I delivered puppies! FINAL PUPPY PIX pg. 8

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      They are absolutely darling what kind are they?


      darjeb wrote:

      They are absolutely darling what kind are they?

      They are pure bred Shi-Tzus 😀


        there is my word again!!


        😆 😆 😆


        Shih Tzu


        Thanks Ruffian, I was going to put that too. 😆 They are adorable puppies.


        We are supposed to go back for another photo session either Sunday or Monday- supposed to being the operative phrase. I wont be taking as many pix as last time because now that their eyes are mostly open, I dont want to be flashing at them constantly… but I say that now. I might get carried away and it’s easy.

        Sooo, look for the number in the title to change to #4 and new photos will be in here for you to see them at 3 weeks of age. And remember, after 8 weeks, no more photos since they are already sold. But, I know they are keeping one (hopefully it’s Elsie, my fave looking cow) and I plan to document her as she grows into adulthood for my friends photo album. I’ll be sharing the growth of the puppy they keep with you guys, until she reaches about a year.


        OK, here is PUPdate #4!!! All their eyes and ears are fully open and they respond visually and auditorally (if thats a word). Squeaks, the first live born light brown one was the first to let out a full fledged bark yesterday evening. They are all way more vocal now and constantly chirp though it can get loud. They are also a lot more mobile! Hard to keep them in one place now. They can take a couple of extremely wobbly steps before falling onto their bellies. Each personality is becoming more concrete. Squeaks and BB are nearly the same size and Squeaks is the loudest. BB however, seems more of a loner. She prefers not to sleep with or on her sisters most of the time, and truth be told, even Bella mama doesnt give her as much attention, except when absolutely necessary. Mom and I kinda felt bad for BB so we made a point (as did Sharon cause she noticed that BB seemed more of a loner and actually most like her mom; quiet, placid) of handling and holding BB on our chests for several hours to help her socialize even more. No one picks on her and everything is well in the health dept. But she just likes to be introverted.

        On the other hand, Elsie is HUGE! In one of the photos below youll see a belly comparison of Elsie and BB and see how much more pink skin is on Elsie’s belly/abdomen than BB. She is definitely the alpha of the pups and will be a large Shih-Tzu, which, in turn, might make it easier if Sharon decides to breed her. Looking back, Sharon believed the male she mated Bella with was too big based on the size of the pups at birth. They werent that big at all, but they could have been a bit smaller.

        Their hair is certainly growing in and they can generate their own heat now without need of extra blankets or constant holding or huddling. I was laying on the couch with all 3 of them and because the ceiling fan was on low, I didnt want any breeze on them so I covered them a bit. Watching their breathing (they cant pant yet), they actually got hot! And pushed the covers off of themselves or got on top of the covers 😀

        But I know what you all really want to see if photos, so, without further gilding the little precious lillies, here they are!

        This is a photo comparison of my moms hand on them from birth, then at 2 wks and then at 3wks which is now. You can see how fast theyve grown based on how much bigger they are compared to her hand over this time-

        Elsie & BB (Elsie loves her sister and wants to cuddle)



        Squeaks LOVES to lay like this! :singing: Believe it or not, Im walking on air! Never thought I could feel so free-ee-ee! Flyin’ away on a wing and a prayer, who could it be? Believe it or not it’s just me! (theme from Greatest American Hero)




        Elsie and BB

        L-R: Squeaks, Elsie, BB in order they were born

        BB on the dining room table


        Squeaks, Elsie, BB


        Squeaks and Elsie


        The gals

        Hand comparison photo


        BB with eyes open 😀


        Elsie eyes open

        Squeaks on the move- barely!



        BB & Elsie


        Puppy Intersection!



        Elsie chunkiness!


        Squeaks exhausted from her 5 inch move on wood table 🙂



          They get cuter with every batch of pictures. And they’re growing like weeds! Thanks PT.


          Photos of 3 weeks old con’t here:


          Elsie (her nose is darkening in with spots

          Squeaks nose once all pink, now almost all dark brown


          Tickle their bellies and their back legs curl up!

          Check out the BELLY difference between these 2! Elsie is on left and BB on the right. Wow!

          Belly shots

          Squeaks being modest! 😆

          BB belly- she wouldnt curl her back legs as much as her sisters

          Elsie’s favorite position even on hard wood!


          Elsie the cow…belly!

          Elsie with little tongue sticking out during sleep- awe!

          Squeaks still being modest next to Elsie

          Getting BB sprawled on her back

          Twins, Elsie and BB

          Squeaks still be modest!

          Sunbathin’ beauties

          Modest Squeaks and all out Elsie!

          Squeaks and Elsie

          Check out how big Elsie is in between her sisters!

          So, that was the 3rd week of life photos. More to come next week, hopefully! Hope you enjoyed and thanks again to all who are following I hope the pups arent becoming monotonous.



            Such cute tubby babies! 😀


              Sooo cute! 😀


                You can really see the effort they’re making to move these 5 inches! My cat had kittens regularly when I grew up, and it’s the same expression of umphf… drag… umphf… drag… umphf… drag… aaaaaah… I made it. Ok, let’s rest now.

                15 minutes later: umphf… drag… umphf… drag… umphf… drag… I made it. Ok, let’s rest now.

                20 minutes later: Ok, now let’s go back to where I started OR a pityful meow stating the fact that the kitten is now completely lost.

                Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
                I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


                  Elsie is a little PIGLET


                    They just keep getting cuter and cuter!!! 😀

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