
I am getting nervous

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      The closer I get to my due date, the more nervous I get. I am starting to experience all kinds of new sensations, and they aren’t very comfortable. For example, I just learned what pressure feels like, and I don’t like it! I want to give birth naturally, and I don’t want to scare myself into getting an epidural before I know whether or not I will be able to go through with it or not. Does anybody have any advice for me, or comforting words?? I would really like that. 🙂



        well I’m not a mom yet so I have no clue what you are going through. But just remember that after all of this is over you will have a beautiful baby to bring you lots of joy and happiness! *sends hugs and warm wishes*

        My most wanted list: Peacock kitty wizard, carnelian mouse wizard, copper patina frog wizard, autumn leaf poads, pumpkin spice kitties


          You’ll be fine. I waited at home until I couldn’t stand the pain of contractions before going to the hospital. Less than 2 hours later my son was born. I didn’t have time for the epidural I wanted because the nurses didn’t believe I was in labor – the monitor wasn’t reading my contractions because it was too high on my belly. Bear in mind I gave birth at a military hospital at almost 3 A.M. on a Friday.


          Wait it out, and try to do natural if possible. I am glad I did I watched my friend go through 2 c-secs and that looks like it sucks, and I just dont agree with epis, but that is me.


          Hey, pregnancy and birth are scary, no matter how many times you go thru it. It’s ok to be scared. When you first hold that tiny little baby in your arms everything you have gone thru will be totally worth it. Thier skin is so soft you can barely feel it and when they open thier eyes and look at you, your heart will melt.

          As far as epis and all that, do what you need to do for you and your baby. everyone is different and how you react to birth will different then how I reacted. Don;t let anyone pressure you into doing something you are uncomfotable with. If you can’t do it med free, then don;t, if you can, go for it. It’s all up to you and how your body feels.


            Epis are not bad at all! In fact, because I was having twins, the Dr. wouldn’t let me go natural just in case there was trouble. I nearly had a c-section on top of a vag delivery. Ethan was born loud and pink and the first thing he did was pee on me. Sean didn’t like Ethan leaving and his heart rate dropped dangerously. Sean was a “reach & grab” and was born feet first, blue and floppy. Took a little work to get him to holler but everything worked out well. New things (like pregnancy and the end of it) can be scary because you can get all the stories and advice from everyone that has experienced it, but until you go through it yourself, of course you’ll be apprehensive. However, you have good doctors, supportive, loving family and all of us here who have gone through it. You’ll be fine. More things go right and perfectly than go wrong….. and we can hardly wait for pix when the little one gets here! Hang in there! We’re here for you! PM me if you need to….

            twindragonsmum 😀



              Trust your body. You know yourself, you know how you handle pain. Giving birth is all about your muscles super-contracting kind of pain. Even the contractions themselves cannot be described as acute. They build and build, but it is not at all like hurting yourself, like a cut, or breaking something.

              I gave birth totally naturally and very, very quickly. I did at one point ask for drugs, but it was too late and 45 minutes later, she was born.

              It’s very hard to describe this. It’s an intense effort; it’s not passive at all.

              Yes, I’m helping, aren’t I!

              Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
              I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


              Birth is not a bad experience, really it isn’t.

              Labor is a slow build up, with the contractions and discomfort ramping up slowly, and discomfort is where is starts and stays for a good long time, pain sensations don’t really enter into it until baby’s head engages, and it is more of an intense pressure and your body is screaming “get it out!” at you, and your muscles are doing some amazing work.

              It’s really hard to describe, but basically trust your body, it knows what it needs to do, just try to relax and let it do it. Read up on your labor stages, the more you know about what your body is doing, the less scared you will be. Because at some point during labor your body is going to be running the show and your mind will not, and sometimes when you feel you aren’t the one in control you can get scared, just try to relax through that part. You will get control of your body back once the work is done.

              It’s all so worth it, I can’t even begin to tell you.

              *hugs* Hang in there.



                eaglefeather831 wrote:

                The closer I get to my due date, the more nervous I get. I am starting to experience all kinds of new sensations, and they aren’t very comfortable. For example, I just learned what pressure feels like, and I don’t like it! I want to give birth naturally, and I don’t want to scare myself into getting an epidural before I know whether or not I will be able to go through with it or not. Does anybody have any advice for me, or comforting words?? I would really like that. 🙂

                I have advice… dont let other mothers tell you what to do or make you feel bad by asking for medicinal help if you feel you need it. Birth is different for every mother. Every mother has a different baby. You have to do what you feel you need when it comes down to it. No matter how bad it gets, it will pass and in the end, you will have a lovely child and the pain will all be forgotten. Oh… and PLEASE… if they tell you to pee after the birth… PEE.. otherwise they stick a catheder in you and you have to walk around with it forever. Or at lease a day. Its depressing. And make sure you have an overnight bag packed. And have maxi pads in it cuz the ones at the hospital suck. Hope that helps and I hope you dont get too nervous. 🙂


                  I wish I had some advice for you, but I’ve never given birth, so I don’t know what to say. I think I’d be nervous too. It sounds like other people are giving you some good advice, so that’s good. I always tell people that if they get stressed out, just remember to breathe. Sometimes, taking a few minutes out of the day and focusing on your breathing instead of everything else will calm you down. So, breathe. 😀 And keep us updated.


                    I was going to go the natural route but ended up getting an epidural in the end. I really didn’t think labor was all that painful (I mean yeah it was painful but nothing like what I thought it would be). The only reason I changed my mind about getting an epidural was that I wanted to enjoy childbirth and not have to concentrate on trying to relax from all the pain. I’m glad I did get the epidural because it helped me to relax and save up my energy for pushing. When it comes time to push you get the worst pressure feeling you have ever had. Even with the epidural I could still feel the pressure and it was painful (I can’t imagine what it would have been like without the epidural). Its kind of like the feeling you get when you are constipated but magnify that times a billion. But labor doesn’t last forever and as soon as they lay that baby across your belly you will forget about all the pain.


                      Actually, reading these responses is helping me to feel a little better! 🙂
                      I am glad that you told me what my body will be doing, Kyrin.
                      Haha, and I will definitely pee right after I give birth now!!
                      Everybody’s advice and responses are all wonderful.. I know it’s hard to describe, but so far I can understand it better-how it is intense pressure until the baby’s head starts to come out.
                      I am also apprehensive as to whether or not I will know I am in labor when my contractions start. I am one to usually put things aside and dismiss them, so I hope I don’t do that with the labor part!
                      I can’t wait to have her in my arms, and of course I will probably go picture crazy, so you’ll se plenty of them! You might even have to tell me to stop with the pictures!


                        Don’t worry, dearheart. You’ll know when you’re in labor…. 😀 and it’s exciting and nerve racking and a little nail biting but it’s so, so, so, worth it! It sounds kinda silly to say, but enjoy it all you can! It is an utterly complete miracle; and for the most part, you’re body will know exactly what to do without your head having to be too involved (controling 😆 ) Hang in there, and keep us posted!

                        twindragonsmum 😀



                          Actually, you might be in labor and not know it at first! The contractions can start very slowly; everybody’s different.

                          Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
                          I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.

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