I finally found photos of my tiger dragon!

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    Gasp! I’ve been looking for these for about two or three years now! 🙄 Just stumbled across them the other night. Gah, I need to clean up my harddrive. 😛

    This is one of my “soft sculpture” (stuffed) dragons, I’ve always just called him “Tiger.” I don’t know if the man he eventually went to ever named him. He was so fun to make- he has orange spines on the orange areas of his body along his backbone and tail, and where the black stripes meet his spine, he has black spines. I hand-antiqued the horns and large sail down his back, and applied the stripes, made him some nifty eyes that change in the lighting..

    I love the complex dragons, the unusual ones. They’re so much more fun to make (or paint, in the case of PYO stuff). I want some more dragons to paint.. 🙁 Anyways, thought someone might get a kick out of seeing a non-dragonny dragon. 🙂


      Did you make that? 😮
      Wow I like it! 🙂


      Whaddaya mean, non-dragonny dragon? He’s quite dragonish, and nicely made.


      Blackdesertwind wrote:

      Did you make that? 😮
      Wow I like it! 🙂

      Thanks. They’re not from my pattern (you can find the original pattern online) but yes. I’ve done about four large ones this size now, and three smaller ones of my own pattern. The smaller ones I designed are meant to sit on your shoulder (I’m a fan of Anne McCaffrey’s books), and my gold one looks almost shy. 🙂


      Greater Basilisk wrote:

      Whaddaya mean, non-dragonny dragon? He’s quite dragonish, and nicely made.

      Heh, I meant that he’s not green and scaley, he’s tiger striped and not “traditional”. Thanks. I’m working on a storm-themed black and dark gray one now, and he’s going to have silver metallic thread, and glow in the dark yellow thread embroidered across his wings like lightning. Trying to make him have a forked tail too, but I’m still working to see if I can get that to turn out.

      I have a Nessie pattern (or Chessie, if you’re from Virginia) that I drawn up but haven’t had the time to make it to be sure the pattern works right yet. It should- it’s loosly based off my little dragon pattern I made which works fine. And I’m slowly working on making a barn owl pattern now. I love the little guys!


      Barn owl? I’d love to see that when it’s done.


        Me to – I love barn owls 😀 .


        I’ll try to remember to keep both of you in mind. 🙂

        I’m having a lttle trouble on the head- if I weren’t so picky about how I want it to turn out it might not be so hard, but I seem absolutely incapable of doing some things the easy way. 🙄

        Is it bad that I’ve already got about a hundred bucks worth of fabric so once the pattern is set I can start making examples? 😮


        Soooooo cute 😀

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