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- This topic has 124 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 16 years, 11 months ago by Patricia.
January 15, 2008 at 1:02 am #650088dragonmedley wrote:
You can really see the effort they’re making to move these 5 inches! My cat had kittens regularly when I grew up, and it’s the same expression of umphf… drag… umphf… drag… umphf… drag… aaaaaah… I made it. Ok, let’s rest now.
15 minutes later: umphf… drag… umphf… drag… umphf… drag… I made it. Ok, let’s rest now.
20 minutes later: Ok, now let’s go back to where I started OR a pityful meow stating the fact that the kitten is now completely lost.
That is SO dogone right about them! Hysterical how you nailed it cause we watched several of these “trips” on the couch and table. Funny as all get out!Yes, Elsie is definitely a little heffer. So, it’s more than just her face that looks like a cow… she taps out at heffer weight! HA!
Oh, I forgot to mention, that my fave, Elsie, once again was first to do something. Yesterday when I was holding her, I would whisper in her ear and stroke her back, and she waggled her little tail… a TRUE wag! Today Im told that she wags her tail appropriately and not just cause, “oh! I found my tail.” She is showing emotion! Yay!
January 15, 2008 at 3:38 am #650089was anyone else reminded of this? Those pups are too cute!
January 15, 2008 at 3:40 am #650090😆 😆 😆 Cute!
January 15, 2008 at 5:52 am #650091😆 😆
January 15, 2008 at 8:02 pm #650092So cute…aaaawwwww
January 18, 2008 at 1:45 am #650093Argh! I think they are going to wind up selling my favorite, the fat one, Elsie 🙁 I was just told by my mom tonight that they want to sell her off first. Last I heard, they wanted to keep her. But everyone interested wants the light brown one, Squeaks or perhaps BB, so now my friends are turning it around and may want to keep one of those and not Elsie!
Im bummed, though I will enjoy watching which ever pup they keep, grow up. Im just connected the most with Elsie, and then with BB cause she is such a loner it’s almost pathetic. Everyone loves Squeaks and I do too, but since she is so popular, I favor the others.
A neighbor here just lost her male Shih-Tzu, Jake, and she might be interested in buying Elsie. If thats the case, I wouldnt mind at all because then she’d be practically in my backyard and I could see her easily at anytime with no commute! But, if she doesnt take Elsie, then the news stands right now that they want to sell her first.
😥 😥
January 18, 2008 at 2:21 am #650094ADORABLE!
January 22, 2008 at 9:34 am #650095I have to admit from the front Squeeks is my Fav, I’m not particularly fond of the Wide blazes on the face, and her markings are very even, and in consideration of potential breeding(Show?) stock that already solid nose leaves no room for it to not colour up. However the colouring from their backs that I prefer belongs to BB but both of them have much smaller ruffs than Elsie, yet still very well defined. But then again I can’t currently remember if that Spot on the back (Saddle spot?) is desirable or not for Show. But that’s if I liked Shih Tzu’s, I’m more of a fan of bigger dogs, but we can’t adore ’em all!!! Can we? Or do we?
January 22, 2008 at 9:46 am #650096OK, I have so SUPER news! But first let me say I will post recent photos of them about a month old, tomorrow.
They have decided to keep my favorite, Elsie!!! Im so pleased! But what’s also great is that the other 2 pups are going to 2 families (friends of our friends) and they live right near me! So, I will not only be able to watch Elsie grow up completely, but I get to watch the entire litter grow up! Yay! AND, each family wants to pay me to document the puppies’ growth over the next year.
Each new owner is planning a literal puppy shower, which Ive been commissioned to photograph. And, Sharon, Colin, Mom and I are working on creating puppy photo books to be presented to the new owners at the time of the puppy shower and home coming. Each of us has something special to add to the puppy books. My part is obviously the photos, future graphics and presentation of layout. But there are other things to be done such as the fabric design on the outer binder and a bunch of artsy stuff Sharon and mom love to do. Not sure what Colin is up to but he is a master contractor and can make or build everything. Heck, over the next 2 yrs he’s building their dream house on their new 350 wooded acres, from scratch!
Anyway, here are some factual updates about the puppies:
• They are ALL walking now. More steady than ever before, they can each take at least 4-5 steps in a row before flopping.
• They know and understand the concept of wee-wee pads and know that is where to go to urinate, etc. If youre holding them at the time they need to go, they definitely let you know they want “down” and go right to their pads, do their thing and return to you!
• They are in full on teething mode now and are all mouths! They love to suck and clamp down on your fingers like a chew stick. Right now, with only one tooth broken through for each of them, it doesnt hurt so we let them do it. We have the right toys for them when their teeth come in fully and get painful for teething on us.
• They are all in FULL play mode and understand each other! 😀 It’s adorable to watch them roll around and mouth each other! They are starting to understand and enjoy puppyhood!
• All eyes are fully open and getting stronger every day. Elsie in particular is FASCINATED by the flash from my camera and came galloping towards it during a rapid fire (several rapid shots in a row) photo session (youll see her interest in pix posted tomorrow).
• They all know how to bark fully now and when it’s appropriate. Theyve all become socialized to themselves, the larger dog in the house and the 4 cats, as well as a very small group of ppl (it’s not good to have many ppl touch new born pups until theyre weened).
• They know the full use of their tails and wag them when emotionally appropriate! They also hold their tails up in the air now when walking most of the time meaning that the muscles there are strengthening too.
• They give kisses! Each has either kissed me on my nose, knuckles or fingers! So sweet and soft.
• Their eye lashes are completely evident now. And, thei Shih-Tsu coats are coming in fast! Elsie is more curly than the others and remains the largest one by far.
• They know how to sit. Though not on command, they have strengthened enough to sit properly without sliding. They all have full mobility over their heads too. No more head support needed for them (though we still do it out of protection).
• They are certainly reaching their “must be contained” mobile stage. Elsie is wicked fast and the others move around so much too, when they are on the go. Playing with them during the day and waking them from certain naps is essential so that they will sleep through the night and not disturb Sharon and Colin who have basically gotten very little sleep for about a month!
• Finally, Squeaks, the light brown one, hjas an official name as the new owner (our friend who has a condition I cant remember but it causes great pain, depression and massive loss of hair; shes bald and self conscious about it. Cant get through a day without crying so this puppy is LITERALLY saving her life. Her husband knew she needed something to focus on, and the fact that she is such a talker, the most vocal dog is going to her and they bonded very well) came over last night to see all the pups. She chose Squeaks and named her Ginger right away. On her papers it will say “Ginger Noel å Bella”, but of course, will be called Ginger. This puppy is going to be such a therapy dog and quite honestly, will get some sanity back to our friend and probably saved her life. She has a lot of physical and emotional issues for many valid reasons. But Ginger is going to cure all this and did a great starting job last night as that was the first night in months that she didnt cry herself to sleep. She lives 15 minutes from me.
The ppl buying BB live right around the corner and across the street from me, so 5 minute drive! Ironically, Elsie who I wanted my friends to keep- they live the furthest from me at about a 35 minutes drive 😆 However, they are always working in my area so once age appropriate, they can bring Elsie over to my house and I can babysit for the day!
I dont think I can hold in sharing the photos with you and now that theyre ready, I’ll share them now in the next post. Thanks for sharing this joy ride with me! They will officially be ONE MONTH OLD on the 25th. But I called this next photos session, their 4th week photo shoot. Only 5 days off which is close to a week but, schedules dont permit exact timing.
Anyway- enough rambling and let me start loading the pix for you to see! Be right back as they will take time to load! ENJOY!
January 22, 2008 at 10:21 am #650097The girls playin’!
Hand comparison we do each shoot
Kissing sisters with Elsie in the back suggesting to use more tongue!
Ginger (previously known as “Squeaks” but she needs to get use to her official name so I will train myself too and use it as well) really laying into her sister BB by mouthing her and wanting to play
Ginger picking on BB until she gives in and plays!
Booty shot!
Play with me dammit!
Elsie and Ginger on the move!
Ginger and BB trying to convince Elsie to play
Faces that could launch a thousand ships! From left to right it’s Elsie, BB and Ginger/Squeaks. Which has been your favorite thus far based on pix and info? Just curious
Ooooo! Vicious Ginger ready to attack!
BB walking with great head control as she smells the ground
BB fully standing without wobbles
BB entranced by the flash while Ginger goads her into playing
Rapid fire photos of a full table length walk for Elsie! (And the end result in final photo) 😆
BB getting ready to stand
Ginger walkin’! Yes in deed, shes walkin! (singing)
I thought Ginger was trying to walk in this but when I brought it into Photoshop to format it, upon inspection I noted little glistening dew drops coming from under her. She is actually squatting to pee!
And then BB steps in it and by the look on her face, knows it 😆
The 3 Pips- Elsie being the lead singer/pup of course!
Elsie demonstrates her full control of walking
So does BB
Getting tired now
Look how fascinated Elsie is with the camera flash. She made a mad dash for me and did a great little trot until she came off the sheet and hit the no traction wooden table!
Elsie practicing her “guilty but I have puppy dog eyes” pose
Elsie knows how to sit properly!
Though the occasional slide does happen 😀
I want some Tabasco sauce. Sounds so good when you humans eat it! Pwwease?!
I TAKE IT BACK! TOBASCO – VERY- HOT! SOMEONE WIPE MY TONGUE!!! (shes just yawning but the caption was there for the taking)
Thats it for this week! As of the 25th, Happy One Month Anniversary mah puppaies!
January 22, 2008 at 3:15 pm #650098Oh, oh, oh! They are too darling!
twindragonsmum 😀
January 22, 2008 at 3:45 pm #650099PhoenixTears wrote:Ooooo! Vicious Ginger ready to attack!
This pic is too cute! Ginger/Squeaks is my favorite. So cute!
January 22, 2008 at 5:57 pm #650100Emerald, thanks for pulling out a photo you like! Kind of you. And, you are in the majority- most everyone wants and/or likes Ginger Squeaks the most. She was the only puppy born correctly (not breach) and was the first live born (2nd pup). She came out squeaking and desperately trying to find the teat which she did but then didnt know how to kneed her paws to get the milk going. She didnt clamp down enough to suckle and kept slipping. We tried to help her but mama Bella wasnt lactating yet, at least not for the feeble attempt Ginger was doing.
It was when Elsie was born after her and almost walked out of the womb, that she diligently went for a teat and aggressively suckled which started the flow. We then pulled Elsie off of that one and put Ginger in there since we knew it was flowing (and a she gobbled it up like she was starving which she probably was… that was a long trip)! Then Elsie got the other teats flowing and they were ready for BB when she arrived about a half hour later.
So, for the rest of you, based on stories and photos, who do you find to be your favorite? I know it’s hard not knowing them in person but I jabber enough that you should feel like youre here! So far:
Ginger Squeaks = 1
Elsie = 1 (me)
BB = 1 (me too cause she almost didnt make it and I pity her a bit cause she is such a loner)January 22, 2008 at 6:22 pm #650101emerald212 wrote:PhoenixTears wrote:Ooooo! Vicious Ginger ready to attack!
This pic is too cute! Ginger/Squeaks is my favorite. So cute!
I was going to pull this photo, too. It’s adorable! 😆 I have to say Ginger is my favorite, but they are all precious: -)
January 22, 2008 at 6:33 pm #650102SCORING FOR FAVORITE THUS FAR:
Ginger = 3 (my mom favors her so I included it as a vote since I included mine for Elsie)
Elsie = 1
BB = 1 -
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