I failed my first Exam.

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  • This topic has 33 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 18 years ago by Bob.
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      I have never failed a test before. I am sooo down right now that I am not even going back to work. Im gonna sit inside and lick my wounds. I am very dissapoited in myself. Nothing I studied was on the test (my mid-term,) and right after I finished it, I found a study guide under the “instructor notes.” I totally feel like a loser. 🙁 History sucks.



          That’s too bad! You’ll do fine next time. When’s your next Windstone coming in? Just in time to cheer you up, I hope!

          Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
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            dragonmedley wrote:

            That’s too bad! You’ll do fine next time. When’s your next Windstone coming in? Just in time to cheer you up, I hope!

            I am not even gonna go check mail today. Hopefully I will get over this quickly. I just dont like failing. I have always done well in school. Oh well… I will probably have a package waiting for me tomorrow. I DID get an adorable ACEO in the regular mail today, but that was before the test! 😆


            Aah, Ski! I’m very sorry you failed, and like Medley said, you’ll do fine next time, but this is not something I wanted to read about four days before my oral finals!
            Cheer up anyway. You do have Windstones on the way, right?


              that sucks….

              if I had money I’d send you more cookies… 😕


                I’m sorry, Ski. That’s rough. Wish I could make it better for you.


                I’d offer chocolate, but you have access to the same excellent stuff as I do. At least you can enjoy a free afternoon.


                  Thanks all. I will get over it. I will do better on the final. (I cant do much worse!! 😯 ) 😆


                  I know what it is like to fail at tests. It does really suck. You should write a poem and that will make you feel better.


                  Excellent idea! A poem!


                  Sorry to hear that…but now that you have the study guide, you should do well on the final.


                    Sorry to hear about the exam. Don’t get down on yourself too much. We’ve all made mistakes on stuff like that. It’s more imporant now of what you do to prepare for the final. Keep your chin up!


                      You guys always make me feel better. 🙂 Thank you.


                      That’s a bummer. I remember failing my first test in my gruelling first-year Physics midterm (made all the worse because it was essentially a repeat of my highschool senior year Physics, which I got high marks in). I normally always got high grades in school too, so I was devestated and demoralised for a good long while.

                      Thing is, I had the highest mark by a wide margin out of over 300 students on that test: a painful 48% (almost a bloody pass!). Every other person also had a failing grade in BOTH classes that year, some as low as 13%. Kinda said something about the course, the test, and the professors if the highest mark wasn’t even a passing grade. And yet our prof practically yelled at us because it was ‘all our fault.’ Then again, he was the ‘Angry Boring Man’ (as we liked to call him) who also made us feel like it was our fault someone had decided that there should be 360 degrees in a circle. 🙄

                      So try not to feel too bad. Maybe the course material and expectations just weren’t communicated very well. When you normally do well in classes, and a test suddenly pops up that seems to have nothing of what you prepared for, perhaps something else is at work here.

                      EDIT: Just thought I’d add… I don’t think I ever failed anything again in University (though I did poorer in some subjects than others more often than in highschool) so don’t feel it means you’ll be doing poorly again because of one test. Might be a one-off!

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