
Hue Test!

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    LOL, I just realized the colours I tripped up on are the colour of my dad’s eyes, and my dad and I always end up “arguing” (in quotes because it’s never SERIOUS) over his eye colour. I always say a cable blue, he says green. XD This is making more sense all the time.

    As for monitors, I suspect they play a pretty big role. The difference between the display on a LCD and an oldskool CRT monitors can be insane. I like to think that I have my monitor pretty well calibrated with my NVIDA card so that it does well for a medium-end monitor. Considering that the same colours I tripped up on are the same colours that I argue about with my dad and his eye colour about, I really shouldn’t be surprised. 😳


    Lokie wrote:

    I got a 92. I shouldn’t be surprised as I’m Deuteranomaly, but I did feel like I was doing much better than that while I was taking it 😆

    Just out of curiosity, I wonder how much individual monitors play a role. Maybe someone who has several monitors can take the test on each one and see if there is a change in scores.

    I was wondering that too!

    Also, what is Deuteranomaly?


    I got a 24, I have problems with reds, I can never quite get them…and I have an uber crappy monitor! That was fun though Eagle!


      I got a 23. Not bad considering I’m not at a good angle for my monitor to tell on some shades.

      eaglefeather831 wrote:

      Lokie wrote:

      I got a 92. I shouldn’t be surprised as I’m Deuteranomaly, but I did feel like I was doing much better than that while I was taking it 😆

      Just out of curiosity, I wonder how much individual monitors play a role. Maybe someone who has several monitors can take the test on each one and see if there is a change in scores.
      I was wondering that too!

      Also, what is Deuteranomaly?
      From MedicineNet.Com


      Deuteranomaly: Colorblindness of the red-green type, also known as deuteranopia or Daltonism.

      The term “Daltonism” is derived from the name of the chemist and physicist, John Dalton (1766-1844). Dalton was born in a village in Cumberland, England where his father, Joseph, was a weaver in poor circumstances. He was educated by his father and John Fletcher, teacher in a Quaker school. When Fletcher retired in 1778, Dalton took his place. In 1793 he was appointed teacher of mathematics and natural philosophy at New College in Manchester. In 1803 he put forth the facts embodied in his law of partial pressures: the pressure of a mixture of gases is the sum of the pressures which would be exerted separately by the several constituents if each alone were present. Dalton’s reputation largely rests upon his great Atomic Theory. It was said of Dalton that “into society he rarely went, and his only amusement was a game of bowls on Thursday afternoons.”

      Dalton described his and his brother’s affliction of colorblindness with defective perception of red and green in the first scientific paper he published. It was entitled “Extraordinary facts relating to the vision of colours, with observation” (Mem Literary Philos Soc Manchester 5: 28-45, 1798). It is the first recognized account of red-green colorblindness.


        I got a 4, not great but it’s hard on the eyes after a while.


        I got a 4. Got tripped up in the green blue zone 😆 I wonder if that’s the most common one to confuse?

        Clicky please


        I did it again and got a 34. My roommate got perfect. Darn him and his perfect vision :lol:.


        I got 15 😛


          I got an 88. But I’ve known for some time that my color vision was quite poor, so that didn’t surprise me any.

          Interesting test though. It was nice to be able to quantify the degree of my bad vision. 😀


          I got a 30


            Lokie wrote:

            I got a 92. I shouldn’t be surprised as I’m Deuteranomaly, but I did feel like I was doing much better than that while I was taking it 😆

            Just out of curiosity, I wonder how much individual monitors play a role. Maybe someone who has several monitors can take the test on each one and see if there is a change in scores.

            Same here. On a laptop, depending how you’re looking at the screen, the colors look different… I got 40 😯

            I have to say I rushed through the last one because my eyes were having a hard time at that point.

            Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
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            Adaneth wrote:

            That was fun! I got a ‘4’ 🙂

            Okay, just tried it again at home with my 17″ flatscreen as opposed to my 15″ at work…and I got a 0 this time. 8) 😀 I feel better now!


            I got a 4, the darn blue/greens flummoxed me a little, but obviously not a lot.



            I got 19, it was that blue to green that tripped me up. It was the only line I didn’t like, but, no matter what I just couldn’t get it right. I redid the test. Oh bad idea. I got 33 after. I was bad in all hue ranges…. Oh my aching eyes…..


              eaglefeather831 wrote:

              Also, what is Deuteranomaly?

              To add onto what Pegasi1978 stated, it’s a form of “color blindness” in which I’m “green weak”. “The medium-wavelength pigment is shifted towards the red end of the spectrum resulting in a reduction in sensitivity to the green area of the spectrum.” I have a hard time detecting green, and because there is a shift from green to the red end of the spectrum, it affects how I see the hues of red, orange, yellow, green. So, I can see “colors” (Deuteranomaly being umbrelled under the word “color blind” is a little misleading), certain hues just appear different to me than to someone without Deuteranomaly.

              Deuteranomaly is rare in females but affects about 5% of males.

              Here’s a link to more info:

              What Is Colorblindness and the Different Types?

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