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May 8, 2009 at 7:41 am #498198May 8, 2009 at 7:41 am #764277
crap… 🙁
we trapped a stray black tomcat that has been causing trouble around here…
he has attacked our neighbors cat (she is such a sweetie!) and has been attcking our INDOOR cats through the screen windows almost everynight… he has been jumping 5 feet in the air to get at them in the kitchen window! 😮
Soooo we get a cat trap from “Animal control” here in town. We trap him. I feel so bad that he will more than likely be put down because he is a “wild cat”. 🙁
We can’t have him around here because he is causing so much trouble around here… we can’t let him go somewhere else because he could get hit by a car, pisioned or trapped anyways… we can’t let him go in the country because of the birds of prey and the coyotes. I feel like we just killed him… but he can’t stay around here because he starts soooooo much with our cats. Last night our cats were on edge forever after he attacked Mouse in the kitchen window. 🙁
I really wish that he was born in a house and not under one as a stray. 🙁
*sigh* 😥
May 8, 2009 at 12:53 pm #764278Sorry hon. It’s a shame you don’t have a farm you could take him too. That’s what they do with the truly feral ones here. *hugs* If I was closer I’d come get him and do that for you.
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Sun Dragon Koi #3May 8, 2009 at 2:52 pm #764279I’m sorry, Serenity. Sounds like a no-win situation. Why is he so aggressive? Are your cats spayed or neutered? Sorry, I’m not used to dealing with cats.
May 9, 2009 at 12:20 am #764280Oh no that’s terrible, I’m so sorry you have to go through that. I wonder if you could just have him neutered and returned to his territory? That might just be enough to calm him down so he doesn’t go and attack everyone, but if that didn’t calm him down I think you did the fairest thing for the other animals… He could have feline leukemia or something that could infect the cats he’s attacking.
Just this Tuesday I decided to trap my little feral kitten (she’s 9 months, born under my steps last year) and get her spayed. Due to me being pretty stupid I got bitten quite badly on my hands, but I did get her in and she was spayed on Thursday. She has to stay in quarentine for 10 days (required since she bit me even though it was self defence since I had a hold of her hind leg :P) but once her 10 days are up she’s comming back to her ‘home’ where I feed her. I know what you’re feeling, as for a week prior I had my stomach in knots and had trouble sleeping just being SO worried that she would test positive for Feline Leukemia, as the vet said he would recommend euthanizing her if that happened.
May 9, 2009 at 12:32 am #764281Sadly, the only humane option for wild cats is exactly that – euthanasia. And please, be REALLY careful handling him – even in a cage. Feral cats carry a huge variety of diseases that either you, or your pets could catch!
However, I am of the opinion that feral cat kittens caught early enough make the best barn-cats.
I’ve had to do in a number of feral cats myself. It’s never a fun job. :/
May 9, 2009 at 3:15 am #764282I’m so sorry – this is a definite no-win situation. Leaving him to attack the other cats wouldn’t have been fair to them – and if he got Felv or FIV a bite from him could be fatal to the other cats. Some areas do have the TNR program – test for Felv/FIV and if negative neuter and release in order to create a stable population of sterile kitties. If he was positive for either disease I’ve always tried to look at it as saving him from a miserable death. Yes, some FIV positive kitties live for years but others devolope AIDS and suffer before dying. I know it doesn’t help much but it’s the only thing that has made me feel even a (very small) smidge better about a case like this.
May 9, 2009 at 3:27 am #764283Is there a farm somewhere around you that you can turn him loose after he’s neutered?
I seem to remember a program that placed feral cats with barn owners to control the pest problems at the farm. In fact, we’re down to one cat at our barn and would love to have another. You’re not by chance anywhere close to San Jose, are you?May 10, 2009 at 8:50 pm #764284Thanks everyone. I think the best thing happened to him… unfortionately. 🙁 It was a no win situation. And in Amarillo Texas… I don’t think that there are any programs for animals. You have to abopt them first and within the fees is the “getting them fixed” part. I think you take the papers to a vet and that is how you get them fixed… Not 100% sure on that but I know that our City Pound and SPCA sucks here. 🙁
If he was friendly in any shape I would have tried to move him somewhere else but he wasn’t.
He had scars all over his face and a big patch of missing fur on his left front leg just above his paw. He is old enough to “not change his ways” even if he was Fixed. 🙁 I am thinking that he was about 2 years old.
Things are better here though. Our cats are not on edge any more.
May 11, 2009 at 4:29 am #764285there’s the animal rescue shelter out on washington.. but I heard they are full anyway I caught a black stray cat that had been living in our garage about two weeks ago..
he apparently had been owned by someone at some time.. but hadn’t had food for a while and was very scared of people.. and he sat on the porch meowing very loudly for about an hour before I found the old cat carrier, and lured him closer and closer till I grabbed hold of him and shoved him in the carrier.. and I had to take him to the pound too..
they said they had a few people asking about black cats so they’d prolly find him a home.. but Amarillo has so many stray cats here it’s a big problem..
May 11, 2009 at 6:42 am #764286frozendragon wrote:there’s the animal rescue shelter out on washington.. but I heard they are full anyway I caught a black stray cat that had been living in our garage about two weeks ago..
he apparently had been owned by someone at some time.. but hadn’t had food for a while and was very scared of people.. and he sat on the porch meowing very loudly for about an hour before I found the old cat carrier, and lured him closer and closer till I grabbed hold of him and shoved him in the carrier.. and I had to take him to the pound too..
they said they had a few people asking about black cats so they’d prolly find him a home.. but Amarillo has so many stray cats here it’s a big problem..
This black kitty was too wild and mean to be homed… I don’t think that he was ever homed. 🙁
Yeah, the shelter out on Washington is the SPCA here… and yes, they are always full. And RUDE! 👿
And yes, we have LOTS of stray cats around here… its sad. 🙁
May 11, 2009 at 6:54 am #764287dark_zorse wrote:Sadly, the only humane option for wild cats is exactly that – euthanasia. And please, be REALLY careful handling him – even in a cage. Feral cats carry a huge variety of diseases that either you, or your pets could catch!
However, I am of the opinion that feral cat kittens caught early enough make the best barn-cats.
I’ve had to do in a number of feral cats myself. It’s never a fun job. :/
We had to keep him over night so we moved him to the back yard so that a passing other stray cat or dog couldn’t mess with him. I still feel bad but he was sooooo mean. He attacked the neighbors cat “Fancy Pants”; she is such a sweet cat,… she was sleeping on one of our chairs on the pourch and he attcked her out of nowhere at 5:45am! He bit her on the butt… it swelled and such… it is getting better now and she is okay. Thats been about 4 weeks ago. 🙁 Then he was trying to attack our INDOOR cats, making lots of problems for our kitties.
BUT either way it just sucks. It is MAJOR proof that people need to get their animals FIXED and TAKE CARE OF THEM!
May 11, 2009 at 7:00 am #764288purpledragonclaw wrote:I’m sorry, Serenity. Sounds like a no-win situation. Why is he so aggressive? Are your cats spayed or neutered? Sorry, I’m not used to dealing with cats.
He is so aggressive because he probably had to fight for every piece of food he got. Its sad. 🙁
May 11, 2009 at 2:04 pm #764289I was going to guess that the reason you have such a stray cat problem is because people don’t fix their cats. Sigh.
May 11, 2009 at 6:08 pm #764290I’m sorry you had to go through that. It was a no win situation, though. 🙁
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