"I Just Bought A–" Celebration thread, v.2

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    They are so beautiful. Congrats Ski. Beautiful job Nam.


      Congrats Ski. That griffin is realy cool.


      Wow! Nice additions, Ski!

      On the celebratory note, I got my first hoofer! Grand Uni (white, of course)! Put him in the bedroom and husband said, uh, no. SO, I moved him to the mantel above the fireplace and husband hasn’t noticed him yet πŸ˜† Turns out dragons are ok but unicorns are too ‘girly’. Good thing this is the only one I really wanted. πŸ™‚


        Congrats everyone!


        Not a big deal, but I got an empea fledgling today. :3 I’ve been feeling sick all day since I went to get a blood test and had a panic attack (ugh) so my dad went out and got him for me. ^__^

        The purple doesn’t really show up in this picture for some reason, but it’s there. ^^;


        PaperCut wrote:

        Not a big deal, but I got an empea fledgling today. :3 I’ve been feeling sick all day since I went to get a blood test and had a panic attack (ugh) so my dad went out and got him for me. ^__^

        The purple doesn’t really show up in this picture for some reason, but it’s there. ^^;

        Wow your dad is so incredibly sweet! I’m impressed. πŸ™‚

        Eek about the panic attack… those are no fun. πŸ™ I hope the blood test comes back okay!


        Congrats, everybody! Yay for PaperCut – now for a rainbow fledge, huh? πŸ˜†


          LOL @ Bosky! Windstones taking over the house?! πŸ˜†

          Papercut, congrats on your fledge. I hope you are feeling better.


          Yay for dads that make it all better by getting presents of Windstones! The fledgie is very sweet πŸ™‚


            Your husband is too funny Bosky πŸ˜‰

            Sorry about your attack, Papercut:-/ Your Dad is a very sweet man – beautiful fledgie: -)


              Congrats papercut! Hope that you are feelin better!


                Ohh congrats Papercut….he is so cute, I need to get one, I’ve been wanting one for a while now and since my EP curlie arrived yesterday ( I’ll post some pics later tonight), I need to get him a buddy. πŸ˜†



                I have about a million blood tests a year cause my doctors can never figure out why I have so many health issues (don’t ask), but usually they have a really hard time finding my veins and have to stab me like ten times (got lucky with four this time), so that’s why I get panic attacks. If it was easy to get my blood I would’ve been alright. ^^;

                But yeah, my dad’s great. *luffs him* <3


                  Congrats Ski on your lovely pieces πŸ˜€

                  And bosky, that is funny πŸ˜†

                  Ah, and papercut, that is so sweet of your dad πŸ™‚


                    Even though I really shouldn’t have (really), I’m considering it a treat to myself for having such a terrible Halloween.

                    I almost bought a male in Ruby, but the rainbow color was stunning. I really went in there to get a BG Fledge… but I honestly do NOT like that sculpture… so I figured, eh, spend an extra $20 and get a mother πŸ™‚

                    My store has the entire main family (Male, mother, hatchling, fledgling, and lap) in Ruby. I don’t like the Ruby coloration, but I might go back another time and get probably the male. He looked okay in ruby.

                    Of course, my first thought was “Ah geez, where am I going to put her?” 😐 I HAVE NO ROOM FOR ANYTHING ANYMORE (lol). So some Transformers toys got moved, removed and pushed aside to make room for her (she blocks Scorpy from view D: ). This photo does not do the colors justice at all. Her colors are stunning.
                    Got her discounted too :3

                    I finally have a female dragon in my collections lol. I doubted that would ever happen.

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