I got my swap!

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    I agree, I think that dragon is the best one Marzena has done to date, he’s really gorgous.

    I am still hoping that Drag0nfeathers will put her picture up, since mine is fuzzy.



      Kyrin wrote:

      I agree, I think that dragon is the best one Marzena has done to date, he’s really gorgous.

      I am still hoping that Drag0nfeathers will put her picture up, since mine is fuzzy.


      Thank you Kyrin… 😉
      The piece you did is FUZZY.. 😯 I WANNA SEE… 8)



        Kyrin wrote:

        I agree, I think that dragon is the best one Marzena has done to date, he’s really gorgeous.

        Yes! I agree. It is your best Marzena! 😀 Congrats!

        Drag0n, the kirin turned out beautifully! What were you so worried about? 😆


          Wow, everyone’s pieces are wonderful! I’m eager for my swapee to get their’s. I hope my swapee likes it.


          Neat kirin, drag0n! Just curious, Kyrin – what colors did you ask for? Because he’s really bright! I think he looks great with the wings.


          Oh my goodness, all of these pieces are so pretty!! The dragons, and..OH THAT KIRIN! Just gorgeous!! I can’t wait to see more pictures. The anticipation is killing me! X)


          Greater Basilisk wrote:

          Neat kirin, drag0n! Just curious, Kyrin – what colors did you ask for? Because he’s really bright! I think he looks great with the wings.

          I asked for a kirin with green eyes and that it be rainbowish…think she deliverd or what?? LOL!



          All of you did a fantastic job painting the PYO’s, they are all BEAUTIFUL!


            sbianchi wrote:

            All of you did a fantastic job painting the PYO’s, they are all BEAUTIFUL!

            I second that!
            I have to get in th next one 😀 I just hope I’ll be able too next time around.


            Kyrin wrote:

            Greater Basilisk wrote:

            Neat kirin, drag0n! Just curious, Kyrin – what colors did you ask for? Because he’s really bright! I think he looks great with the wings.

            I asked for a kirin with green eyes and that it be rainbowish…think she deliverd or what?? LOL!


            Haha! And then some! 😆


            oh wow all are very pretty guys 😀 now to wait for mine,i keep checking but still nothing 🙁 i hate waiting 😆


              I love that kirin. When I get more money, I’m going to have to commission something from drag0nfeathers. Wow! Beautiful!


              I got mine, and I ab-so-lute-ly love it! His name is Candy Corn, and the paint job is very carefully and lovingly executed. He looks so sweet – no pun intended – and cute, and the drawing he came with deserves its own frame.

              Unfortunately, I’m not 100% sure which generous soul agreed to pay the horrendous shipping to get him to me. I’m guessing it’s asinnamon, but I could be wrong. Whoever painted this bijoux, please let me know so I can thank you properly!


                WOW GB he is STUNNING..I LOVE THE COLORS ON HIM… 😀
                Congrats he is absolutly awsome… 😉



                Wow! That candy corn dragon is very pretty! Did you ask for specific colors GB, or did you give your swapee free reign?

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