Congrats! That’s awesome! And I agree – scifi and fantasy need to be accepted as literature. Years ago I took a class on fairy tales and fantasy just because the last book was The Hobbit (although I did learn ALOT about fairy tales – yech! the originals are not for the faint of heart). It was kind of funny – no one else ever had their reading of the fairy tales done on time except me (I’m a dork) and then we got to Thanksgiving break and the TA just said to start The Hobbit. We got back and everyone but him had read the whole book! We had the best discussion without him. I think he stayed up the whole night to finish it.
Look at Mercedes Lackey’s Magic trilogy – Vanyel was the first positivily portrayed gay character I can remember reading about. And scifi often discusses ethical questions WAY before the general population. I can remember reading Anne McCaffrey in the 70’s and she talked about AI, cloning, etc. Not to mention Heinlein, Asimov….