
I am getting nervous

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      I didn’t think I would know when I was in labor either but you will. Mine started around 2am and it felt like I had my period and just got more painful from there. Try and stay home as long as you can (your doctor will let you know when to come to the hospital). Once you get to the hospital and they admit you all you get to eat is ice chips so pig out before you get there lol. I didn’t have Alyssa till almost 7pm so I had to go all day on a bowl of Captin Crunch. Also after you give birth they will tell you to get up and try to pee. I wasn’t able to do it but they let me go a few hours to try on my own before giving me a cath. I think it took me 3 hours before I was able to go.


        Family history said I might not know when I was in Labour, and I didn’t until it moved into back labour 😯 😯 😯 😯 😯 😯 😯 Umm yeah my Mother was Mortified at what I was going through, she’d had 2/3 minor twinges and I was out, she says it didn’t even hurt as bad as most of her normal back pains did(She has/had Scoliosis). but she still knew she was in Labour. I wasn’t going to use anything other than Water and my mind but I did give in and have the Epi, because something was telling me I had to, for my baby, I could still deal with the pain personally but I knew something was wrong and the baby needed it. I still swear that it was during that time Khym had his Stroke and Brain Bleed. I also scared the Epi Dr. and Maternity Dr. & Nurse. I think I should have had an Epi years ago, when not pregnant!!! I could actually move my legs better than I had in Months, and could still feel the pain enough to know when it was kicking out, though they didn’t want to believe me at first, especially since it was wearing off “Too early”. But the end result was my back pain was killed effectively enough I had a more “Natural” delivery, because I never would have been able to distinguish anything during the Back pain. I’d have maybe 3 secs reprieve between contractions that would last just as many minuets. Once fully Dilated it took less than half an hour for Khym to be born.

        Just trust yourself, tell yourself you want it this way, but if this happens then that’s fine too. What’s more important, your Ego/Pride or your child? Oh and the reason I didn’t want an Epi is because I have enough back problems and if something can go wrong, in my family, it usually does. I was also tested GBS +, have a family susceptibility to Meningitis and am allergic to Penicillin.

        And remember above all else LOVE THAT BABY!!!! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ Because you can be pretty well assured it will be here!! Isn’t that right PD & Alyssa?


          purpledoggy wrote:

          I didn’t think I would know when I was in labor either but you will. Mine started around 2am and it felt like I had my period and just got more painful from there. Try and stay home as long as you can (your doctor will let you know when to come to the hospital). Once you get to the hospital and they admit you all you get to eat is ice chips so pig out before you get there lol. I didn’t have Alyssa till almost 7pm so I had to go all day on a bowl of Captin Crunch. Also after you give birth they will tell you to get up and try to pee. I wasn’t able to do it but they let me go a few hours to try on my own before giving me a cath. I think it took me 3 hours before I was able to go.

          Now I am not the only one who has/ had that worry! I will remember to eat and pee. eat and pee…..haha. πŸ™„ I’m weird.


          *hugs* You’ve got only one single day of birthing and labor, but a whole life time to enjoy your child. I’d say the pain is worth it. πŸ˜†


          Make that eat..breathe…pee! Or you’ll pass out! I don’t have my own child yet, but I’ve attended quite a few births. Every woman reacts diffrently, and every baby reacts diffrently. My advice is to trust your body, trust your baby, and if you need help….ASK! There is no request, question or fear that a doctor, RN or midwife hasn’t heard. If you need pain control, don’t be afraid to ask. You’ll be fine! And we love lots of pictures! the more the better! {hugs}


          You’re gonna do great!


            Just know that labor will NOT last forever…

            When I was in pre-register for my first the woman before me was asked about having an epid… she said “YES I am not going to put myself through that kind of pain!” I thought to myself “Then WHY did you get pergnant?”

            Just know that once it is all over you will have a wonderful little person in your arms… looking back at you… its wonderful! πŸ˜€

            If you do the breathing the contracions are not that bad. To me it is worth it NOT to have drug or an epid… All natrual twice for me and I don’t regert anything!!! πŸ˜€

            In most cases in an epid… most women don’t know when to push since they can’t feel anything…

            But in the end it is your chiose! πŸ˜‰ Do what you think feels right!


              eaglefeather831 wrote:

              I am also apprehensive as to whether or not I will know I am in labor when my contractions start. I am one to usually put things aside and dismiss them, so I hope I don’t do that with the labor part!

              I felt like I had gas when I went into labor… The mucus plug was the give-a-way so watch for that. That means you are dialating. It was not bad until they broke my water, then it started hurting. It was worse than I thought it would be, but I took the epidural, so I managed. It was the catheder after that made my hospital stay so horrible. That, and a good dose of post pardum depression. πŸ˜†


                safyre_dream wrote:

                *hugs* You’ve got only one single day of birthing and labor, but a whole life time to enjoy your child. I’d say the pain is worth it. πŸ˜†

                That is true!:D


                  I’m trying not to even think about labor yet. πŸ™

                  Keeper of the Fledgings


                    azurielle wrote:

                    I’m trying not to even think about labor yet. πŸ™

                    It’s funny though, because it didn’t even hit me until this past week-so 35 weeks along.
                    It will probably hit you soon enough!


                      Serenity wrote:

                      In most cases in an epid… most women don’t know when to push since they can’t feel anything…

                      Thats not true at all, I had an epidural and I could feel when to push. An epidural only numbs you it doesn’t take all the feeling away. I could still feel my legs, when people would touch me, and when to push. It does make it a little harder to move your legs but you still have feeling. There is nothing wrong getting an epidural if you want one just like there is nothing wrong with going all natural. In the end its your choice.


                        Serenity wrote:

                        Just know that labor will NOT last forever…

                        When I was in pre-register for my first the woman before me was asked about having an epid… she said “YES I am not going to put myself through that kind of pain!” I thought to myself “Then WHY did you get pergnant?”

                        Just know that once it is all over you will have a wonderful little person in your arms… looking back at you… its wonderful! πŸ˜€

                        If you do the breathing the contracions are not that bad. To me it is worth it NOT to have drug or an epid… All natrual twice for me and I don’t regert anything!!! πŸ˜€

                        In most cases in an epid… most women don’t know when to push since they can’t feel anything…

                        But in the end it is your chiose! πŸ˜‰ Do what you think feels right!

                        OT from baybehness, but where did you get that tattoo flash in your icon, Serenity?


                          purpledoggy wrote:

                          Serenity wrote:

                          In most cases in an epid… most women don’t know when to push since they can’t feel anything…

                          Thats not true at all, I had an epidural and I could feel when to push. An epidural only numbs you it doesn’t take all the feeling away. I could still feel my legs, when people would touch me, and when to push. It does make it a little harder to move your legs but you still have feeling. There is nothing wrong getting an epidural if you want one just like there is nothing wrong with going all natural. In the end its your choice.

                          I read that every women reacts differently to an epi. One woman I know said she had a frozen spine for a whole year after she got an epidural. I just don’t like the idea of risking that.
                          Haha0if I do opt for one, then we’ll see how it goes! 😯


                            eaglefeather831 wrote:

                            purpledoggy wrote:

                            Serenity wrote:

                            In most cases in an epid… most women don’t know when to push since they can’t feel anything…

                            Thats not true at all, I had an epidural and I could feel when to push. An epidural only numbs you it doesn’t take all the feeling away. I could still feel my legs, when people would touch me, and when to push. It does make it a little harder to move your legs but you still have feeling. There is nothing wrong getting an epidural if you want one just like there is nothing wrong with going all natural. In the end its your choice.

                            I read that every women reacts differently to an epi. One woman I know said she had a frozen spine for a whole year after she got an epidural. I just don’t like the idea of risking that.
                            Haha0if I do opt for one, then we’ll see how it goes! 😯I had the epi and couldnt tell when to push. I had to ask the nurse to get out from in front of my monitor so I could see when I was having a contraction. πŸ˜† I am so glad I got it, though. Labor was not fun for me. πŸ˜†

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