I actually haven’t liked any of the other Lace Poads, kinda like DM only a few of them appeal to me, so I’m willing to spend a little more for one I like versus the 20 or so others I don’t care for.

            Looking for Blue Fawn Baby Kirin
            Sanguine Oriental Test Paints, kinglet
            Sun Dragon Koi #3


            setsunawolf wrote:

            I only want one special one. Have all the Golden Tiger Poads hit ebay yet?? I actually haven’t liked any of the other Lace Poads, kinda like DM only a few of them appeal to me, so I’m willing to spend a little more for one I like versus the 20 or so others I don’t care for.

            They’ve only sold 4 lace Poads(tm) so far, and none of the latest batch of tigers. So hopefully we’ll all get a chance at one at some point! 😀


              My old green curl just got here and he is gorgeous. I’ll post pictures later


                Adaneth wrote:

                They’ve only sold 4 lace Poads(tm) so far, and none of the latest batch of tigers. So hopefully we’ll all get a chance at one at some point! 😀

                Yeah, I’ll definitely be watching for a golden tiger one. 8) I need to have 1 of each kind Melody does.



                  My Black Sunset Griffin family arrived today. They are GORGEOUS! Melody outdid herself on the color design. 😀

                  Windstone collector in remission. 😉


                    Onyxt wrote:

                    My old green curl just got here and he is gorgeous. I’ll post pictures later

                    GREAT!! I’m glad this worked out BUT remember you have to be in the picture too!!


                      Dragon Master wrote:

                      Onyxt wrote:

                      My old green curl just got here and he is gorgeous. I’ll post pictures later

                      GREAT!! I’m glad this worked out BUT remember you have to be in the picture too!!

                      Dont worry I dont forget my end of bargains or promises just I need to get around to it tomorrow.


                        Onyxt wrote:

                        Dragon Master wrote:

                        Onyxt wrote:

                        My old green curl just got here and he is gorgeous. I’ll post pictures later

                        GREAT!! I’m glad this worked out BUT remember you have to be in the picture too!!

                        Dont worry I dont forget my end of bargains or promises just I need to get around to it tomorrow.

                        just a friendly reminder


                        Congrats on the Sunset Griffins, Tyrrlin. I bet they’re beautiful in person.

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