I got my swap!

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      That is so clever! and cutely done too! I love his little horns, and the sketch! πŸ˜€


      purplecat wrote:

      That is so clever! and cutely done too! I love his little horns, and the sketch! πŸ˜€

      I know! His horns look so good on him! πŸ˜€


      eaglefeather831 wrote:

      Wow! That candy corn dragon is very pretty! Did you ask for specific colors GB, or did you give your swapee free reign?

      Actually, I dunno. I know I asked for some certain colors – a broad variety, I think. But I can’t remember what exactly I mentioned.


        That’s Zym Dragon’s piece.

        Honestly, I’m surprised you already got it! He emailed me to say he was shipping it on the 12th. 😯 What did he do, teleport it to your place?

        Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
        I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


        I guess so! It’s really surprising how fast some things from the States get to me – and how slow my packages take going in the opposite direction.
        Thank you so, so much, Zym. This little dragon is such a cutesy. πŸ˜€


          dragonmedley wrote:

          That’s Zym Dragon’s piece.

          Honestly, I’m surprised you already got it! He emailed me to say he was shipping it on the 12th. 😯 What did he do, teleport it to your place?

          Shipping overseas from the US is super fast right now for some reason or other. A Global Priority package will get to the UK in 4 days.

          All the individual pieces here look really awesome. Maybe I’ll have time to participate in the next one.


            Eee! The Post Office tried to deliver mine today, but I was in class, so I’m going to toddle off to the Main P.O. tomorrow to pick mine up!

            I’m so excited!

            Windstone collector in remission. πŸ˜‰



            This page has a better picture of my swap from Drag0nfeathers…



            though i hate the taste of candy corn he looks very yummy πŸ˜†


              Jasmine wrote:

              I got mine!! And I luzs him!! Thanks so much FamingDragon!! It’s a dragon done in red and black (my favourite colours) with burgandy and purple/blue accents. It’s perfect. I’ll post pics but not today, it’s too cloudy and dark now.

              Yay! I’m glad you like him and that he made it safely. I was worried he wouldn’t be good enough as he’s only my second pyo. Let me know if you want to put up some pics of him for you. BTW there is no burgandy on him but there is some purple and blue interference on him (mostly on the wings).


                oooommmmmmygoooosh!!! i loves the candy corn dragon!!!thats sooo coool!! i wanna paint one now! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€


                Everyone’s work is beautiful!!

                GB – I wish I could take the credit for your candy corn dragon, it’s FANTASTIC!

                mmloda – your work has come a long way, excellent job!


                Mmmmmm Yummy candy corn! πŸ˜€

                Not really…. but he does live up to his name!

                *going to check the PO for my package today again since I still have no mail*

                Just wondering dragonmedly, if the person who painted mine has a tracking number could they tell me (well tell you, and then you tell me, I want who it is to be a surprise) when it gets here? I don’t know how long my PO boxes are going to take to replace! Heck I don’t know why they are replacing them in the first place… they work fine….


                Don’t they give you atleast 3 days to pick it up before they send it back? 😯 I think my PO is atleast that civil. πŸ˜•


                  twindragonsmum wrote:

                  Kujacker wrote:

                  Mine says it was delivered today. I hope my swap likes him!

                  😯 😯 😯 It just arrived and is absolutely perfect!!!!! I’ll have to get pix in the a.m. when the light’s better (and the batteries are done charging πŸ™„ πŸ˜† ) I can’t think of a superlative good enough to describe him!!!! (the boys are arguing over who gets him “when you die” πŸ™„ I said no one, ’cause he’s going with me 😈 ) Thank you sooooo much, Kujacker! I couldn’t ask for more! πŸ˜€
                  πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€
                  twindragonsmum πŸ˜€

                  I’m horrible at taking Windstone pix, but here’s my swap from Kujacker (who, I’m certain, has better pix, so please post ’em if ya do πŸ˜† ) My Carribean Dragon! Still has ‘sand’ in his toes… πŸ˜† Lovely, yummy shades of blue, teal, periwinkle, gold with lots of interference and even some magic paint!

                  I hope my swapee loves their’s as much as I love mine *bites nails and crosses fingers*

                  twindragonsmum πŸ˜€


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