Hubbies 3 month bronc is tomorrow

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      and I’m stressing out already. Even though he is doing find I’m always worried they will find rejection. If they do find any they will admit him and give him some iv meds to take care of it. It would be such bad timing if they find any with the baby due so soon. Hubby told me that he would pull out his iv’s and come to the hospital. I wanted to smack him when he said that. I told him it would be ok I would just come up to his room and have her there, lol. So yeah I’m stressing just alittle but then again I always stress.



          Sending good thoughts out to both of you!


            I’m sure it will be fine. Keep us updated. Sending good wishes your way. 😀


              DO NOT STRESS
              He has been GREAT so far and there is no reason to think any of that has or will change. You need to stay as stress free to make sure nothign happend to the baby. Those things can hurt unbron kids, everytime you start to stress think about what it is possible going to do to your unborn child breath deep and release the stress. I KNOW EVERYTHING will be fine


                Just got back from Hopkins. Thankfully his cf doctor was able to do his bronc since he was the doctor in for the day. I haven’t been able to see him since before hubby’s transplant so it was great to get to talk to him again. They said everything looks good but they have to wait for the biopsy results to come back which won’t be until Monday (maybe). So I get to stress all weekend. While I was in the waiting room I ran into my fathers cousin. It was funny because I had no clue who she was since that side of the family hasn’t been together in years. She saw me cross stitching and started talking to me then it dawned on her who I was. After hubby came out from his bronc we all went downstairs and ate in the Tower Terrace (the only place in the hospital with good food). Hubby is in bed now sleeping off the meds they gave him. I just hope the biopsy comes back good.


                It sounds as if he is doing really well so I would (try) not to stress over the results. I know, easier said then done. But worrying about it now isn’t going to change anything. And it sounds like you had a pleasant surprise running into the cousin.

                Speaking of cross stitching have you ever done patterns by Dragon Dreams? She’s done some great dragons. And I’ve done a couple of the bears for my sister who likes teddy bears. That was actually a few years ago – I haven’t had time to cross stitch in a couple of years. Are you doing patterns for the nursery?


                  Right now I’m working on a baby blanket (I hope I finish it in them but I don’t think I will). I have about 4 different patterns I’m working on right now but it takes me years to finish them since I get sick of one and move on to another before I finish the first one. I haven’t seen any dragon patterns yet. It would be cool if Melody would come up with some lol.


                    Teresa Wentzler has a bunch of dragon designs, nothing specifically baby though. The closest to a baby design to me is the Fantasy Sampler. I will warn you, if you decide to do anything by her, she loves to blend colors!


                      Ok I think I’ve seen her work before. I like very detailed cross stitch patterns which is why it takes me forever to finish them.


                        I like detailed cross-stitch designs as well. I’ve done TW’s Unicorn. It has lots of quarter stitches, but since it’s done on black fabric there is next to no backstitching. I turned it into a pillow. I have the kit for one of her dragons (The Guardian I think, but I haven’t gotten around to stitching it yet. I plan on doing it for my son’s room. Oh and here’s a birth announcement by her.


                          THEY SAID EVERYTHING LOOKS GOOD
                          That Means you are not allowed to STRESS!!!
                          You have a baby and husband that are doing GREAT so enjoy what you have and don’t worry


                            I know I shouldn’t stress but the last 2 years have been nothing but bad news after bad news. Its hard to switch gears.


                              purpledoggy wrote:

                              I know I shouldn’t stress but the last 2 years have been nothing but bad news after bad news. Its hard to switch gears.

                              Remember the Secret I told you about think only good thoughts and that is what the universe will bring you.


                                My mother raised me to always think of the bad that way when it happens you won’t be that upset about it. Screwed up way to think isn’t it.

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