
i am a great ball of hate

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    Today i had to see the Transplant Infectious Disease folks in case i do in fact have Lyme Disease . So i as always play the submissive to them and go along with their plan , better safe than sorry right ??? Im told its just a little doctors office near my TX coordinators office . Well that was a HUGE lie . I get to the office and its full of people , and the words infectious disease had not sunk through yet . I check in with the rudest person who decides that speaking to her friend on the phone is more important than checking in patients .

    We sit ( Laurie and baby came since it was a little office you know) and all is well , i look over at the magazine rack and all it has are books on how to keep healthy from AIDS and TB. WTF , TB was my first scare why the hell would i be in a room with infectious TB patients , im already immouno-difficient now im being exposed to this crap. SO Laurie and the baby go into the hall, i have to wait for my name to be called , then from behind me they all talk about how they caught AIDS from crack and how when the leave they are gonna smoke up. Dont get me wrong i know im not gonna get AIDS from them that was the least of my worries . Then a guy sits next to me and coughs right in my face …right in my GD face !!! Now im worried i may catch some kind of viral pneumonia , im sure it wasnt smokers cough it was wet and congestive . I go up to the desk and ask how long i have to wait , im told 10 minutes so i tell them i will be out in the hallway because i cant be around the coughing . Out in the hallway i throw what you may call a Hissy Fit the only words comming from my lips were MF and things of that nature. i was fit to be tied and if i saw one of those TX docs they would be badly pumbled . My old CF doc showed up outta the blue going to some place in the hospital and i i was mean to her , i did say sorry and hugged her but i have to call and appolagise again for my rudeness but i was about to blow . The ID doc said i shouldnt have even been there , even worse she had no idea whay i was there and said we could have done this appointment over the phone, she gave me her number and said only come in if its really an emergency . Nothing was changed she said everything i am one will cover all the causes of my palsy . When TX calls me they will be welcomed by me and hell it self , i am a very unhappy boy …its time they met my nasty side so they dont try to pull this crap again



    Necron99 wrote:

    Today i had to see the Transplant Infectious Disease folks

    There you are. They were not sending you to the Infectious Disease ward to see if you have an infectious disease; it was to make sure you got one. That way, when they run the tests, they know what to look for. Makes everyone’s job easier. Except yours.

    One wonders how an institution can get quite so imbecilic.


    Wow 😯 I don’t blame you one bit for being so angry. I hope none of you get sick from being sent to that place.



    Talk about stupid.

    Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
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    Can you get a couple of masks to wear?? They really shouldn’t be exposing you to crap like this.


    That takes idiocy to a whole new level. πŸ‘Ώ


      πŸ‘Ώ Who can I help you pummel? πŸ‘Ώ

      twindragonsmum 😈



      Where’s Ski and GB?? We need to go do an IED party it sounds like…. πŸ‘Ώ


      Jeeze Louis Man.

      How stupid is the medical industry (yes, I meant that) getting? Obviously VERY.

      I can really empathize.

      I have no idea how you deal with them, except that obviously you have to. I think in your situation, I might have actually started popping a few heads off by now.

      Just recently, I had a Doctor try and scare me with the threat of removing me for trespassing while I was attempting to obtain the medical records for someone he had just dropped the ball on. Zero refill of a HEAVY seizure medication that the individual would have been experiencing withdrawal symptoms from, on top of possibly going into a grand mal because of the Doctors God Complex.

      What, am I supposed to be ascared? Yeah, I don’t think so. I made SURE they called the police on me and imagine his surprise when he realized that his assistant dialed 911 and it was being recorded, including their request to speak to me and the individual that was there for their records. He’s also been attempting to sabotage (via the faxed records) every attempt for the individual to get another Doctor. Yeah, I’ll be writing that letter to the proper entities. Just what I needed to be doing, not. It’s the principle.

      So yeah, I guess I am more suprised that you didn’t start lambasting them than I am with their behaviors and stupidity for making you go into a situation like that.

      Every day, I thank my LUCKY stars that I haven’t had the need of a Doctor in over 18 years and that was because I knew my immune system had taken a whack and I needed some simple antibiotics. I registered a fever of 103.5, after I begged to be let go for the day.

      Yeah, sure sign my immune system was taxed. And to think, they actually wanted me to stay at work?! I had to make the manager on duty feel my forhead, before he let me go and yes, they wanted a Doctors note for any days off after the appointment. You bet I was able to get one. By the way, it was for a second job where I was SERVING FOOD to the public. 😯

      At least the one now realizes that you should have never been put in that situation. Hopefully, for your sake, it won’t happen again.


      Jasmine wrote:

      Can you get a couple of masks to wear?? They really shouldn’t be exposing you to crap like this.

      i was wearing a mask but not a TB mask . TB is very tiny and able to get through what i was wearing , you have to wear a special HEPPA mask to block that out . Besides all masks have gaps on the side right where that jerk coughed on me.


      Man, why is it that everything has to happen to you medically speaking? You poor guy! *hugs*

      Anyway, I would have chewed the guy coughing on me out throughly. He knew he had something contagious and serious, what the Hell is he doing coughing on people?

      Anyway, I hope that you get well and that nothing ill comes of that little visit. OY!



      Kyrin wrote:

      Man, why is it that everything has to happen to you medically speaking? You poor guy! *hugs*

      Anyway, I would have chewed the guy coughing on me out throughly. He knew he had something contagious and serious, what the Hell is he doing coughing on people?

      Anyway, I hope that you get well and that nothing ill comes of that little visit. OY!


      i did … i told him if he didnt have AIDS i would have beat the crap outta him , i know not nice but he had it commin hacking on me πŸ‘Ώ . Maybe he didnt mean to cough in my direction but i’m highly defensive about being coughed or sneezed at ..its just common courtusy to cover your mouth but i guess you dont have that talking about how your gonna go smoke up crack after your appointment


      Holy crap! No wonder you were PO’d to the Nth degree! Not only to have an appointment in an infectious ward like that, but to be coughed on too. I have a real issue with crackheads since 3/4 of my neighbors were using where I moved from (Not to mention they were producing Meth… πŸ‘Ώ ). I probably would have been cussing like a sailor in that hallway! πŸ‘Ώ
      I have been a CNA for quite awhile, and I wouldn’t go into a room with an orange sign on the door for anything without suiting up. And they give you those silly little “slip em over your face n ears” masks…BS! That doesn’t stop much more than the easy-going cold virus! I also quit one Nursing home since when someone was in isolation, they didn’t put a cart outside the door for isolation supplies…They went right into the room with the patient 😯 . Yeah, so we complained. But the administrator said that it was “tacky” to have the cart outside the door, so the guests could see them. Pffft! Yeah so, I have to walk into a room full of MRSA or RSV (Usually in their lungs or sinuses) germs and gown up? Yeah, what is the point in gowning up? None. You’ve already walked into the germ factory who’s main worker is lying in the bed sick as a dog. πŸ™„ No wonder there are bugs floating around that people can’t figure out what they are. πŸ˜›
      GIve ’em hell Necron!!! In my current mood, I would happily join Cat and Ski for some ass-whoopin’ hand-outs! 😈 (But I might not be able to stop until they are bleeding from every opening on their body. 😯 )

      SO, who has the sand paper and the broom handle? 😈 πŸ˜† πŸ˜†


      Nirvanacat13 wrote:

      Where’s Ski and GB?? We need to go do an IED party it sounds like…. πŸ‘Ώ

      For real! Was that an organizational fail or what! Sorry, Necron – I hope you got away without further difficulty. πŸ˜•

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